File a Privacy Complaint

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) takes your privacy seriously and has created a process by which you can formally file a complaint about NRC privacy practices.

Privacy complaints we can help with:

We accept written complaints about:

  • How the NRC collects or uses personal information;
  • How, when, and with whom the NRC shares personal information;
  • The type(s) and/or amount of personal information the NRC collects; and
  • Any other concern(s) you may have about how the NRC handles personal information and/or its impact(s) on personal privacy.

Please keep in mind that this privacy complaints process is not intended to cover requests submitted by or on behalf of an individual under the Privacy Act of 1974 for access to, or amendment or correction of, Privacy Act records about that individual. Filing a privacy complaint does not negate or replace (1) your right to request access, amendment, or correction of Privacy Act records or (2) your right to seek judicial relief under the Privacy Act or other federal laws for violations of individual privacy rights.

Submit a privacy complaint:

To submit a complaint, you may send an email to and include:

  • Your name
  • A summary of your complaint or a written description of the specific circumstances
  • A summary of other steps already taken, if any, by you or the NRC in an attempt to resolve this complaint
  • A preferred method of contact about your complaint – a mailing address, telephone number, email address or fax number

Or you may use the following online form:

Privacy Complaint Form

Evaluation Procedure

  • We will send you an acknowledgement letter within 10 business days of our receipt of your complaint. 
  • If we determine that the complaint does not fall within the scope of this privacy complaint process, we will let you know, and, if appropriate, we will refer the complaint to the correct people within the NRC.
  • If the complaint is within the scope of this privacy complaint process, the Privacy Officer will review the complaint and provide a recommendation to the SAOP on any actions to take in response to the complaint. 
  • Once the SAOP has considered the recommendation and makes a decision, we will inform you of any actions we will be taking in response to the complaint.
  • Our goal is to review and determine a course of action in response to a complaint within 60 business days. For complaints that require more time, we’ll contact you to provide a status update.

If you have questions about this privacy complaint process, please contact us by email at

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 19, 2024

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 19, 2024