Publications Prepared by NRC Staff

Documentation and staff-related information, including recruiting material, or general information about the NRC. Other staff reports may be available in ADAMS.

Document Identifier Title
NUREG-0016 Calculation of Release of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Boiling-Water Reactors: GALE-BWR 3.2 Code
NUREG-0017 Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors: GALE-PWR 3.2 Code
NUREG-0040 Licensee Contractor and Vendor Inspection Status Report – Quarterly Report
NUREG-0050 Recommendations Related to Browns Ferry Fire
NUREG-0061 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Browns Ferry, Units 1 and 2, Following the March 22, 1975 Fire
NUREG-75/014 Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants (WASH-1400)
NUREG-75/038 Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials to and from Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1
NUREG-75/087 Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition
(reissued as NUREG-0800)
NUREG-0090 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences
NUREG-0116 Environmental Survey of the Reprocessing and Waste Management Portion of the LWR Fuel Cycle: A Task Force Report
NUREG-0133 Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants: A Guidance Manual for Users of Standard Technical Specifications
NUREG-0172 Age-Specific Radiation Dose Commitment Factors for a one-year Chronic Year
NUREG-0298 Fire Protection Action Plan: Status Summary Report
NUREG-0302 Remarks Presented (Questions/Answers Discussed) at Public Regional Meetings to Discuss Regulations (10 CFR Part 21) for Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance
NUREG-0313 Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping
NUREG-0383 Directory of Certificates of Compliance for Radioactive Materials Packages
NUREG-0386 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Practice and Procedure Digest: Commission, Appeal Board, and Licensing Board Decisions (July 1972 – September 2010)
NUREG-0396 Planning Basis for the Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency Response Plans in Support of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-0410 NRC Program for the Resolution of Generic Issues Related to Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-0430 Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report — Inventory Difference Data: July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002
NUREG-0456 A Classification System for Radioactive Waste Disposal – What Waste Goes Where?
NUREG-0459 Generic Adversary Characteristics Summary Report
NUREG-0484 Methodology for Combining Dynamic Responses
NUREG-0492 Fault Tree Handbook
NUREG-0498 Final Environmental Statement: Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2
NUREG-0525 Annual Safeguards Summary Event List (SSEL)
NUREG-0543 Methods for Demonstrating LWR Compliance with the EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard (40 CFR Part 190)
NUREG-0544 Collection of Abbreviations
NUREG-0561 Physical Protection of Shipments of Irradiated Reactor Fuel
NUREG-0570 Toxic Vapor Concentrations in the Control Room Following a Postulated Accidental Release
NUREG-0585 TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report
NUREG-0586 Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
NUREG-0588 Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment
NUREG-0609 Asymmetric Blowdown Loads on PWR Primary Systems – Resolution of Generic Task Action Plan A-2
NUREG-0612 Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants: Resolution of Generic Technical Activity A-36
NUREG-0650 Preparing NUREG-Series Publications, Revision 2
NUREG-0654 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (FEMA-REP-1)
NUREG-0693 Analysis of Ultimate Heat Sink Cooling Ponds
NUREG-0696 Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities
NUREG-0700 Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines
NUREG-0711 Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model
NUREG-0713 Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and Other Facilities
NUREG-0725 Public Information Circular for Shipments of Irradiated Reactor Fuel
NUREG-0733 Analysis of Ultimate-Heat-Sink Spray Ponds
NUREG-0737 Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
NUREG-0750 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances, Hardbound Editions
NUREG-0782 Draft Environmental Impact Statement on 10 CFR Part 61 Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste
NUREG-0783 Suppression Pool Temperature Limits for BWR Containments
NUREG-0800 Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition
NUREG-0814 Methodology for Evaluation of Emergency Response Facilities
NUREG-0847 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-0902 Site Suitability, Selection and Characterization: Branch Technical Position — Low-Level Radioactive Waste
NUREG-0910 NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule
NUREG-0917 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Computer Programs for Use with Meteorological Data
NUREG-0933 Resolution of Generic Safety Issues (Formerly entitled "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues")
NUREG-0936 NRC Regulatory Agenda: Semiannual Report
NUREG-0940 Enforcement Actions: Significant Actions Resolved Individual Actions Semiannual Progress Report: July–December 1999
NUREG-0945 Final Environmental Impact Statement on 10 CFR Part 61 Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste
NUREG-0980 Nuclear Regulatory Legislation: 113th Congress
NUREG-1021 Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors
NUREG-1022 Event Reporting Guidelines: 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73
NUREG-1055 Improving Quality and the Assurance of Quality in the Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants: A Report to Congress
NUREG-1061 Report of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee
NUREG-1065 Acceptable Standard Format and Content for the Fundamental Nuclear Material Control (FNMC) Plan Required for Low-Enriched Uranium Facilities
NUREG-1100 Performance Budget/Congressional Budget Justification
NUREG-1122 Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Pressurized Water Reactors
NUREG-1123 Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Boiling Water Reactors
NUREG-1125 A Compilation of Reports of The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
