Tuesday, October 29
Teams: Join the Meeting Now
Location: NRC Two White Flint (TWFN) Auditorium |
7:30-8:00 a.m. |
Enter One White Flint visitor entrance and proceed to TWFN Auditorium |
8:00 a.m. |
Welcome and introductions |
8:10 a.m. |
ANS Standards to Support DOE Natural Phenomena Hazards (NPH) Design
Carl Mazzola (Virtual)
Abstract | Presentation |
8:30 a.m. |
The Power Journey – A Cursory Account of the Recent History of Power Spectral Density Functions in Seismic Input Motion Development
Jinsuo Nie (Virtual), Jose Pires
Abstract | Presentation |
8:50 a.m. |
U.S. DOE Office of Nuclear Safety Basis and Facility Design Within the Office of Nuclear Safety (EHSS-30) NPH Program
Patrick Frias
Abstract | Presentation |
9:10 a.m. |
Review of DOE’s Climate Adaption and Resilience Plan
Ricardo Medina
Abstract | Presentation |
9:30 a.m. |
Work Towards a Framework for External Hazard Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies Under Change in Climate
Kaveh Faraji, Jennifer Irish, Mohammad Modarres, Michelle Bensi
Abstract | Presentation |
9:50 a.m. |
10:10 a.m. |
Integrated Multisite SSHAC Level 3 Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment (PVHA) for Facilities at Idaho National Laboratory (INL): Part 1: Planning, Managing, and Completing
Joshua Jacobson, Christopher Long, Suzette Payne
Abstract | Presentation |
10:30 a.m. |
Integrated Multisite SSHAC Level 3 PVHA for Facilities at INL: Part 2: Application of SSHAC Process and Innovations
Kevin Coppersmith (Virtual), Suzette Payne, William Hackett
Abstract | Presentation |
10:50 a.m. |
Modeling in Support of Los Alamos National Laboratory PVHA
Matthew Sweeney, Jolante van Wijk
Abstract | Presentation |
11:10 a.m. |
Advancing Mult-Hazard Risk and Safety Considerations for Aging Nuclear Facilities
Akram Batikh, Somayajulu Dhulipala, Benjamin Spencer, Albert Dahal, Mihai Diaconeasa
Abstract | Presentation |
11:30 a.m. |
Modeling the Spatial Correlation of Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Residuals
Amirreza Mohammadi, Michelle Bensi
Abstract | Presentation |
11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. |
LUNCH (on your own) |
1:00 p.m. |
Comparison of Seismic Design Provisions Using ASCE 43-19 With Conventional Design Based on ASCE 7-22 Seismic Loads
Tom Houston
Abstract | Presentation |
1:20 p.m. |
A Tail-Oriented Multi-Normal Model for Partially Correlated Seismic-Induced Failure Probabilities
Mohamed Talaat, Abhinav Anup
Abstract | Presentation |
1:40 p.m. |
Advancing PRA with SCRAM++: A Unified Platform Integrating Diverse Fault Tree Analysis Algorithms
Nailah Afshan (Virtual), Saran Bodda, Abhinav Gupta, Kevin Han
Abstract | Presentation |
2:00 p.m. |
Advancing PRA with SCRAM++: A Unified Platform Integrating Diverse Fault Tree Analysis Algorithms
Nailah Afshan (Virtual), Saran Bodda, Abhinav Gupta, Kevin Han
Abstract | Presentation |
2:20 p.m. |
A Methodological Approach to Update Seismic Fragility Curve Using Bayesian Inference
Mrinal Mahanta, Saran Bodda, Abhinav Gupta (Virtual)
Abstract | Presentation |
2:40 p.m. |
3:20 p.m. |
Lessons Learned from Out-Of-Plane Shear Evaluations of Existing Buildings
Greg Mertz
Abstract | Presentation |
3:40 p.m. |
Utility of LiDAR-based Lineament Mapping to Support Seismic Hazard Analysis at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul Pope, Brandon Crawford
Abstract | Presentation |
4:00 p.m. |
Revision Strategy for DOE/EH-0545, Seismic Evaluation Procedure for Equipment in U.S. Department of Energy Facilities
Eric MacFarlane, Stephen Reimus, Carlos Coronado (Virtual)
Abstract | Presentation |
4:20 p.m. |
Seismic SSI Effects for Base-Isolated Structures Using Different Isolation System Types under Coherent and Incoherent Waves
Dan Ghiocel
Abstract | Presentation |
4:40 p.m. |
Seismic Base-Isolation for Deeply Embedded ARC-100 SMR Design
Dan Ghiocel, Daniel Lemley, Branko Galunic
