Change Notice 96-003

  Number Date Number Date
1. IP 60846 02/26/90 ---- ----
2. IP 60847 02/26/90 ---- ----
3. IP 60848 02/26/90 ---- ----
4. IP 60849 02/26/90 ---- ----
5. ---- ---- IP 60851 02/01/96
6. ---- ---- IP 60852 02/01/96
7. ---- ---- IP 60853 02/01/96
8. ---- ---- IP 60854 02/01/96
9. ---- ---- IP 60855 02/01/96
10. TI 2690/005 03/11/91 ---- ----
11. TI 2690/006 04/18/91 ---- ----
12. TI 2690/007 12/30/91 ---- ----
TRAINING: No special training requirements have been identified for any documents
issued with this change notice.

IP 60846 (Inspection of Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Metal Casks)

IP 60847 (Inspection of Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel)

IP 60848 (Inspection of Horizontal Storage Modules For Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel)

IP 60849 (Inspection of Support Pads For Dry Storage Container Systems For Spent Nuclear Fuel And Roadway Modifications)

These four procedures are deleted. They have been replaced by the new procedures issued by this change notice.

IP 60851 (Design Control of ISFSI Components) is issued to provide guidance on inspecting implementation of the design control process for ISFSIs and review of design changes, modifications, and 10 CFR 72.48 safety evaluations

IP 60852 (ISFSI Component Fabrication By Outside Fabricators) is issued to provide guidance on inspecting fabrication of ISFSI components at off-site vendors.

IP 60853 (On-Site Fabrication of Components and Construction of an ISFSI) is issued to provide guidance on inspecting on-site construction of the ISFSI or fabrication of components.

IP 60854 (Preoperational Testing of an ISFSI) is issued to provide guidance on inspecting preoperational testing of loading and unloading procedures and equipment for ISFSIs.

IP 60855 (Operation of an ISFSI) is issued to provide guidance on inspecting operation of an ISFSI. Areas include: loading, unloading, and long term monitoring of ISFISs, as well as, integration of ISFSI activities into plant programs.

TI 2690/005 (Inspection of Foundation for Modular Vault Dry Store Systems for Spent Fuel and of Roadway Modifications at Fort St. Vrain)

TI 2690/006 (Inspection of Modular Vault Dry Storage (MVDS) Modules For Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Fort St. Vrain (FSV))

TI 2690/007 (Inspection of Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Fort St. Vrain)

These temporary instructions are deleted. The expiration date for these TIs has been reached, and their inspection objectives have been completed.



Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 02, 2015