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FOIA/PA-2010-0209 - Resp 1 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML101390133
Date Released: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Package Contents
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- ML101390124 - FOIA/PA-2010-0209 - Resp 1 - Partial. (51 page(s), 5/14/2010)
- ML062020079 - Backgrounder: Tritium, Radiation Protection Limits, and Drinking Water Standards. (9 page(s), 7/31/2006)
- ML080320036 - Figure 1.3, "Exploration Location and Data Summary Plan." Sheet 1 of 2. (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320037 - Figure 1.3, "Exploration Location and Data Summary Plan." Sheet 2 of 2. (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320038 - Figure 6.3, "Site Unconsolidated Geologic Map." (1 page(s), 1/5/2008)
- ML080320039 - Figure 6.4, "Site Geological Map." (1 page(s), 1/5/2008)
- ML080320040 - Figure 6.7, "Polar Projections." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320041 - Figure 6.9, "Fracture Profile Projections." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320043 - Figure 6.15, "Ambient and Pumping Groundwater Contours with Tidal Response and Temperature." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320044 - Figure 6.16, "Stiff Diagrams of MW-38, MW-48, Hudson River, and Discharge Canal." (1 page(s), 12/12/2007)
- ML080320046 - Figure 6.17, "Shallow Groundwater Contours." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320047 - Figure 6.18, "Units 1 and 2 - Hydrologic Cross Sections A-A' and B-B'." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320048 - Figure 6.19, "Shallow Groundwater Contour Map with Streamtubes." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320049 - Figure 6.20, "Deep Groundwater Contour Map With Streamtubes." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320050 - Figure 7.2, "Bounding Tracer (Fluorescein) Concentration Isopleths in Groundwater." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320051 - Figure 7.3, "Current Tracer (Fluorescein) Concentration Isopleths in Groundwater." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320052 - Figure 8.1, "Bounding Unit 2 Activity Isopleths." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320053 - Figure 8.2, "Bounding Unit 1 Activity Isopleths." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320054 - Figure 8.3, "Bounding Cesium (Cs), Cobalt (Co), and Nickel (Ni) Activity in Groundwater." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320055 - Figure 9.1, "Unit 2 Tritium Plume, Cross Section A-A." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320056 - Figure 9.2, "Unit 1 Strontium Plume Cross Section B-B'." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320057 - Figure 9.3, "Current Unit 2 Activity Isopleths." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320058 - Figure 9.4, "Current Unit 1 Activity Isopleths." (1 page(s), 1/4/2008)
- ML080320539 - Indian Point, Units 1, 2 and 3 - Results of Ground Water Contamination Investigation. (4 page(s), 1/11/2008)
- ML080320540 - Submittal of Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report for the Indian Point Energy Center in Buchanan, New York. (200 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080320541 - Figures 1.1 through Sheet No. 7.1 regarding Results of Ground Water Contamination Investigation. (35 page(s), 1/11/2008)
- ML080350295 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix A Through Appendix C (Part 1 of 16). (189 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350296 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 2 of 16). (15 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350297 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 3 of 16). (16 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350298 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 4 of 16). (18 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350299 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 5 of 16). (13 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350300 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 6 of 16). (82 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350301 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 7 of 16). (23 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350303 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 8 of 16). (18 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350305 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 9 of 16). (22 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350306 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 10 of 16). (99 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350530 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 11 of 16). (39 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350531 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 12 of 16). (23 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350532 