Abstract | Presentation |
5:00 p.m. |
Wednesday, October 30
Teams: Join the Meeting Now
Session 2A: Seismic Hazard Analysis
Location: One White Flint N-01G05A |
Teams: Join the Meeting Now
Session 2B: Dynamic Analysis and Soil-Structure Interaction
Location: Two White Flint Auditorium |
7:30 - 8:00 a.m. |
Enter One White Flint visitor entrance and proceed to OWFN-01G05A |
Enter One White Flint visitor entrance and proceed to Two White Flint Auditorium |
8:00 a.m. |
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Seismic Network: Over 50 Years of Monitoring Earthquakes and Other Natural Phenomena for the INL
Blaine Bockholt, John Sandru, Kenneth Hallet, David Applbaum
Abstract | Presentation |
Recent Updates to Code ACI 349, ACI PRC-349.1, and ACI PRC-(349-359)
Madhumita Sircar, Lisa Anderson, Carlos Cantarero-Leal, Saahastaranshu Bhardwaj
Abstract | Presentation |
8:20 a.m. |
Applying a Graded Approach and Adapting Guidance on Site Characterization of External Hazards for Advanced Reactor and Microreactor Applications
Jenise Thompson, Clifford Munson
Abstract | Presentation |
A Graded Approach to Assess Seismically-Induced Building Pounding
Natalie Doulgerakis, Michael Perez, Trent Shreiber, Iman Talebinejad, Julio Garcia
Abstract | Presentation |
8:40 a.m. |
Alternative Data Sources for Improving Seismic Hazard Assessments
Albert Kottke
Abstract | Presentation |
Effects of Concrete Age-Related Degradation Mechanisms on the Response of SSCs in Nuclear Facilities
Ricardo Medina
Abstract | Presentation |
9:00 a.m. |
Seismic Faults inside Principal Underground Laboratory for Subcritical Experimentation at the Nevada National Security Site
Yong Li, Heidi Dacayanan, Rahsean Jackson, Erin McCullough, Austin Powers, Sonia Thangavelu
Abstract | Presentation |
Evaluation of Empirical and Simplified Methods for Estimating Kinematic Soil-Structure Interaction in Nuclear Facilities
Ramin Motamed, Peiman Zogh, Keri Ryan
Abstract | Presentation |
9:20 a.m. |
Geologic Hazards Science Center Earthquake Information Products – An Overview
Mike Hearne, David Wald
Abstract | Presentation |
Comparative Analysis of Material Models in Simulating Reinforced Concrete Beam Bending
Parth Patel (Virtual), Abhinav Gupta, Mark Cesare
Abstract | Presentation |
9:40 a.m. |
10:00 a.m. |
SSHAC Generic Western U.S. Ground Motion Model
Scott Stovall, Thomas Weaver, Clifford Munson
Abstract | Presentation |
A Pathway to Achieve a Seismic Performance Target in a Base-Isolated Nuclear Power Plant
Faizan Ul Haq Mir (Virtual), Ching-Ching Yu, Benjamin Carmichael, Brandon Chisholm, Jason Redd, Mohamed Talaat, Chandrakanth Bolisetti, Andrew Whittaker
Abstract | Presentation |
10:20 a.m. |
Global GS24 Ground Motion Models for the Active Crustal Regions based on a Non-Traditional Modeling Approach
Vladimir Graizer, Scott Stovall
Abstract | Presentation |
Verification of Earthquake Simulation Capabilities for Small Modular Reactor Floating Seismic Isolation Systems
Mamun Miah, Maryam Tabbakhha, David McCallen, Jinsuo Nie, Weijun Wang, Vladimir Grazier, Laurel Bauer
Abstract | Presentation |
10:40 a.m. |
Simulation of Physics-Based 0-10 Hz Synthetic Ground Motion Using High-Performance Computing Supporting Refinements to Regional Ground Motion Models for CEUS
Arben Pitarka, Vladimir Graizer, Ana Aguiar, Artie Rodgers
Abstract | Presentation |
Seismic Response Characteristics of Graphite Fuel-block Assemblies in a HTGR Core: Experiments, Theory, and Finite Element Simulations
Sai Sharath Parsi, Enrique Velez-Lopez, Robb Stewart, Koroush Shirvan, Mettupalayam Sivaselvan, Andrew Whittaker
Abstract | Presentation |
11:00 a.m. |
Numerical Evaluation of Site Response Analysis under Bidirectional Earthquake Motions
Satish Manandhar, Ramin Motamed
Abstract | Presentation |
Base-isolated Reactor Buildings: Is Soil-Structure-Interaction Analysis Needed?
