Change Notice 99-020

Issue Date: Issue Date: Issue Date: 12/30/99


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  Number Date Number Date
1. IMC 2800 06/18/99 IMC 2800 12/30/99
2. TI 2800/025 07/12/95 ---- ----
3. TI 2515/130 09/12/95 ---- ----
4. TI 2515/138 05/04/98 ---- ----
TRAINING: No special training requirements have been identified for any documents issued with this change notice.
REMARKS: IMC 2800 (Materials Inspection Program) is revised to reflect changes due to additions, deletions, and revisions for the following:
  • The enforcement Policy
  • Policy & Guidance Directive FC 92-04
  • Sending copies of inspection reports to License Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch
  • Inspection Procedure 87100
  • Licensing Program Codes
  • Appendix A to Inspection Procedures 87110 to 87120
  • The identification of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards receiving oversight of the Nuclear Materials Events Database and adding requirements for NMED Event No. to be placed on reports for reactive inspections initiated by an NMED reportable event
  TI 2800/025 (Quality Management Program and Misadministration Rule) is deleted. The inspection requirements identified with this temporary instruction have been completed.
  TI 2515/130 (Improved Standard Technical Specification Implementation Audits) is deleted. The inspection requirements identified by this TI have been completed.
  TI 2515/138 (Evaluation of the Cumulative Effect of Operator Workarounds) is deleted. The inspection requirements identified with this temporary instruction have been completed.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, April 17, 2020