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 13 of 16). (18 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350533 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 14 of 16). (20 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350534 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 15 of 16). (15 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350536 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix C (Part 16 of 16). (89 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350539 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix D through G. (317 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350541 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix H through I. (241 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350542 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix J through M. (416 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350543 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix N. (125 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080350544 - Indian Point Energy Center - Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report - Appendix N (Continued) through End. (340 page(s), 1/7/2008)
- ML080290204 - Memorandum on Synopsis of Long Term Monitoring Plan Bases For Indian Point Groundwater. (9 page(s), 1/25/2008)
- ML060750842 - IR 05000247-05-011 on 09/13/2005 - 02/28/2006 for Indian Point Generating Station Unit 2; assess issues related to Entergy's discovery of a small amount of contaminated water leaking from Unit 2 spent fuel pool. (69 page(s), 3/16/2006)
- ML071300525 - IR 05000286-07-002; on 01/01/2007 - 03/31/2007; Indian Point, Unit 3; NRC Integrated Inspection Report. (60 page(s), 5/10/2007)
- ML072150161 - IR 05000247-07-003:; on 04/01 - 06/30/2007; Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 2, Routine Integrated Inspection Report. (38 page(s), 8/2/2007)
- ML073170091 - IR 05000247-07-004, on 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007; Indian Point, Unit 2; Fire Protection, Maintenance Risk Assessment and Emergent Work Control, and Surveillance Testing. (40 page(s), 11/9/2007)
- ML081340425 - IR 05000247-07-010 & 05000003-07-010 on 11/07/2007 - 05/07/2008 for Indian Point, Units 1 & 2. (56 page(s), 5/13/2008)
- ML083110566 - IR 05000247-08-004 on 07/01/08 - 09/30/08 for Indian Point, Unit 2. (40 page(s), 11/6/2008)
- ML090340463 - IR 05000247-08-005; 10/01/2008 - 12/31/2008; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Resident Inspector Quarterly Integrated Inspection Report. (39 page(s), 2/3/2009)
- ML092920121 - IR 05000003-09-008, 05000247-09-008 and 05000286-09-008 on 08/18/2009 - 09/04/2009 for Indian Point, Units 1, 2 & 3;. (17 page(s), 10/19/2009)
- ML083180080 - IR 05000286-08-004, on 07/01/2008 - 09/30/2008, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3, Post-Maintenance Testing and Event Followup. (37 page(s), 11/12/2008)
- ML092510218 - IR 05000219-09-008; on 04/15/09 - 08/14/09; Oyster Creek Generating Station; NRC Inspection Report (Underground Piping Leak). (33 page(s), 9/8/2009)
- ML091380379 - IR 05000219-09-006; 03/09/2009 - 03/27/2009; Exelon Energy Company, LLC, Oyster Creek Generating Station; License Renewal Activities. (71 page(s), 5/18/2009)
- ML100260020 - IR 05000219-09-005; on 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2009; Exelon Energy Company, LLC, Oyster Creek Generating Station; Identification and Resolution of Problems. (31 page(s), 1/26/2010)
- ML093010042 - IR 05000219-09-004; on 07/01/2009 - 09/30/2009; Exelon Energy Company, LLC, Oyster Creek Generating Station; Event Followup. (30 page(s), 10/28/2009)
- ML100390108 - IR 05000277-09-005, 05000278-09-005; 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2009; Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3; Flood Protection Measures; Problem Identification and Resolution (PI&R). (46 page(s), 2/8/2010)
- ML082250722 - IR 05000277-08-003 & IR 05000278-08-003; on 04-01-08 - 06-30-08, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Integrated Inspection Report. (27 page(s), 8/12/2008)
- ML090290339 - IR 05000277-08-005, 05000278-08-005, on 10/01/2008 - 12/31/2008, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS), Units 2 and 3; Event Followup. (35 page(s), 1/29/2009)
- ML071350471 - IR 05000277-07-002 and 05000278-07-002, on 01/01/2007 to 03/31/2007; Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3; Licensed Operator Requalification Program, Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment and Monitoring Systems, and Event Followup. (51 page(s), 5/15/2007)
- ML072070266 - IR 05-000289-07-003, on 4/1/2007 - 6/30/2007; AmerGen Energy Company, LLC; Three Mile Island, Unit 1; Routine Integrated Report. (30 page(s), 7/25/2007)
- ML083101053 - IR 05000289-08-002 on 07/01/2008 - 09/30/2008 for Three Mile Island, Unit 1, Operability Evaluations and Surveillance Testing. (47 page(s), 11/5/2008)
