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Resolution of Generic Safety Issues: Item B-39: Transmission Lines ( NUREG-0933, Main Report with Supplements 1–35 )


This NUREG-04713 task involves two activities:

(1) The United States Department of Interior (DOI) is preparing a handbook which will set forth practices for siting and managing transmission line corridors for the betterment of wildlife. This project will be national in scope and will involve coordination with both Federal and private agencies and organizations. NRC has been requested to participate in an interagency committee to oversee the preparation of this manual. This manual will probably form the basis for many comments on future NRC draft environmental statements which discuss impacts of electrical transmission lines as part of our NEPA responsibilities. It will contain sufficient technical detail to allow formation and implementation of specific management plans for every geographic area in the United States. It will most certainly affect the route selection and management practices for transmission system rights-of-way throughout the nation. This manual will not be repetitious of any existing Federal guidelines for routing or managing rights-of-way. It will, therefore, provide a variety of specific routing and managing actions not presently available to NRC environmental reviewers.

(2) In an effort to work together with other Federal agencies to streamline NEPA reviews, NRC has been working with the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) to develop a single environmental review process involving all transmission systems of joint concern. This process will result in reduction of redundant environmental impact reviews.


This Environmental issue is addressed in environmental impact statements on a case-by-case basis.412 Thus, this item has been dropped from further consideration.


0003.NUREG-0471, "Generic Task Problem Descriptions (Categories B, C, and D)," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1978.
0412.Memorandum for T. Speis from J. Funches, "Prioritization of Generic Issues—Environmental and Licensing Improvements," February 24, 1983. [8303090540]