NUREG-1148 Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Research Program
NUREG-1150 Severe Accident Risks: An Assessment for Five U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1164 Information on the Confinement Capability of the Facility Disposal Area at West Valley, New York
NUREG-1199 Standard Format and Content of a License Application for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
NUREG-1200 Standard Review Plan for the review of a license application for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
NUREG-1213 Plans and Schedules for Implementation of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Responsibilities under the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Amendments Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-240)
NUREG-1220 Training Review Criteria and Procedures
NUREG-1250 Report on the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station
NUREG-1251 Implications of the Accident at Chernobyl for Safety Regulation of Commercial Nuclear Power Plants in the United States
NUREG-1262 Answers to Questions at Public Meetings Regarding Implementation of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 55 on Operators' Licenses
NUREG-1274 Review Process for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal License Application Under Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act
NUREG-1275 Operating Experience Feedback Reports
NUREG-1280 Standard Format and Content Acceptance Criteria for the Material Control and Accounting (MC&A) Reform Amendment: 10 CFR Part 74, Subpart E
NUREG-1293 Quality Assurance Guidance for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
NUREG-1301 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors
NUREG-1302 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Boiling Water Reactors, Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1
NUREG-1307 Report on Waste Burial Charges: Changes in Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilitiess
NUREG-1322 Acceptance Criteria for the Evaluation of Category I Fuel Cycle Facility Physical Security Plans
NUREG-1335 Individual Plant Examination: Submittal Guidance
NUREG-1339 Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 29: Bolting Degradation or Failure in Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1350 Information Digest
NUREG-1364 Regulatory Analysis for the Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 106: Piping and the Use of Highly Combustible Gases in Vital Areas
NUREG-1367 Functional Capability of Piping Systems
NUREG-1379 NRC Editorial Style Guide
NUREG-1388 Environmental Monitoring of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
NUREG-1394 Emergency Response Data System
NUREG-1407 Procedural and Submittal Guidance for the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities
NUREG-1409 Backfitting Guidelines
NUREG-1412 Foundation for the Adequacy of the Licensing Bases – A Supplement to the Statement of Considerations for the Rule on Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal (10 CFR Part 54)
NUREG-1415 Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress
NUREG-1423 Compilation of Reports Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
NUREG-1430 Standard Technical Specifications — Babcock and Wilcox Plants
NUREG-1431 Standard Technical Specifications — Westinghouse Plants
NUREG-1432 Standard Technical Specifications — Combustion Engineering Plants
NUREG-1433 Standard Technical Specifications — General Electric Plants (BWR/4)
NUREG-1434 Standard Technical Specifications — General Electric BWR/6 Plants
NUREG-1437 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants
NUREG-1449 Shutdown and Low-Power Operation at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants in the United States
NUREG-1456 An Alternative Format for Category I Fuel Cycle Facility Physical Protection Plans
NUREG-1465 Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1472 Regulatory Analysis for the Resolution of Generic Issue 57: Effects of Fire Protection System Actuation on Safety-Related Equipment
NUREG-1475 Applying Statistics
NUREG-1478 Operator Licensing Examiner Standards for Research and Test Reactors
NUREG-1480 Loss of an Iridium-192 Source and Therapy Misadministration at Indiana Regional Cancer Center Indiana, Pennsylvania, on November 16, 1992
NUREG-1482 Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1496 Generic Environmental Impact Statement in Support of Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for License Termination of NRC-Licensed Nuclear Facilities
NUREG-1501 Background as a Residual Radioactivity Criterion for Decommissioning: Appendix A to the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement in Support of Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning of NRC-Licensed Nuclear Facilities
NUREG-1503 Final Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the Certification of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design
NUREG-1505 A Nonparametric Statistical Methodology for the Design and Analysis of Final Status Decommissioning Surveys
NUREG-1507 Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions
NUREG-1511 Reactor Pressure Vessel Status Report
NUREG-1512 Final Safety Evaluation Report: Related to Certification of the AP600 Standard Design
NUREG-1513 Integrated Safety Analysis Guidance Document
NUREG-1516 Management of Radioactive Material Safety Programs at Medical Facilities
NUREG-1520 Standard Review Plan for Fuel Cycle Facilities License Applications
NUREG-1521 Technical Review of Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Methods for Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Analyses
NUREG-1526 Lessons Learned from Early Implementation of The Maintenance Rule at Nine Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1530 Reassessment of NRC's Dollar Per Person-Rem Conversion Factor Policy
NUREG-1536 Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems
NUREG-1537 Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors
NUREG-1538 Preliminary Performance-Based Analyses Relevant to Dose-Based Performance Measures for Proposed Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain
NUREG-1542 NRC's Performance and Accountability Report
NUREG-1547 Methodology for Developing and Implementing Alternative Temperature-Time Curves for Testing the Fire Resistance of Barriers for Nuclear Power Plant Applications
