Power Reactors (Division 1): Regulatory Guides 1.181 - 1.200

This page lists the number, title, publication date, and revisions for each regulatory guide in Division 1, "Power Reactors," with references to draft guides and related documents (where applicable).

See also Draft Regulatory Guides for Public Comment.

See NRC Regulatory Guides for more general information.

Regulatory Guides are reviewed about every 10 years, although a guide may be reviewed more frequently if the staff believes an emerging issue affects the guide. The NRC began these reviews in 2010, and began posting the results of its reviews on this site in 2013. The review dates are hyperlinked to the review memorandum, which provide useful information about the status and any known issues with the associated regulatory guide.

Title Revision
Additional Information
1.181 Content of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e) 0 09/1999 Reviewed in 2019 – Revise
1.182 Assessing and Managing Risk Before Maintenance Activities at Nuclear Power Plants
(Withdrawn – See 77 FR 70846, 11/27/2012)
W 11/2012  
0 05/2000  
1.183 Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors 1 10/2023  
0 07/2000 Reviewed in 2018 – Revise
1.184 Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors 1 10/2013  
0 07/2000  
1.185 Standard Format and Content for Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report 1 06/2013  
0 07/2000  
1.186 Guidance and Examples for Identifying 10 CFR 50.2 Design Bases 0 12/2000 Reviewed in 2017 – No issues identified
1.187 Guidance for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests, and Experiments 3 06/2021  
2 06/2020  
1 05/2019  
0 11/2000 Periodic Review
April 2011
No Action
1.188 Standard Format and Content for Applications To Renew Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses 2 04/2020  
1 09/2005  
0 07/2001  
1.189 Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants 5 10/2023 Administrative Change
4 05/2021  
3 02/2018 Periodic Review – November 2017
- Revise
2 10/2009 Periodic Review – December 2014
1 03/2007  
0 04/2001  
1.190 Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence 0 03/2001 Periodic Review 06/2023 –

Periodic Review 05/2013 – Considerations
Periodic Review 04/2006 – No Action
1.191 Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Plants During Decommissioning and Permanent Shutdown 1 01/2021  
0 05/2001  
1.192 Operation and Maintenance Code Case Acceptability, ASME OM Code 5 03/2024  
4 12/2021 03/2022: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
3 10/2019  03/2020: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
2 03/2017  01/2018: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
1 10/2014  
0 06/2003  
1.193 ASME Code Cases Not Approved for Use 8 03/2024  
7 12/2021 03/2022: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
6 10/2019  03/2020: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
5 08/2017 01/2018: Final Rule Federal Register Notice
4 10/2014  
3 10/2010  
2 10/2007  
1 08/2005  
0 06/2003  
1.194 Atmospheric Relative Concentrations for Control Room Radiological Habitability Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants 0 06/2003 Reviewed in 2015 – Issues identified with future consideration
1.195 Methods and Assumptions for Evaluating Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents at Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors 0 05/2003 Reviewed in 2016 – No issues identified
1.196 Control Room Habitability at Light-Water Nuclear Power Reactors 1 01/2007 Periodic Review – August 2023 - Considerations
0 05/2003 Periodic Review - August 2013 – Considerations
1.197 Demonstrating Control Room Envelope Integrity at Nuclear Power Reactors 0 05/2003 Reviewed in 2015 – No issues identified
1.198 Procedures and Criteria for Assessing Seismic Soil Liquefaction at Nuclear Power Plant Sites 0 11/2003 Reviewed in 2014 – Issues identified for future consideration
1.199 Anchoring Components and Structural Supports in Concrete 1 04/2020  
0 11/2003  
1.200 Acceptability of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results for Risk-Informed Activities 3 12/2020  
2 03/2009 Public Meeting Slides
July 2008
1 01/2007  
0 02/2004  

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