Interim Criteria for Shift Staffing (Generic Letter 80-72)


                              UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON. D.C. 20555 

                              July 31, 1980  



This is to provide you with the manning requirements item (1) of our letter 
of May 7, 1980. Pending completion of the long-term development of criteria 
for shift staffing and administrative controls, the NRC staff has developed 
interim criteria for licensees of operating plants and applicants for 
operating licenses. Except for senior reactor operators, described in the 
these interim criteria for shift staffing shall remain as de Standard Review
Plan, Section 13.1.2, NUREG 75/087. Special requirements regarding the 
utilization and qualifications of an on-shift technical advisor to the shift
supervisor were provided in our letter of October 30, 1979. 

We have changed the previous requirements for senior reactor operators and 
now require that there be one licensed senior reactor operator in the 
control room at all times, other than during cold shutdown conditions. This 
will therefore require that there be a minimum of two senior reactor 
operators at each site at all times, other than during cold shutdown 
conditions, to assure the availability of one senior reactor operator in the 
control room without affecting the freedom of the shift supervisor to move 
about the site as needed. The  criteria for reactor and auxiliary operators 
are stated below and the required staffing levels for selected station 
configurations and various plant operating modes are summarized in the 
enclosed table. 

At any time a licensed nuclear unit is being operated in Modes 1-4 for a PWR
(Power Operation, Startup, Hot Standby, or Hot Shutdown respectively) or in 
Modes 1-3 for a BWR (Power Operation, Startup, or Hot Shutdown 
respectively), the minimum shift crew shall include two licensed senior 
reactor operators (SRO), one of whom shall be designated as the shift 
supervisor, two licensed reactor operators (RO) and two unlicensed auxiliary 
operators (AO). For a multi-unit station, depend upon the station 
configuration, shift staffing may be adjusted to allow credit for licensed 
senior reactor operators (SRO) and licensed reactor operators (RO) to serve 
as relief operators on more than one unit; however, these individuals must 
be properly licensed on each such unit. At all other times, for a unit 
loaded with fuel, the minimum shift crew shall include one shift supervisor 
who shall be a licensed senior reactor operator (SRO), one licensed react 
operator (RO) and one unlicensed auxiliary operator. 

Adjunct requirements to the shift staffing criteria stated above are as 

a.   A shift supervisor with a senior reactor operator's license, who is 
     also a member of the station supervisory staff, shall be onsite at all 
     times when at least one unit is loaded with fuel. 

                                  - 2 -

b.   A licensed senior reactor operator (SRO) shall, at all times, be in the
     control room from which a reactor is being operated. The shift 
     supervisor may from time-to-time act as relief operator for the 
     licensed senior reactor operator assigned to the control room. 

c.   For any station with more than one reactor containing fuel, the number 
     of licensed senior reactor operators onsite shall, at all times, be at 
     least one more than the number of control rooms from which the reactors
     are being operated. 

d.   In addition to the licensed senior reactor operators specified in a., 
     b., and c. above, for each reactor containing fuel, a licensed reactor 
     operator (RO) shall be in the control room at all times. 

e.   In addition to the operators specified in a., b., c., and d. above, for
     each control room from which a reactor is being operated, an additional
     licensed reactor operator (RO) shall be onsite at all times and 
     available to serve as relief operator for that control room. As noted 
     above, this individual may serve as relief operator for each unit being
     operated from that control room, provided he holds a current license 
     for each unit. 

     Auxiliary (non-licensed) operators shall be properly qualified to 
     support the unit to which assigned. 

g.   In addition to the staffing requirements stated above, shift crew 
     assignments during periods of core alterations shall include a licensed
     senior reactor operator (SRO) to directly supervise the core 
     alterations. This licensed senior reactor operator may have fuel 
     handling duties but shall not have other concurrent operational duties.

These criteria do not relieve licensees of any special requirements for 
additional operators which may have been imposed for individual units. 

General application of revised shift staffing criteria will be the subject 
of a rulemaking proceeding. However, these interim criteria will be 
effective for plants receiving operating licenses during the interim period 
(including TMI-1). Licensees of plants already holding operating licenses 
shall examine their current staffing practices and capabilities in light of 
these interim criteria and advise this office within 90 days of receipt of 
this letter of the date by which their shift staffing could be in compliance 
with these criteria. Licensees of operating plants shall take steps to meet 
the revised criteria as soon as practical, but no later than July 1, 1982. 
In your response to this letter, you are requested to discuss your plans, 
schedules and commitments to meet these staffing criteria. Holders of 
construction permits who have not as yet applied for an operating license 
should factor these criteria into their recruitment and crew training plans.