NUREG-1552 Fire Barrier Penetration Seals in Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1555 Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants: Environmental Standard Review Plan (with Supplement 1 for Operating Reactor License Renewal)
NUREG-1556 Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses
NUREG-1563 Branch Technical Position on the Use of Expert Elicitation in the High-Level Radioactive Waste Program
NUREG-1567 Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facilities
NUREG-1569 Standard Review Plan for In Situ Leach Uranium Extraction License Applications
NUREG-1573 A Performance Assessment Methodology for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities: Recommendations of NRC's Performance Assessment Working Group
NUREG-1574 Standard Review Plan on Transfer and Amendment of Antitrust License Conditions and Antitrust Enforcement
NUREG-1575 Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
NUREG-1576 Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual
NUREG-1577 Standard Review Plan on Power Reactor Licensee Financial Qualifications and Decommissioning Funding Assurance
NUREG-1600 General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions
NUREG-1601 Chemical Process Safety at Fuel Cycle Facilities
NUREG-1609 Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Radioactive Material
NUREG-1610 Controlling the Atom: The Beginnings of Nuclear Regulation 1946-1962
NUREG-1611 Aging Management of Nuclear Power Plant Containments for License Renewal
NUREG-1614 Strategic Plan
NUREG-1617 Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel
NUREG-1620 Standard Review Plan for the Review of a Reclamation Plan for Mill Tailings Sites Under Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978
NUREG-1623 Design of Erosion Protection for Long-Term Stabilization
NUREG-1624 Technical Basis and Implementation Guidelines for A Technique for Human Event Analysis (ATHEANA)
NUREG-1628 Staff Responses to Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors
NUREG-1635 Review and Evaluation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Research Program: A Report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NUREG-1640 Radiological Assessments for Clearance of Materials from Nuclear Facilities
NUREG-1648 Lessons Learned From Maintenance Rule Baseline Inspections
NUREG-1649 Reactor Oversight Process
NUREG-1650 United States National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety
NUREG-1668 NRC Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses for a Proposed HLW Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Using TPA 3.1:  Conceptual Models and Data
NUREG-1669 A Risk Analysis of Fixed Nuclear Gauges
NUREG-1700 Standard Review Plan for Evaluating Nuclear Power Reactor License Termination Plans
NUREG-1702 Standard Review Plan for the Review of a License Application for the Tank Waste Remediation System Privatization (TWRS-P) Project
NUREG-1703 Characterization of Radioactive Slags
NUREG-1705 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1707 Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards
NUREG-1709 Selection of Sample Rate and Computer Wordlength in Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
NUREG-1710 History of Water Development: A Literature Review
NUREG-1712 Nuclear Byproduct Material Risk Review
NUREG-1713 Standard Review Plan for Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Nuclear Power Reactors
NUREG-1714 Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction and Operation of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation on the Reservation of the Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians and the Related Transportation Facility in Tooele County, Utah
NUREG-1715 Component Performance Study: 1987-1998
NUREG-1717 Systematic Radiological Assessment of Exemptions for Source and Byproduct Materials
NUREG-1718 Standard Review Plan for the Review of an Application for a Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility
NUREG-1719 Pipe Cracking in U.S. BWRs: A Regulatory History
NUREG-1720 Re-Evaluation of the Indoor Resuspension Factor for the Screening Analysis of the Building Occupancy Scenario for NRC’s License Termination Rule
NUREG-1723 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3
NUREG-1724 Standard Review Plan for the Review of DOE Plans for Achieving Regulatory Compliance at Sites With Contaminated Ground Water Under Title I of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act
NUREG-1725 Human Interaction with Reused Soil: An Information Search
NUREG-1727 NMSS Decommissioning Standard Review Plan
NUREG-1736 Consolidated Guidance: 10 CFR Part 20 - Standards for Protection Against Radiation
NUREG-1737 Software Quality Assurance Procedures for NRC Thermal Hydraulic Codes
NUREG-1738 Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1739 Analysis of Public Comments on the Improved License Renewal Guidance Documents
NUREG-1740 Voltage-Based Alternative Repair Criteria
NUREG-1741 RASCAL 3.0: Description of Models and Methods
NUREG-1742 Perspectives Gained From the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) Program
NUREG-1743 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1
NUREG-1744 Assessment of the TRAC-M Codes Using Flecht-Seaset Reflood and Steam Cooling Data
NUREG-1745 Standard Format and Content for Technical Specifications for 10 CFR Part 72 Cask Certificates of Compliance
NUREG-1746 System-Level Repository Sensitivity Analyses, Using TPA Version 3.2 Code
NUREG-1747 Overview & Summary of NRC Involvement with DOE in Tank Waste Remediation System-Privatization (TWRS-P) Program
NUREG-1748 Environmental Review Guidance for Licensing Actions Associated with NMSS Programs
NUREG-1749 Implications From The Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables (PIRTs) and Suggested Research Activities for High Burnup Fuel
NUREG-1750 Assessment of Soil Amplification of Earthquake Ground Motion Using the "CARES" Code Version 1.2
NUREG-1752 Assessment of Modernization and Integration of BWR Components and Spatial Kinetics in the TRAC-M, Version 3690, Code
NUREG-1753 Risk-Based Performance Indicators: Results of Phase 1 Development
NUREG-1754 A Comparative Analysis of LWR Fuel Designs
NUREG-1755 Some Observations On Risk-Informing Appendices A & B to 10 CFR Part 50
NUREG-1756 Safety Culture: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art
NUREG-1757 Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance
