Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems at a General License Facility — Draft Report for Comment (NUREG-1536, Revision 1A)

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Manuscript Completed: March 2009
Date Published: March 2009

Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


The Standard Review Plan (SRP) for dry storage systems (DSS) provides guidance to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff in the Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation (SFST) for reviewing applications for a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) of a dry storage system (DSS) for use at a general license facility. This SRP is intended for use by the NRC staff. Its objectives are to:

  • provide a basis that promotes a consistent regulatory review of an application for a DSS;
  • promote quality and uniformity of these reviews across each technical discipline;
  • present a basis for the review scope;
  • identify acceptable approaches to meeting regulatory requirements; and
  • develop a risk informed approach for review of each review procedure section of each chapter to assist the staff in prioritization of its review.

Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 72 (10 CFR 72), Subpart B, specifies the information needed in a license application for the independent storage of spent nuclear fuel for a site specific application. Subparts A specifies the information needed in an application for a CoC for use at a general license facility. Regulatory Guide 3.61, Standard Format and Content for a Topical Safety Analysis Report for a Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask, contains an outline of the information required by the staff. This SRP is divided into 14 chapters with appendices that reflect the standard application format. Regulatory requirements, staff positions, industry codes and standards, acceptance criteria, and other information are discussed. However, the format used herein has evolved and, in some instances, superseded Regulatory Guide 3.61 to better reflect current staff practice.

In conjunction with the SRP, the SFST developed several Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) documents. An ISG addresses emergent review issues in a timely manner by staff and applicants. These ISGs were developed to address changes in requirements, reflect lessons learned and evolving technology, and document detailed technical positions. Current ISGs are available on the NRC website. Although this SRP was revised to incorporate ISG 1 through ISG 22 as applicable, ISGs will continue to be developed as needed. This SRP will be revised periodically to reflect current guidance to the staff.

The review procedures sections of each chapter of this SRP have been risk informed to assist the NRC staff in prioritizing its review in an effort to increase efficiency. The method used to risk inform the Review Procedures sections is documented in Appendix B. The priority of each review procedure is shown in the applicable section of each chapter.

Comments are solicited on this document and applicable ISGs. Comments, errors or omissions, and suggestions for improvement should be sent to the Director, Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

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