Performance and Accountability Report — Fiscal Year 2002 (NUREG-1542, Volume 8)

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Date Published: November 2002

Resource Management and Support Staff
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


The Performance and Accountability Report provides performance results and audited financial statements that enable Congress, the President, and the public to assess the performance of the agency in achieving its mission and stewardship of its resources. The report contains a concise overview, management's discussion and analysis, as well as performance and financial sections. Additional details of performance results and program evaluations can be found in the appendices.

A Message from the Chairman

I am pleased to present the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2002. I am proud to report that, as a result of the hard work and dedication of Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees, we have again achieved all of our safety performance goals while at the same time addressing significantly heightened security concerns.

In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11th, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has conducted a comprehensive review of its programs and the security of the nuclear facilities and activities it regulates. We have made a number of significant changes to our regulatory programs and have enhanced the already robust security of our sensitive facilities and activities. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will continue to work closely with other agencies and our licensees to protect the Nation's crucial infrastructure from future attacks. The ongoing terrorism threat requires that we continue to invest significant resources on homeland security activities.

At the same time, we have continued to build on the progress we have made over the past decade to improve nuclear safety. Our oversight of the industry is achieving the objective of protecting public health and safety while maintaining the energy output needed by our Nation. Moreover, we have and will continue to invest resources to prepare for the future. Demand for electric power and the improving economic fundamentals of nuclear power generation have resulted in renewed interest in nuclear power. As a result, licensees are seeking to renew their operating licenses for existing plants and are considering new reactor designs and new plant construction. We are also preparing to review the Department of Energy's application to construct and operate a first-of-a-kind repository to dispose of high-level nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. In undertaking this work, it is essential that our resources are well managed and wisely used. This report provides financial information that shows the prudent management of the funds entrusted to us by the American people and describes our successes in implementing the President's Management Agenda to promote more efficient and effective government.

The Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 requires an assessment of the completeness and reliability of the program and financial data contained in this report based on evaluation criteria issued by the Office of Management and Budget. I believe that the data are complete and reliable. In addition, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has evaluated its management controls and financial management systems, as required by the Federal Managers° Financial Integrity Act of 1982. On the basis of our comprehensive management control program, I am pleased to certify, with reasonable assurance, that the agency is in compliance with the provisions of this act. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is committed to conducting an effective regulatory program that allows the Nation to use nuclear materials in a manner that protects the public and the environment. We look forward to continuing to provide high-quality service to the American people.

Chairman Signature

Richard A. Meserve
January 21, 2003

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