NUREG-1758 Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Cable Tray Fires
NUREG-1759 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, Units 3 and 4
NUREG-1760 Aging Assessment of Safety-Related Fuses Used in Low- & Medium-Voltage Applications in Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1761 Radiological Surveys for Controlling Release of Solid Materials
NUREG-1762 Integrated Issue Resolution Status Report
NUREG-1763 Differing Professional Views or Opinions: 2002 Special Review Panel Report
NUREG-1764 Guidance for the Review of Changes to Human Actions
NUREG-1765 Basis Document for Large Early Release Frequency (LERF) Significance Determination Process (SDP): Inspection Findings that May Affect LERF
NUREG-1766 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2, and Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1767 Environmental Impact Statement on the Construction and Operation of a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina
NUREG-1768 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Package Performance Study Test Protocols
NUREG-1769 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3
NUREG-1771 U.S. Operating Experience With Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes
NUREG-1772 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, and Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1773 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Idaho Spent Fuel Facility at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in Butte County, Idaho
NUREG-1774 A Survey of Crane Operating Experience at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants from 1968 through 2002
NUREG-1775 ISCORS Assessment of Radioactivity in Sewage Sludge: Radiological Survey Results and Analysis
NUREG-1776 Regulatory Effectiveness of the Station Blackout Rule
NUREG-1777 Regulatory Effectiveness Assessment of Option B of Appendix J
NUREG-1778 Knowledge Base for Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown Analysis
NUREG-1779 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of St. Lucie Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1780 Regulatory Effectiveness of the Anticipated Transient Without Scram Rule
NUREG-1781 CFD Analysis of 1/7th Scale Steam Generator Inlet Plenum Mixing During a PWR Severe Accident
NUREG-1782 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1
NUREG-1783 ISCORS Assessment of Radioactivity in Sewage Sludge: Modeling to Assess Radiation Doses
NUREG-1784 Operating Experience Assessment — Effects of Grid Events on Nuclear Power Plant Performance
NUREG-1785 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2
NUREG-1786 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG-1787 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station
NUREG-1788 CFD Analysis of Full-Scale Steam Generator Inlet Plenum Mixing During a PWR Severe Accident
NUREG-1789 10 CFR Part 52 Construction Inspection Program Framework Document
NUREG-1790 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed National Enrichment Facility in Lea County, New Mexico
NUREG-1791 Guidance for Assessing Exemption Requests from the Nuclear Power Plant Licensed Operator Staffing Requirements Specified in 10 CFR 50.54(m)
NUREG-1792 Good Practices for Implementing Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)
NUREG-1793 Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to Certification of the AP1000 Standard Design
NUREG-1794 Loss of Control of Cesium-137 Well Logging Source Resulting in Radiation Exposures to Members of the Public
NUREG-1795 FAVOR Code Versions 2.4 and 3.1 Verification and Validation Summary Report
NUREG-1796 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1800 Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1801 Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report
NUREG-1802 Role and Direction of Nuclear Regulatory Research
NUREG-1803 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1804 Yucca Mountain Review Plan
NUREG-1805 Fire Dynamics Tools (FDTs) Quantitative Fire Hazard Analysis Methods for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fire Protection Inspection Program
NUREG-1806 Technical Basis for Revision of the Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Screening Limit in the PTS Rule (10 CFR 50.61)
NUREG-1807 Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics — Models, Parameters, and Uncertainty Treatment Used in FAVOR Version 04.1
NUREG-1808 Sensitivity Studies of the Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Model Used in FAVOR
NUREG-1811 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the North Anna ESP Site
NUREG-1814 Status of the Decommissioning Program
NUREG-1815 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Exelon ESP Site
NUREG-1816 Independent Verification of the Mitigating Systems Performance Index (MSPI) Results for the Pilot Plants
NUREG-1817 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf ESP Site
NUREG-1821 Final Safety Evaluation Report on the Construction Authorization Request for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina
NUREG-1823 U.S. Plant Experience with Alloy 600 Cracking and Boric Acid Corrosion of Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials
NUREG-1824 Verification and Validation of Selected Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications
NUREG-1825 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1826 APEX-AP1000 Confirmatory Testing To Support AP1000 Design Certification (Non-Proprietary)
NUREG-1827 Safety Evaluation Report for the National Enrichment Facility in Lea County, New Mexico, Louisiana Energy Services
NUREG-1828 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2
NUREG-1829 Estimating Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Frequencies Through the Elicitation Process
NUREG-1830 Office of Investigations Annual Report
NUREG-1831 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1832 Analysis of Public Comments on the Revised License Renewal Guidance Documents
NUREG-1833 Technical Bases for Revision to the License Renewal Guidance Documents
NUREG-1834 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio
NUREG-1835 Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the North Anna ESP Site
NUREG-1836 Standard Review Plan for Releasing Part of a Reactor Facility or Site for Unrestricted Use Before Approval of the License Termination Plan
