Health Physics Questions and Answers - Question 432

Question 432: Questions 376 and 389 in section 10 CFR 20.2001 concern the use of the "decay in storage" option of 10 CFR 20.2001 (a) (2) at nuclear power plants and at materials facilities. However, it is not clear whether or not these questions and answers also apply to non-power reactor facilities. How can this option be used at non-power reactor facilities?

Answer: As indicated in the statement of considerations for revised Part 20 (56 FR 23380, third column, and 23381, first column), and in the answers to questions 376 and to 389, technically, the "decay in storage" option has always been available to all licensees as an allowed waste disposal option. However, this option does not allow material to be released to an unrestricted area unless it meets the requirements of one of the other allowed forms of waste disposal in 10 CFR Part 20, or the requirements of ยง35.92, "Decay in Storage," of 10 CFR Part 35 (for medical licensees, only), or the specific license conditions given in any NRC or Agreement State license.

(Reference: 10 CFR 20.2001)

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