- ML092120364 - IR 05000289-09-003; 4/1/2009-6/30/2009; Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Three Mile Island, Unit 1; Maintenance Risk Assessments & Emergent Work Control and Identification & Resolution of Problems. (37 page(s), 7/31/2009)
- ML100330674 - IR 05000289-09-005 on 10-01-09 - 12-31-09 for Three Mile Island, Unit 1, Routine Integrated Inspection. (44 page(s), 2/2/2010)
- ML091320527 - IR 05000334-09-02, 05000412-09-02; on 01/01/2009 - 03/31/2009; Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 & 2; Routine Integrated Report. (41 page(s), 5/12/2009)
- ML092240008 - IR 05000333-09-003, on 04/01/2009 - 06/30/2009; James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (FitzPatrick); Equipment Alignment; Operability Evaluations; Surveillance Testing; and ALARA Planning and Controls. (53 page(s), 8/12/2009)
- ML091170613 - IR 05000354-09-002 on 01/01/09 - 03/31/09 for Hope Creek. (27 page(s), 4/27/2009)
- ML091190177 - IR 05000272-09-002, 05000311-09-00: on 01/01/09 - 03/31/09, Salem, Units 1 and 2, Routine Integrated Inspection Report. (30 page(s), 4/29/2009)
- ML093640905 - Salem Generating Station - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, Second Quarter 2009, PSEG Nuclear, LLC. (15 page(s), 12/21/2009)
- ML052300418 - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report (RAPR) providing a summary of groundwater remediation activities conducted since the submission of the previous RAPR in May 2005 at the PSEG Nuclear, LLC Salem Generating Station (the Station). (36 page(s), 8/31/2005)
- ML052300428 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station, Artificial Island, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Drawing 3, Groundwater Tritium Results. (1 page(s), 7/25/2005)
- ML052760154 - Salem Generating Station Discharge Confirmation Report Describing the Discharge to the Ground of Approx. 650 Gallons of Wastewater Containing a Dilute Solution of Hydrazine & Ammonia from a Leak in the Condensate Polisher System at Salem Unit 1. (21 page(s), 9/23/2005)
- ML062280614 - Salem Generating Station Groundwater Questionnaire. (6 page(s), 7/27/2006)
- ML071700626 - Figure 1, "Groundwater Tritium Resuls," from the Salem - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, First Quarter 2007. (1 page(s), 5/24/2007)
- ML093640911 - Salem Generating Station, Units 1 & 2 - Drawing 2, "Groundwater Tritium Results". (1 page(s), 8/24/2009)
- ML061290341 - 2005 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations. (187 page(s), 5/1/2006)
- ML061290347 - Appendix C - Salem ODCM. (157 page(s), 5/1/2006)
- ML071230112 - Hope Creek & Salem, Units 1 and 2 - 2006 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (130 page(s), 4/26/2007)
- ML091200612 - Hope Creek & Salem, Units 1 and 2, 2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (123 page(s), 4/15/2009)
- ML081280737 - Hope Creek and Salem, Units 1 and 2, 2007 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (140 page(s), 4/28/2008)
- ML091280379 - Hope Creek, and Salem, Units 1 and 2, 2008 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Page 181 through End. (157 page(s), 5/31/2009)
- ML051320395 - IR 05000272-05-002, 05000311-05-002; 01/01/2005 - 03/31/2005; Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) Nuclear LLC, Salem Units 1 & 2; Operator Performance During Non-routine Plant Evolutions and Events, and Other Activities. (46 page(s), 5/12/2005)
- ML072260460 - IR 05000272-07-003, 05000311-07-003; 04/01/2007 - 06/30/2007; Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Inservice Inspection Activities, Maintenance Effectiveness, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control, Operability.... (35 page(s), 8/14/2007)
- ML063130529 - IR 05000272-06-004, 05000311-06-004; Public Service Enterprise Group Nuclear Inc.; 07/01/2006 - 09/30/2006; Salem Nuclear Generating Station Units 1 and 2; Maintenance Effectiveness, Event Followup. (34 page(s), 11/8/2006)
- ML090400796 - IR 05000272-08-005, 05000311-08-005, on 10/01/2008 - 12/31/2008, Salem Unit 1 & 2, Fire Protection, Maintenance Effectiveness, Maintenance Risk Assessment & Emergent Work Control, Post-Maintenance Testing, Refueling & Other Outage Activities. (59 page(s), 2/9/2009)
- ML051230333 - Salem and Hope Creek - Transmittal of Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2004. (504 page(s), 4/26/2005)
- ML051260140 - Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations, 2004 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (89 page(s), 4/26/2005)
- ML090900062 - Salem Generating Station - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, Third Quarter 2008 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC. (13 page(s), 3/10/2009)
- ML100640374 - Salem Generating Station - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, Third Quarter 2009 PSEG Nuclear, LLC. (15 page(s), 2/28/2010)
- ML082490326 - Salem Generating Station - Transmittal of Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, First Quarter 2008 PSEG Nuclear, LLC. (12 page(s), 8/18/2008)