NUREG-1837 Regulatory Effectiveness Assessment of Generic Issue 43 and Generic Letter 88-14
NUREG-1838 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3
NUREG-1839 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1840 Safety Evaluation of Early Site Permit Application in the Matter of System Energy Resources, Inc., a Subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, for the Grand Gulf Early Site Permit Site
NUREG-1841 U.S. Operating Experience with Thermally Treated Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tubes
NUREG-1842 Evaluation of Human Reliability Analysis Methods Against Good Practices
NUREG-1843 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3
NUREG-1844 Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) ESP Site
NUREG-1850 Frequently Asked Questions on License Renewal of Nuclear Power Reactors
NUREG-1851 Safety Evaluation Report for the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio
NUREG-1852 Demonstrating the Feasibility and Reliability of Operator Manual Actions in Response to Fire
NUREG-1853 History and Framework of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management in the United States: ACNW White Paper
NUREG-1854 NRC Staff Guidance for Activities Related to U.S. Department of Energy Waste Determinations
NUREG-1855 Guidance on the Treatment of Uncertainties Associated with PRAs in Risk-Informed Decision Making
NUREG-1856 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1860 Feasibility Study for a Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulatory Structure for Future Plant Licensing, Volumes 1 and 2
NUREG-1861 Peer Review of GSI-191 Chemical Effects Research Program
NUREG-1862 Development of a Pressure Drop Calculation Method for Debris-Covered Sump Screens in Support of Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG-1863 Review of Responses to NRC Bulletin 2003-02, "Leakage from Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head Penetrations and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity"
NUREG-1864 A Pilot Probabilistic Risk Assessment of a Dry Cask Storage System at a Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG-1865 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
NUREG-1871 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Palisades Nuclear Plant
NUREG-1872 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Site
NUREG-1873 Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of the National Bureau of Standards Reactor
NUREG-1874 Recommended Screening Limits for Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)
NUREG-1875 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Oyster Creek Generating Station
NUREG-1880 ATHEANA User’s Guide
NUREG-1885 Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update - Annual Reports
NUREG-1886 Joint Canada - United States Guide for Approval of Type B(U) and Fissile Material Transportation Packages
NUREG-1887 RASCAL 3.0.5: Description of Models and Methods
NUREG-1888 Environmental Impact Statement for the Reclamation of the Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Site in Gore, Oklahoma
NUREG-1889 RASCAL 3.0.5 Workbook
NUREG-1890 Evaluating Igneous Activity at Yucca Mountain: Technical Basis for Decisionmaking
NUREG-1891 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
NUREG-1900 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1903 Seismic Considerations for the Transition Break Size
NUREG-1905 Safety Evaluation Report Relating to the License Renewal of James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG-1907 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station
NUREG-1908 Information Technology/Information Management Strategic Plan
NUREG-1909 Background, Status, and Issues Related to the Regulation of Advanced Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycle Facilities: ACNW&M White Paper
NUREG-1910 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities
NUREG-1911 NRC Periodic Compliance Monitoring Report for U.S. Department of Energy Non-High-Level Waste Disposal Actions
NUREG-1912 Summary and Analysis of Public Comments Received on Proposed Revisions to 10 CFR Part 26 – Fitness for Duty Programs
NUREG-1913 Design Control in Pursuit of Engineering Excellence: A Quick Reference Guide for NRC Inspectors
NUREG-1914 Dissolution Kinetics of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuels in the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository Environment
NUREG-1915 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Wolf Creek Generating Station


Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1


Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Combined License (COL) for North Anna Power Station Unit 3
NUREG-1918 Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table Evaluation of Chemical Effects Associated with Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG-1919 Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 188: Steam Generator Tube Leaks or Ruptures Concurrent with Containment Bypass from Main Steam Line or Feedwater Line Breaches
NUREG-1920 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1921 EPRI/NRC-RES Fire Human Reliability Analysis Guidelines – Final Report
NUREG-1922 Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Natural Circulation Flows in a Pressurized-Water Reactor Loop under Severe Accident Conditions
NUREG-1923 Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) ESP Site
NUREG-1924 Electric Raceway Fire Barrier Systems in U.S. Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1925 Research Activities
NUREG-1927 Standard Review Plan for Renewal of Specific Licenses and Certificates of Compliance for Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
NUREG-1928 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1: Docket No. 50-289, Exelon Generation Company, LLC
NUREG-1929 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1930 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3
NUREG-1931 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1933 Containing the Atom: Nuclear Regulation in a Changing Environment, 1963-1971
NUREG-1934 Nuclear Power Plant Fire Modeling Analysis Guidelines (NPP FIRE MAG)
NUREG-1935 State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Report
NUREG-1936 Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Combined License (COL) for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3