Kaivalya Lal, Andrew Whittaker, Benjamin Kosbab, Shahriar Vahdani, Koroush Shirvan
Abstract | Presentation |
11:20 a.m. |
Application of the DOE EQSIM 3D Fault-to-Structure Earthquake Simulation Framework to Evaluate Ground Motions Obtained from 1D Site Response Analysis
Junfei Huang (Virtual), David McCallen
Abstract | Presentation |
Finite Element and Building Information Modeling Interoperability
Will Ashe, Harleen Sandhu, Saran Bodda, Abhinav Gupta, Kevin Han
Abstract | Presentation |
11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. |
LUNCH (on your own) |
LUNCH (on your own) |
1:00 p.m. |
SSHAC Level 1 Demonstration Project
John Stamatakos, Clifford Munson, Thomas Weaver, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek, Scott Stovall, Ryan Payne, Kristin Ulmer, Miriam Juckett
Abstract | Presentation |
Comparison of Seismic Responses of Deeply Embedded and Surface Supported Structures
Tom Houston
Abstract | Presentation |
1:20 p.m. |
SRS PSHA Update Site Response Sensitivity Studies
Landon Watson (Virtual), Felix Buabeng
Abstract | Presentation |
Evaluating Soil-Structure Interaction Effects in Seismic Risk Assessment for Spent Fuel Storage Systems
Maryam Tabbakhha, Tonmoy Das, Elnaz Seylabi, David McCallen
Abstract | Presentation |
1:40 p.m. |
SRS PSHA Update – Final Surface Spectra and Implementation
Rucker Williams
Abstract | Presentation |
Assessing and Increasing Resilience of Nuclear Energy Soil-Structure Systems for Dynamic/Seismic Loads
Boris Jeremic
Abstract | Presentation |
2:00 p.m. |
Development of Updated Seismic Design Response Spectra for the Pantex Plant
Wei Li, Richard Quittmeyer, Ellen Rathje, Michael Cline, Michael Cline, Jarred Cowart
Abstract | Presentation |
Modeling the Nonlinear Behavior of ASR-Affected Concrete Structures
Gunay Aliyeva (Virtual), Mark Cesare, Abhinav Gupta
Abstract | Presentation |
2:20 p.m. |
A Framework to Reduce Conservatisms in Seismic Hazard through Large-Scale Source-to-Site Earthquake Simulations
Saran Bodda (Virtual), Merlin Keller, Clement Gauchy, Gloria Senfaute, Chandrakanth Bolisetti, Abhinav Gupta
Abstract | Presentation |
Site-Specific SSSI Analysis for Deeply Embedded SMR Using Flexible Volume Reduced-Order Modeling with Impedance Interpolation (FVROM-INT)
Alidad Hashemi, Tarek Elkhoraibi, Dan Ghiocel, Luben Todorovski
Abstract | Presentation |
2:40 p.m. |
3:00 p.m. |
Assessing the Impact of Nonlinearity and Liquefaction on the Local Seismic Hazard using CPT-calibrated Soil Models
Paulina Janusz (Virtual), Paolo Bergamo, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Francesco Panzera, Daniel Roten, Karina Loviknes, Donat Fรคh
Abstract | Presentation |
Effects of Pile Foundations on Structure-Soil-Structure Interactions
Asa Bassam, Mohammad Salehi, Benjamin Kosbab
Abstract | Presentation |
3:20 p.m. |
Next Generation Liquefaction Project, Part 1: Overview
Kristin Ulmer, Kenneth Hudson, Scott Brandenberg, Paolo Zimmaro, Steve Kramer, John Stamatakos, Jonathan Stewart
Abstract | Presentation |
Use of Damping and Isolation for Seismic Qualification of Equipment for Increased Hazards
John Svet, Natalie Doulgerakis, Grant Wu
Abstract | Presentation |
3:40 p.m. |
Next Generation Liquefaction Project, Part 2: SMT’s Models for Susceptibility, Triggering, and Manifestation
Kenneth Hudson, Kristin Ulmer, Paolo Zimmaro, Scott Brandenberg, Steve Kramer, Jonathan Stewart
Abstract | Presentation |
Ensuring Safe Containment of Special Nuclear Material Through Advanced Computational Modeling
Tim Ashworth, Pawel Woelke, Rob English
Abstract | Presentation |
4:00 p.m. |
A Robust Technique for Developing Ground Motion Accelerogram Suites for Target Conditional Spectra
Mohamed Talaat, Tianye Yang, Reza Filizadeh
Abstract | Presentation |
Diagnostic Digital Twin for Nuclear Piping-Equipment Systems using Deep Learning Approaches
Harleen Sandhu (Virtual), Saran Bodda, Will Ashe, Abhinav Gupta, Kevin Han, Bruce Greer, Hasan Charkas
Abstract | Presentation |
4:20 p.m. |
Characterizing Radiation Damage to Seismic Protective Devices
Ajaykumar Patel, Dean Peterman, Evans Kitcher, Chandrakanth Bolisetti, Andrew Whittaker
Abstract | Presentation |
Design of Electrical Components for Earthquake and Airplane Impact Induced High-Frequency Vibrations Based on Enveloping the In-Cabinet Response Spectra (ICRS)
Abhinav Gupta, Hunter Bowman, Saran Bodda, Sara Khasraghy, Tadeusz Szczesiak
Abstract | Presentation |
4:40 p.m. |