                                  - 3 -

In addition, licensees of operating plants and applicants for operating 
licenses shall include in their administrative procedures (required by 
license conditions) provisions governing required shift staffing and 
movement of key individuals about the plant. These provisions are required 
to assure that qualified plant personnel to man the operational shifts are 
readily available in the event of an abnormal or emergency situation. 

The administrative procedures shall also set forth a policy concerning over-
time work for the senior reactor operators, reactor operators, and shift 
technical advisor required by these interim criteria. These procedures shall
stipulate that overtime shall not be routinely scheduled to compensate for 
an inadequate number of personnel to meet the shift crew staffing 
requirements. In the event that overtime must be used, due to unanticipated 
or unavoidable circumstances, the following overtime restrictions shall be 

(1)  An individual shall not be permitted to work more than 12 hours 
     straight (not including shift turnover time).  

(2)  An individual shall not be permitted to work more than 24 hours in any 
     48 hour period. 

(3)  An individual shall not work more than 72 hours in any 7 day period. 

(4)  An individual shall not work more than 14 consecutive days without 
     having two consecutive days off. 

However, recognizing that circumstances may arise requiring deviation from 
the above restrictions, such deviation may be authorized by the plant 
manager or higher levels of management in accordance with published 
procedures and with appropriate documentation of the cause. 

The limitations on overtime follow the guidance provided in IE Circular 
80-02, except for the requirement noted above on the restriction on use of 
overtime in circumstances that are unavoidable. 

Operating license applicants shall complete these administrative procedures 
before fuel loading. Development and implementation of the administrative 
procedures at operating plants will be reviewed by the Office of Inspection 
and Enforcement beginning 90 days after the date of this letter. 


                                   Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                                   Division of Licensing 

As stated 

cc: OR Licensees, and OL Applicants 
     CP Holders Service Lists 

                         PLANTS UNDER OL REVIEW 

1.  Farley 2 5                                         50-364 

2.  Byron 1/2                                          50-454, 455 

3.  Braidwood 1/2                                      50-456/457 

4.  LaSalle 1/2                                        50-373, 374 

5.  Midland 1/2                                        50-329,330 

6.  McGuire 1/2                                        50-369, 370 

7.  So. Texas 1/2                                      50-498, 499 

8.  Shoreham                                           50-322 

9.  Waterford                                          50-382 

10. Grand Gulf 1/2                                     50-416/417 

11. Diablo Canyon 1/2                                  50-275, 323 

12. Susquehana 1/2                                     50-387, 388 

13. Salem 2                                            50-311 

14. Summer 1                                           50-395 

15. San Onofre 2/3                                     50-361, 362 

16. Bellefonte 1/2                                     50-438, 439 

17. Watts Bar 1/2                                      50-390, 391 

18. Sequoyah 1/2                                       50-327, 328 

19. Comanche Peak 1/2                                  50-445, 446 

20. North Anna 2                                       50-339 

21. WPPSS-2                                            50-397 

22. Fermi 2                                            50-341 

23. Zimmer 1                                           50-358 

                       PLANTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 

1.  Palo Verde 1/2/3                         50-528, 50-529, 50-530 

2.  Perry 1/2                                50-440, 50-441 

3.  Cherokee 1/2/3                           50-491, 50-492, 50-493 

4.  Beaver Valley 2                          50-412 

5.  St. Lucie 2                              50-389 

6.  Vogtle 1/2                               50-424, 50-425 

7.  River Bend 1/2                           50-458, 50-459 

8.  Clinton 1/2                              50-461, 50-462 

9.  Forked River                             50-363 

10. Wolf Creek 1                             50-482 

11. Jamesport 1/2                            50-516, 50-517 

12. Nine Mile Point 2                        50-410 

13. Millstone 3                              50-423 

14. Bailly 1                                 50-367 

15. Limerick 1/2                             50-352, 50-353 

16. Rope Creek 1/2                           50-354, 50-355 

17. Marble Hill 1/2                          50-546, 50-547 

18. Seabrook 1/2                             50-443, 50-444 

19. Sterling 1                               50-485 

20. Hartsville 1/2/3/4                       50-518, 50-519, 50-520, 50-521 

21. Phipps Bend 1/2                          50-553, 50-554 

22. Yellow Creek 1/2                         50-566, 50-567 

23. North Anna 3/4                           50-404, 50-405 

24. WPPSS 1/3/4/5                            50-460, 50-508, 50- 513, 50-509

25. Callaway 1/2                             50-483, 50-486 

26. Harris 1/2/3/4                           50-400, 50-401, 50-402, 50-403 
27. Catawba 1/2                              50-413, 50-414 