NUREG-1937 Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses (COLs) for South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Units 3 and 4
NUREG-1938 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment, LLC Facility in Wilmington, North Carolina
NUREG-1939 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3
NUREG-1940 RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods
NUREG-1941 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses (COLs) for Levy Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1943 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses (COLs) for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4
NUREG-1944 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Cooper Nuclear Station
NUREG-1945 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility in Bonneville County, Idaho
NUREG-1946 Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves, and Inservice Examination and Testing of Dynamic Restraints (Snubbers) at Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-1947 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Combined License (COLs) for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 and 4
NUREG-1948 Final Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the Aircraft Impact Amendment to the U.S. Advanced Water Reactor (ABWR) Design Certification
NUREG-1949 Safety Evaluation Report Related to Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
NUREG-1950 Disposition of Public Comments and Technical Bases for Changes in the License Renewal Guidance Documents NUREG-1801 and NUREG-1800
NUREG-1951 Safety Evaluation Report for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility in Bonneville County, Idaho
NUREG-1953 Confirmatory Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis to Support Specific Success Criteria in the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Models—Surry and Peach Bottom
NUREG-1954 Enterprise Content Management: Streamlining How Staff and Stakeholders Work within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Regulatory Environment
NUREG-1955 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Duane Arnold Energy Center
NUREG-1958 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Kewaunee Power Station: Docket No. 50-305, Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.
NUREG-1959 Intrusion Detection Systems and Subsystems: Technical Information for NRC Licensees
NUREG-1960 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2
NUREG-1961 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3
NUREG-1962 Guidance on the Implementation of Integrated Safety Analysis Requirements for 10 CFR Part 40 Facilities Authorized to Possess 2,000 Kilograms or More of Uranium Hexafluoride — Draft Report for Comment
NUREG-1964 Access Control Systems: Technical Information for NRC Licensees
NUREG-1966 Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Certification of the Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor Standard Design
NUREG-2101 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Salem Nuclear Generating Station
NUREG-2102 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Hope Creek Generating Station
NUREG-2103 Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized-Water Reactors
NUREG-2104 Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Advanced Boiling-Water Reactors
NUREG-2105 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined License (COL) for Enrico Fermi Unit 3
NUREG-2107 Technical Evaluation Report on the Content of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain Repository License Application – Postclosure Volume: Repository Safety After Permanent Closure
NUREG-2108 Technical Evaluation Report on the Content of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain Repository License Application – Preclosure Volume: Repository Safety Before Permanent Closure
NUREG-2109 Technical Evaluation Report on the Content of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain Repository License Application – Administrative and Programmatic Volume
NUREG-2110 xLPR Pilot Study Report
NUREG-2111 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses (COLs) for William States Lee III Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2
NUREG-2112 Public Comment Analysis and Adjudication: Supplement 3 to NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, "Guidance for Protective Action Strategies"
NUREG-2113 Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Fluorine Extraction Process and Depleted Uranium Deconversion Plant in Lea County, New Mexico – Final Report
NUREG-2114 Cognitive Basis for Human Reliability Analysis
NUREG-2115 Central and Eastern United States Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities
NUREG-2116 Safety Evaluation Report for the International Isotopes Fluorine Products, Inc. Fluorine Extraction Process and Depleted Uranium Deconversion Plant in Lea County, New Mexico
NUREG-2117 Practical Implementation Guidelines for SSHAC Level 3 and 4 Hazard Studies
NUREG-2118 Occupational Radiation Exposure at Agreement State-Licensed Materials Facilities, 1997-2010
NUREG-2119 Mechanical Behavior of Ballooned and Ruptured Cladding
NUREG-2120 Safety Evaluation Report for the General Electric-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment LLC Laser-Based Uranium Enrichment Plant in Wilmington, North Carolina
NUREG-2121 Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal During the Loss-of-Coolant Accident
NUREG-2122 Glossary of Risk-Related Terms in Support of Risk-Informed Decisionmaking
NUREG-2123 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Columbia Generating Station
NUREG-2124 Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Combined Licenses for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4
NUREG-2125 Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment
NUREG-2126 Standard Review Plan for Conventional Uranium Mill and Heap Leach Facilities
NUREG-2127 The International HRA Empirical Study: Lessons Learned from Comparing HRA Methods Predictions to HAMMLAB Simulator Data
NUREG-2128 Electrical Cable Test Results and Analysis During Fire Exposure (ELECTRA-FIRE), A Consolidation of Three Major Fire-Induced Circuit and Cable Failure Experiments Performed Between 2001 and 2011
NUREG-2150 A Proposed Risk Management Regulatory Framework
NUREG-2151 Early Leak Detection External to Structures at Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-2152 Computational Fluid Dynamics Best Practice Guidelines for Dry Cask Applications