- ML101050012 - Salem Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 - 2009 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (8 page(s), 4/15/2010)
- ML071270331 - Salem Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, 2006 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (8 page(s), 4/27/2007)
- ML071840494 - Salem Generating Station, Discharge Confirmation Report. (27 page(s), 6/25/2007)
- ML081130667 - Salem, Units 1 and 2 - 2007 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (9 page(s), 4/11/2008)
- ML060970102 - Salem, Units 1 and 2, Facility Operating Licenses DPR-070 and DPR-075 - 2005 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (9 page(s), 3/29/2006)
- ML091070473 - Salem, Units 1 and 2, Submittal of 2008 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (8 page(s), 4/15/2009)
- ML053320271 - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report, Third Quarter 2005 PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station. (6 page(s), 11/11/2005)
- ML050980173 - PSEG Nuclear LLC Hope Creek Station B-Reactor Recirculation Decontamination Connection Leak Cause Determination Report Notification No. 20230319, Event Date: March 27. 2005. (229 page(s), 4/5/2005)
- ML051260238 - Hope Creek - Transmittal of the 2004 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (7 page(s), 4/29/2005)
- ML053200206 - Hope Creek, Attachment 12, EDO-33075, Class 1, "Safety Analysis Report for Hope Creek Constant Pressure Power Uprate." (251 page(s), 11/30/2005)
- ML061100094 - Hope Creek, 2005 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (7 page(s), 4/10/2006)
- ML061300067 - Salem, Units 1 & 2 and Hope Creek, 2005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (85 page(s), 5/1/2006)
- ML062280556 - Hope Creek - Groundwater Protection - Data Collection Questionnaire. (5 page(s), 7/27/2006)
- ML071060090 - Hope Creek, 2006 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (7 page(s), 4/6/2007)
- ML071230602 - Hope Creek and Salem, Units 1 And 2, Transmittal of Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2006. (499 page(s), 4/26/2007)
- ML071450245 - Hope Creek Generating Station Environmental Report for Extended Power Uprate, April 2005. (85 page(s), 4/30/2005)
- ML072480591 - Hope Creek Generating Station, New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No, NJ0025411, Renewal Application. (169 page(s), 8/31/2007)
- ML073230096 - Hope Creek - Discharge Confirmation Report - Retraction of Reported Discharge to the Delaware River. (11 page(s), 11/9/2007)
- ML081080484 - PSEG Annual Operating Report 2007. (260 page(s), 12/31/2007)
- ML081220718 - Hope Creek, 2007 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (8 page(s), 4/25/2008)
- ML081280103 - Hope Creek and Salem - 2007 Radioactive Effluent Release Report for January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007. (184 page(s), 4/30/2008)
- ML082460795 - 2008 Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan - Hope Creek Generating Station. (4 page(s), 9/2/2008)
- ML090620733 - Annual Assessment Letter - Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station (05000354-09-001). (5 page(s), 3/4/2009)
- ML091180280 - Hope Creek, Submittal of 2008 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (8 page(s), 4/17/2009)
- ML091280378 - Hope Creek, and Salem, Units 1 and 2, 2008 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Cover through Page 180. (181 page(s), 5/31/2009)
- ML100980029 - Hope Creek Generating Station - Corrections to the License Renewal Application Environmental Report. (21 page(s), 4/6/2010)
- ML100990174 - 2009 PSEG Annual Report. (221 page(s), 2/26/2010)
- ML093170174 - IR 05000443-09-004; 7/1/2009-9/30/2009; Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1; Routine Integrated Report; Heat Sink. (31 page(s), 11/12/2009)
- ML050330563 - IR 05000443-05-003 on 10/01/2004-12/31/2004 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1; Adverse Weather Protection, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Evaluation, Operability Evaluations. (38 page(s), 1/31/2005)
- ML051240296 - Enclosure 1, Seabrook Station Effluent and Waste Disposal Annual Report, Supplemental Information 2004. (54 page(s), 4/27/2005)
- ML051300357 - Seabrook Station, 2004 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (4 page(s), 4/29/2005)
- ML051330013 - Seabrook - 2004 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (235 page(s), 4/27/2005)
- ML061210428 - Seabrook Station, 2005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (239 page(s), 4/21/2006)
- ML061240349 - Seabrook Station 2005 Annual Environmental Operating Report. (4 page(s), 4/17/2006)
- ML061250364 - Seabrook Station - 2005 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. (55 page(s), 5/1/2006)
- ML061250366 - Enclosure 4 to SBK-L-06101, Offsite Dose Calculation manual (ODCM). (353 page(s), 6/1/2005)
- ML062280570 - Duane Arnold; Seabrook Sation; St. Lucie, Units 1 and 2 and Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4 - Groundwater Questionnaire. (21 page(s), 7/31/2006)
