PWR Steam Generator Conference (Generic Letter 78-29)

                                                              GL 78-29
                                UNITED STATES 
                        NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 
                           WASHINGTON, D.C.  20555  

                                August 3, 1978 



The Division of Operating Reactors, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, has
organized a two-day PWR Steam Generator Conference to be held at the Holiday
Inn in Bethesda, Maryland on September 7 and 8, 1978.  The purpose of the
ocnference is to provide an opportunity for industry, government, national
laboratory, foreign, and possible public representatives to present and
discuss operating experience relevant to steam generators and to exchange
ideas for integrating design, inspection and operating procedures to ensure
more reliable, safe operation of steam generators at nuclear power facilities.

Attached for your use is a Notice of the Conference and a tentative agenda.

Please notify Dr. B D Liaw, Division of Operating Reactors, U. S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington D. C. 20555, telephone (301) 492-8060 of
your intent regarding attendance at the conference by August 25, 1978.

                                D. G. Eisenhut, Assistant Director
                                  for Systems and Projects
                                Division of Operating Reactors

1. Notice of Conference
2. Tentative Agenda


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021