                         PLANTS UNDER CP REVIEW 

1.  Pilgrim 2                                50-471 

2.  Greenwood 2/3                            50-452, 50-453 

3.  Perkins 1/2/3                            50-488, 50-489, 50-490 

4.  Allens Creek 1                           50-466 

5.  Montague 1/2                             50-496, 50-497 

6.  New Haven 1/2                            50-596, 50-597 

7.  Erie 1/2                                 50-580, 50-581 

8.  Pebble Springs 1/2                       50-514, 50-515 

9.  Clinch River                             50-537 

10. Black Fox 1/2                            50-556, 50-557 

11. Skagit 1/2                               50-522, 50-523 

12. Davis Bess 2/3                           50-500, 50-501 

13. Haven                                    50-502 

14. Greene County 1                          50-549 

15. FNP                                      50-437 

                      ALL POWER REACTOR LICENSEES 

Docket No. 50-348                       Docket No. 50-3 
Farley Unit 1                           Indian Point Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-313                       Docket No. 50-247 
Arkansas Unit 1                         Indian Point Unit 2 

Docket No. 50-368                       Docket 50-286 
Arkansas Unit 2                         Indian Point Unit 3 

Docket No. 50-317                       Docket No. 50-155 
Calvert Cliffs Unit 1                   Big Rock Point 

Docket No. 50-318                       Docket No. 50-255 
Calvert Cliffs Unit 2                   Palisades 

Docket No. 50-293                       Docket No. 50-409 
Pilgrim Unit 1                          Lacrosse 

Docket No. 50-325                       Docket No. 50-269 
Brunswick Unit 1                        Oconee Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-324                       Docket No. 50-270 
Brunswick Unit 2                        Oconee Unit 2 

Docket No. 50-261                       Docket No. 50-287 
H. B. Robinson Unit 2                   Oconee Unit 3 

Docket No. 50-10                        Docket No. 50-334 
Dresden Unit 1                          Beaver Valley Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-237                       Docket No. 50-302 
Dresden Unit 2                          Crystal River 3 

Docket No. 50-249                       Docket No. 50-335 
Dresden Unit 3                          St. Lucie Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-254                       Docket No. 50-250 
Quad-Cities Unit 1                      Turkey Point Unit 3 

Docket No. 50-265                       Docket No. 50-251
Quad-Cities Unit 2                      Turkey Point Unit 4 

Docket No. 50-295                       Docket No. 50-321
Zion Unit 1                             Edwin I. Hatch Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-304                       Docket No. 50-366 
Zion Unit 2                             Edwin I. Hatch Unit 2 

Docket No. 50-213                       Docket No. 50-315 
Connecticut Yankee (Haddam Neck)        D. C. Cook Unit 1 

                                 - 2 - 

Docket No. 50-316                       Docket No. 50-344 
D. C. Cook Unit 2                       Trojan 

Docket No. 50-331                       Docket No. 50-333 
Duane Arnold                            FitzPatrick 

Docket No. 50-219                       Docket No. 50-267 
Oyster Creek Unit 1                     Ft. St. Vrain 

Docket No. 50-309                       Docket No. 50-272 
Maine Yankee                            Salem Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-289                       Docket No. 50-244 
Three Mile Island Unit 1                R. E. Ginna 1 

Docket No. 50-320                       Docket No. 50-312 
Three Mile Island Unit 2                Rancho Seco 

Docket No. 50-298                       Docket No. 50-206 
Cooper Station                          San Onofre 1 

Docket No. 50-220                       Docket No. 50-269 
Nine Nile Point Unit 1                  Browns Ferry Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-245                       Docket No. 50-260 
Millstone Unit 1                        Browns Ferry Unit 2 

Docket No. 50-336                       Docket No. 50-296 
Millstone Unit 2                        Browns Ferry Unit 3 

Docket No. 50-263                       Docket No. 50-346 
Monticello                              Davis-Besse 1 

Docket No. 50-282                       Docket No. 50-271 
Prairie Island Unit 1                   Vermont Yankee 

Docket No. 50-306                       Docket No. 50-338 
Prairie Island Unit 2                   North Anna 1 

Docket No. 50-285                       Docket No. 50-280 
Ft. Calhoun                             Surry Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-133                       Docket No. 50-281 
Humboldt Bay                            Surry Unit 2 

Docket No. 50-277                       Docket No. 50-266 
Peach Bottom 2                          Point Beach Unit 1 

Docket No. 50-278                       Docket No. 50-301 
Peach Bottom 3                          Point Beach Unit 2 

                                  - 3 -

Docket No. 50-305 

Docket No. 50-29

Docket No. 50-267 
Ft. St. Vrain 


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021