NUREG-2153 Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Combined Licenses for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3
NUREG-2154 Acceptability of Corrective Action Programs for Fuel Cycle Facilities: Draft Report for Comment
NUREG-2155 Implementation Guidance for 10 CFR Part 37, "Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material"
NUREG-2156 The U.S. HRA Empirical Study – Assessment of HRA Method Predictions against Operating Crew Performance on a U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Simulator
NUREG-2157 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
NUREG-2159 Acceptable Standard Format and Content for the Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan Required for Special Nuclear Material of Moderate Strategic Significance  – Final Report
NUREG-2160 Post-Test Examination Results from Integral, High-Burnup, Fueled LOCA Tests at Studsvik Nuclear Laboratory
NUREG-2161 Consequence Study of a Beyond-Design-Basis Earthquake Affecting the Spent Fuel Pool for a U.S. Mark I Boiling Water Reactor
NUREG-2162 Weld Residual Stress Finite Element Analysis Validation: Part 1 – Data Development Effort
NUREG-2163 Technical Basis for Regulatory Guidance on the Alternate Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule
NUREG-2164 Consolidation of the 1985 Sandia National Laboratories/Factory Mutual Main Control Room and Electrical Cabinet Fire Test Data
NUREG-2165 Safety Culture Common Language
NUREG-2166 Physical Security Best Practices for the Protection of Risk-Significant Radioactive Material
NUREG-2168 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the PSEG Site
NUREG-2169 Nuclear Power Plant Fire Ignition Frequency and Non-Suppression Probability Estimation Using the Updated Fire Events Database: United States Fire Event Experience Through 2009
NUREG-2170 A Risk-Informed Approach to Understanding Human Error in Radiation Therapy
NUREG-2171 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-2172 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Callaway Plant, Unit 1
NUREG-2173 Tribal Protocol Manual
NUREG-2174 Impact of Variation in Environmental Conditions on the Thermal Performance of Dry Storage Casks
NUREG-2175 Guidance for Conducting Technical Analyses for 10 CFR Part 61
NUREG-2176 Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses (COLs) for Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 6 and 7
NUREG-2178 Refining And Characterizing Heat Release Rates From Electrical Enclosures During Fire (RACHELLE-FIRE)
NUREG-2179 Environmental Impact Statement for the Combined License (COL) for the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG-2180 Determining the Effectiveness, Limitations, and Operator Response for Very Early Warning Fire Detection Systems in Nuclear Facilities (DELORES-VEWFIRE)
NUREG-2181 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Docket Numbers 50-327 and 50-328 Tennessee Valley Authority
NUREG-2182 Final Safety Evaluation Report for the Combined License for Enrico Fermi 3, Dockett Number 52-033, DTE Electric Company
NUREG-2183 Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit for the SHINE Medical Radioisotope Production Facility
NUREG-2184 Supplement to the U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada
NUREG-2185 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's External Complaint Processing and Investigation Procedures Manual
NUREG-2186 Compliance Review Guide: Procedural Processes for Conducting Pre-award Compliance Reviews and Post-award Compliance Reviews
NUREG-2187 Confirmatory Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis to Support Specific Success Criteria in the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Models—Byron Unit 1
NUREG-2188 U.S. Operating Experience with Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes Through December 2013
NUREG-2189 Safety Evaluation Report Related to SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. Construction Permit Application for a Medical Radioisotope Production Facility
NUREG-2190 Safety Evaluation Report, Related to the License Renewal of Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2
NUREG-2191 Generic Aging Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR) Report
NUREG-2192 Standard Review Plan for Review of Subsequent License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-2193 Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Docket Number 50-346 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
NUREG-2194 Standard Technical Specifications, Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) Plants
NUREG-2195 Consequential SGTR Analysis for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Plants with Thermally Treated Alloy 600 and 690 Steam Generator Tubes
NUREG-2196 BWR ECCS Pump Suction Concerns following a LOCA
NUREG-2198 The General Methodology of an Integrated Human Event Analysis System (IDHEAS-G)
NUREG-2199 An Integrated Human Event Analysis System (IDHEAS) for Nuclear Power Plant Internal Events At-Power Application
NUREG-2201 Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Regulatory Decisionmaking: Some Frequently Asked Questions
NUREG-2202 Safety Evaluation Report – Related to the Early Site Permit Application in the Matter of PSEG Power, LLC and PSEG Nuclear, LLC for the PSEG Early Site Permit Site – Docket No. 52-043 – PSEG Power, LLC and PSEG Nuclear, LLC
NUREG-2203 Glossary of Security Terms for Nuclear Power Reactors
NUREG-2205 Safety Evaluation Report, Related to the License Renewal of LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374, Exelon Generation Company, LLC
NUREG-2206 Technical Basis for the Containment Protection and Release Reduction Rulemaking for Boiling Water Reactors with Mark I and Mark II Containments
NUREG-2208 Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods Using Prototypic Light Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly Thermal-Hydraulic Data
NUREG-2209 Environmental Impact Statement for Construction Permit for the Northwest Medical Isotopes Radioisotope Production Facility
NUREG-2210 Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the License Renewal of Fermi 2, Docket Number 50-341, DTE Electric Company
NUREG-2211 Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the License Renewal of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Docket Number 50-416, Entergy Operations, Inc.
