Owners of Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG/CR-6500, ORNL/TM-13297/R2, Revision 2)

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Publication Information

Manuscript Completed: September 2001
Date Published:
March 2002

Prepared by:
R.L. Reid, V.S. White
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2009
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-8051
Managed by UT-Battelle, LLC

R. Wood, NRC Technical Monitor

Prepared for:
Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

NRC Job Code J2436

Availability Notice


Commercial nuclear power plants in this country can be owned by a number of separate entities, each with varying ownership proportions. Each of these owners may, in turn, have a parent/subsidiary relationship to other companies. In addition, the operator of the plant may be a different entity as well. This report provides a compilation on the owners/operators for all commercial power reactors in the United States. While the utility industry is currently experiencing changes in organizational structure which may affect nuclear plant ownership, the data in this report is current as of August 2001. The report is divided into sections representing different aspects of nuclear plant ownership:

  • Nuclear Power Plant Percentage Ownership Ordered by Plant Name
  • Nuclear Power Plant Percentage Ownership Ordered by Utility Name
  • Utility/Company Relationships Ordered by Parent/Holding Company
  • Utility/Company Relationships Ordered by Subsidiary
  • Nuclear Power Plants Listed by Operator
  • Nuclear Power Plants Listed by Plant Name
  • Nuclear Power Plants Listed by State

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021