Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Pressurized Water Reactors (NUREG-1122, Revision 2, Initial Report)

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Manuscript Completed: June 5, 1998

Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch
Division of Reactor Controls and Human Factors
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

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The Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Pressurized-Water Reactors (PWRs) (NUREG-1122, Revision 2) provides the basis for the development of content-valid licensing examinations for reactor operators (ROs) and senior reactor operators (SROs). The examinations developed using the PWR Catalog along with the Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors (NUREG-1021, Rev. 8) will sample the topics listed under Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 55 (10 CFR 55).

The PWR Catalog contains approximately 5,100 knowledge and ability (K/A) statements for ROs and SROs at PWRs. The catalog is organized into six major sections: Catalog Organization, Generic Knowledge and Ability Statements, Plant Systems, Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions, Components and Theory.

Revision 1 to the PWR Catalog modified the form and content of the original catalog. The K/As were linked to their applicable 10 CFR 55 item numbers. SRO level K/As were identified by 10 CFR 55.43 item numbers. The plant-wide generic and system generic K/As were combined in one section. Systems were organized into nine safety functions and the emergency and abnormal evolutions were reorganized and expanded.

Revision 2 incorporates corrections to the Rev. 1 catalog that were identified during a pilot testing program associated with revision of 10 CFR 55 and implementation of NUREG-1021, Interim Rev. 8, " Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors." Corrections to the catalog include:

  1. addition of K/As that had been omitted in Rev. 1 (approximately 70).
  2. deletion of duplicate K/As (approximately 15).
  3. correction of importance values of consolidated K/As to reflect highest previously assigned values (approximately 75).
  4. correction of typographical errors.
  5. addition of importance value modifiers that had been omitted in Rev. 1 (approximately 225).

Corrections and additions are identified by "redline" marking in the margins.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021