NUREG-2212 Standard Review Plan for Applications for 10 CFR Part 70 Licenses for Possession and Use of Special Nuclear Materials of Critical Mass but Not Subject to the Requirements in 10 CFR Part 70, Subpart H – Draft Report for Comment
NUREG-2213 Updated Implementation Guidelines for SSHAC Hazard Studies
NUREG-2214 Managing Aging Processes In Storage (MAPS) Report
NUREG-2215 Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems and Facilities
NUREG-2216 Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Fuel and Radioactive Material
NUREG-2218 An International Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) Expert Elicitation Exercise for High Energy Arcing Faults (HEAFs)
NUREG-2220 Agency Financial Report
NUREG-2221 Technical Bases for Changes in the Subsequent License Renewal Guidance Documents NUREG–2191 and NUREG–2192
NUREG-2222 Disposition of Public Comments on the Draft Subsequent License Renewal Guidance Documents NUREG–2191 and NUREG–2192
NUREG-2223 Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the License Renewal of South Texas Project Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499, South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company
NUREG-2224 Dry Storage and Transportation of High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel
NUREG-2225 Basis for the Treatment of Potential Common-Cause Failure in the Significance Determination Process
NUREG-2226 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Clinch River Nuclear Site
NUREG-2228 Weld Residual Stress Finite Element Analysis Validation: Part II—Proposed Validation Procedure
NUREG-2229 Safety Evaluation Report: Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC Construction Permit Application for a Radioisotope Production Facility
NUREG-2230 Methodology for Modeling Fire Growth and Suppression Response for Electrical Cabinet Fires in Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-2232 Heat Release Rate and Fire Characteristics of Fuels Representative of Typical Transient Fire Events in Nuclear Power Plants
NUREG-2233 Methodology for Modeling Transient Fires in Nuclear Power Plant Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment
NUREG-2236 Confirmatory Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis To Support Specific Success Criteria in the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Models–Duane Arnold
NUREG-2237 Environmental Impact Statement for the Holtec International's License Application for a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel in Lea County, New Mexico – Final Report
NUREG-2238 Validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Method Using Vertical Dry Cask Simulator Data
NUREG-2239 Environmental Impact Statement for Interim Storage Partners LLC's License Application for a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel in Andrews County, Texas – Final Report
NUREG-2240 Flood Penetration Seal Testing Protocol Research
NUREG-2242 Replacement Energy Cost Estimates for Nuclear Power Plants: 2020-2030 – Final Report
NUREG-2243 Environmental Impact Statement for the Disposal of Mine Waste at the United Nuclear Corporation Mill Site in McKinley County, New Mexico – Final Report
NUREG-2244 HABIT 2.2 Description of Models and Methods
NUREG-2245 Technical Review of the 2017 Edition of ASME Code, Section III, Division 5, "High Temperature Reactors"
NUREG-2246 Fuel Qualification for Advanced Reactors
NUREG-2247 Extremely Low Probability of Rupture Version 2 Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Code
NUREG-2248 Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility in Richland County, South Carolina
NUREG-2250 Annual Evaluation Plan
NUREG-2251 Capacity Assessment: For Statistics, Research, Evaluation, and Other Analysis
NUREG-2252 Evidence Building Plan
NUREG-2254 Summary of the Uncertainty Analyses for the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses Project
NUREG-2256 Integrated Human Event Analysis System for Event and Condition Assessment (IDHEAS-ECA)
NUREG-2261 Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2023-2027
NUREG-2262 High Energy Arcing Fault Frequency and Consequence Modeling – Final Report 
NUREG-2263 Environmental Impact Statement for the Construction Permit for the Kairos Hermes Test Reactor – Final Report 
NUREG-2264 Weapons Safety Assessment 
NUREG-2266 Environmental Evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Higher Burnup Levels – Final Report
NUREG-2267 NRCDose3 Code, Version 1.1.4: User Guide and Technical Manual 

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, August 16, 2024