- ML062650312 - Liquid Radiation Release Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report (Enclosure). (76 page(s), 9/1/2006)
- ML071220458 - Seabrook Station - Submittal of 2006 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. (2 page(s), 4/27/2007)
- ML071220461 - Enclosure 4 to SBK-L-07074, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Rev 30. (428 page(s), 5/30/2006)
- ML071220463 - Enclosure 1 to SBK-L-07074, Effluent Release Data as Required by Regulatory Guide 1.21. (55 page(s), 4/27/2007)
- ML071590071 - IR 05000443-07-006, on 03/19/2007 - 04/26/2007, Seabrook Station, Unit 1, Component Design Bases Inspection. (41 page(s), 6/8/2007)
- ML072990335 - Seabrook Station, 2006 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (255 page(s), 4/25/2007)
- ML081570602 - Seabrook Station, 2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. (57 page(s), 4/30/2008)
- ML081570603 - Seabrook Station, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Rev. 31. (414 page(s), 4/30/2008)
- ML091260453 - Seabrook Station, 2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (236 page(s), 4/27/2009)
- ML091260508 - Nextera Energy, Seabrook Station, 2008 Annual Environmental Operating Report for the Period of January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. (5 page(s), 4/21/2009)
- ML091330634 - Seabrook - 2008 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. (2 page(s), 4/29/2009)
- ML091330636 - Seabrook - Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Revision 32. (364 page(s), 7/18/2008)
- ML093160352 - Seabrook Station Transmittal of 2007 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (226 page(s), 4/19/2008)
- ML060270428 - IR 05000443-05-011; 10/1/2005 - 12/31/2005; Seabrook Station, Unit 1; Maintenance Effectiveness and Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes. (32 page(s), 1/27/2006)
- ML080430351 - IR 05000443-07-005, on 10/01/2007 - 12/31/2007; Seabrook, Unit No. 1, Operability Determinations, Maintenance Risk Assessment and Emergent Work Control. (39 page(s), 2/12/2008)
- ML092050743 - IR 05000336-09-003 & 05000423-09-003 on 04/01/2009 - 06/30/2009; Millstone Power Station - NRC Integrated Inspection Report. (37 page(s), 7/24/2009)
- ML081290514 - Millstone Power Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, 2007 Radioactive Effluent Release Report. (249 page(s), 4/28/2008)
- ML061250346 - IR 05000317-06-002, 05000318-06-002; Constellation Generation Group, LLC; 01/01/06 - 03/31/06; Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2. (45 page(s), 5/5/2006)
- ML062060024 - IR 05000317-06-003 and IR 05000318-06-003 on 04/01/06-06/30/06 for Calvert Cliffs, Units 1 and 2; Surveillance Testing, Public Radiation Safety. (39 page(s), 7/21/2006)
- ML093070020 - IR 05000220-09-004, 05000410-09-004; 07/01/2009 - 09/30/2009; Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2; Identification and Resolution of Problems. (34 page(s), 11/2/2009)
- ML081420302 - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Radioactive Effluent Release Report for January 1 through December 31, 2007. (76 page(s), 5/8/2008)
- ML091320529 - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Radioactive Effluent Release Report for January 1 through December 31, 2008. (74 page(s), 5/7/2009)
- ML101060419 - Vermont Yankee: Preliminary Results of Inspection Related to Vermont Yankee Ground Water Program and Recent Onsite Ground Water Contamination, dated April 16, 2010. (4 page(s), 4/16/2010)
- ML061730219 - 2006/02/07-Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, Vermont Yankee Power Plant, SMS Site #99-2617 Vernon, Vermont. (80 page(s), 2/7/2006)
- ML100630424 - Special Report for Tritium Discovered Onsite Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. (3 page(s), 3/1/2010)
- ML091390778 - Vermont Yankee - 2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. (120 page(s), 5/14/2009)
- ML061450522 - IR 05000456-06-008; IR 05000457-06-008; on 02/13/2006 - 05/25/2006; Braidwood, Units 1 and 2. (33 page(s), 5/25/2006)
- ML101390116 - Entergy Vermont Yankee, Area of Tritium Impacts in Shallow Groundwater, Figure 4. (1 page(s), 4/15/2010)
- ML101390117 - Entergy Vermont Yankee, Tritium Concentration Plan, Figure 3. (1 page(s), 4/15/2010)
- ML101390121 - Health Physics Study / Technical Information Document, Number HPSTID-06-012, Additional Information for HPSTID 06-011, Expanded Discussion of Historical Sample Results (Seabrook). (2 page(s), 8/11/2006)
- ML101390122 - Health Physics Study / Technical Information Document, Number HPSTID-06-01 1, Documentation for Initial Implementation of NEI Groundwater Initiatives (Seabrook). (18 page(s), 7/28/2006)
- ML101390115 - Radiation Safety and Control Services, June 2009 Tritium Surficial Aquifer, Figure 5: Tritium in Surficial Aquifer July 2009, Location Seabrook Station Industrial Area, Seabrook NH. (1 page(s), 7/2/2006)
- ML101390123 - Entergy - Indian Point Groundwater Investigation. (8 page(s), 10/30/2006)