Power Reactor Status Report for January 22, 2023


On this page:

Region 1

Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#)
Beaver Valley 1 100
Beaver Valley 2 100
Calvert Cliffs 1 100
Calvert Cliffs 2 100
FitzPatrick 100
Ginna 100
Hope Creek 1 100
Limerick 1 100
Limerick 2 100

Millstone 2 100
Millstone 3 100
Nine Mile Point 1 95
Coastdown To Refueling Outage
Nine Mile Point 2 100
Peach Bottom 2 100
Peach Bottom 3 100
Salem 1 100
Salem 2 100
Seabrook 1 100
Susquehanna 1 100
Susquehanna 2 95 Increasing Power Following Rod Pattern Adjustment

Region 2

Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#)
Browns Ferry 1 100
Browns Ferry 2 100 Coastdown To Refueling Outage
Browns Ferry 3 100
Brunswick 1 100
Brunswick 2 98
Coastdown To Refueling Outage
Catawba 1 100
Catawba 2 100 *
Farley 1 100
Farley 2 100
Harris 1 100
Hatch 1 100
Hatch 2 87 Coastdown To Refueling Outage

McGuire 1 100
McGuire 2 100
North Anna 1 100
North Anna 2 100
Oconee 1 100
Oconee 2 100
Oconee 3 100
Robinson 2 100

Saint Lucie 1 100
Saint Lucie 2 100
Sequoyah 1 100
Sequoyah 2 100
Summer 100
Surry 1 100
Surry 2 100
Turkey Point 3 100
Turkey Point 4 100
Vogtle 1 100
Vogtle 2 100
Vogtle 3 0
Watts Bar 1 100
Watts Bar 2 100

Region 3

Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#)
Braidwood 1 100
Braidwood 2 100
Byron 1 100
Byron 2 100

Clinton 100
D.C. Cook 1 100
D.C. Cook 2 100

Davis-Besse 100
Dresden 2 100
Dresden 3 100
Fermi 2 100
LaSalle 1 100
LaSalle 2 96 Coastdown To Refueling Outage
Monticello 100
Perry 1 54 Holding power due to recirculating pump trip.
Point Beach 1 100
Point Beach 2 100
Prairie Island 1 100
Prairie Island 2 100
Quad Cities 1 98 Coastdown To Refueling Outage *
Quad Cities 2 72 Reduced Power For Maintenance *

Region 4

Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#)
Arkansas Nuclear 1 100
Arkansas Nuclear 2 100
Callaway 100
Columbia Generating Station 100
Comanche Peak 1 100
Comanche Peak 2 100
Cooper 100
Diablo Canyon 1 100
Diablo Canyon 2 100
Grand Gulf 1 100
Palo Verde 1 100
Palo Verde 2 100

Palo Verde 3 100
River Bend Station 1 76 Coastdown To Refueling Outage
South Texas 1 100
South Texas 2 100
Waterford 3 100

Wolf Creek 1 100

* - Power Reactor Status Report change within past 24 hours
# - Number of reactor scrams or trips within past 24 hours

  • Reactor status data collected between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. each day.
  • All times are based on eastern time.
  • Additional plant status information is made available on the web page after 28 days.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, February 22, 2023