Part 21 Report - 1998-522

ACCESSION #: 9901130027

Telephone 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



December 31, 1998

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555

Attention: Document Control Desk
Subject: Closure of 10CFR21
Reference: CNI letter to NRC dated

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to advise NRC that CRANE Nuclear, Inc. (CNI) considers actions associated with the Part 21 Notification made to NRC in October of 1998 as complete. A copy of the original notification letter is attached for your use.

Our evaluation revealed that only four customers that issued a purchase order to Crane-Aloyco for the valve in question were affected. Notification letters to the following customers were sent via certified mail.

      GPU Nuclear, Inc. (see letter copy dated 10/9/98)
Westinghouse Electric Corporation (see letter copy dated 10/9/98)
Bechtel Power Corporation (see letter copy dated 10/23/98)
American Electric Power (see letter copy dated 10/28/98)

Included with this letter are copies of the notification letters issued by CNI to the affected customers and a copy of the U.S. Post Office Certified Letter Receipts returned from those same companies.

CNI has responded to a limited number of inquiries from individuals at the notified companies or from individuals that became aware of the notification on the NRC web page. CNI will continue to respond to any questions associated with the notification.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

Telephone: 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



October 2, 1998

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555

Attention: Document Control Desk
Subject: Discovery of a Defect as defined by 10CFR21

Dear Sir or Madam:

CRANE Nuclear Inc. has made a discovery of a condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to the exceeding of a safety limit.

During the manufacture of a replacement 10" figure N-2376 swing check valve, it was found that the weight of the replacement valve was significantly different from the value shown on the drawing for the original valve. The replacement valve weighs 490 lb., while the Aloyco drawing from 1970 shows the valve as 346 lb. The replacement valve did not ship to the intended customer because of this discrepancy.

Preliminary investigation suggests that the original weight value is not correct, and that the weight of the valve is close to that of the replacement. The weight of the valve from the drawing may have been used in the calculation of piping stresses or for other purposes by the utility. The discrepant weight is isolated to the 10" size of this figure number.

Crane Company acquired Aloyco in 1984. This is the first time a valve of this size and figure number has been manufactured by Crane Nuclear, Inc.

CRANE Nuclear Inc. is reviewing records to determine all customers that may be affected, and will send written notification to them in accordance with CNI procedure 15-100 and 10 CFR.Part 21.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at .


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

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PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-98-B-0229 Domestic

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Telephone: 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



October 9, 1998

GPU Nuclear, Inc.
TMI Nuclear Generation Station
Route 441 South
Middletown, PA 17057-0000

Attention: Manager of Quality Assurance
Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 Notification

Dear Sir or Madam:

CRANE Nuclear Inc. has made a discovery of a condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to the exceeding of a safety limit at your plant.

We have determined that Aloyco supplied 10" Figure N2376 Swing Check Valves for a purchase order issued by the Metropolitan Edison Company but was shipped to your plant, therefore, this notification is being sent to GPU Nuclear for the following:

Table of purchase orders omitted.

The weight shown on the Assembly Drawing D-46290 for the above valves may be inaccurate. The actual weight of a recently manufactured replacement valve weighs 490 lb., which is significantly different from the value shown on the original Aloyco valve drawing. The weight of the valve from the original Aloyo drawing may have been used in the calculation of piping stresses or for other purposes. The discrepant weight is isolated to the 10" size of this figure number.

Crane Company acquired Aloyco in 1984. This is the first time a valve of this size and figure number has been manufactured by Crane Nuclear, Inc.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

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GPU Nuclear, Inc.
TMI Nuclear Generation Station
Route 441
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PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-98-B-0229 Domestic

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Telephone: 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



October 9, 1998

Westinghouse Electric Corporation
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230

Attention: Manager of Quality Assurance
Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 Notification

Dear Sir or Madam:

CRANE Nuclear Inc. has made a discovery of a condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to the exceeding of a safety limit at your plant.

We have determined that Aloyco supplied 10" Figure N2376 Swing Check Valves against the following purchase orders:

Table of purchase orders omitted.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation
October 9, 1998
Page 2

Table of purchase orders omitted.

The weight shown on the Assembly Drawings D-44547 and D47413 for the above valves may be inaccurate. The actual weight of a recently manufactured replacement valve weighs 490 lb., which is significantly different from the value shown on the original Aloyco valve drawings. The weight of the valve from the original Aloyo drawing or may have been used in the calculation of piping stresses or for other purposes. The discrepant weight is isolated to the 10" valve size of this figure number.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation
October 9, 1998
Page 3

Crane Company acquired Aloyco in 1984. This is the first time a valve of this size and figure number has been manufactured by Crane Nuclear, Inc.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at .


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

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Westinghouse Electric Corporation
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230
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PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-98-B-0229 Domestic

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Telephone: 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



October 23, 1998

Bechtel Power Corporation
9801 Washingtonian Boulevard
Gaithersburg, MD 20878-5356

Attention: Manager of Quality Assurance
Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 Notification

Dear Sir or Madam:

CRANE Nuclear Inc. has made a discovery of a condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to the exceeding of a safety limit at your plant. We have determined that Aloyco supplied 10" Figure N2376 Swing Check Valves against the following purchase orders:

Table of purchase orders omitted.

Bechtel Power Corporation
October 23, 1998
Page 2

The weight shown on the Assembly Drawing D-52009 for the above valves may be inaccurate. The actual weight of a recently manufactured replacement valve weighs 490 lb., which is significantly different from the value shown on the original Aloyco valve drawing. Assembly Drawing D-45053 does not indicate a weight. The weight of the valve from the original Aloyo drawing may have been used in the calculation of piping stresses or for other purposes. The discrepant weight is isolated to the 10" size of this figure number.

Crane Company acquired Aloyco in 1984. This is the first time a valve of this size and figure number has been manufactured by Crane Nuclear, Inc. If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

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PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-98-B-0229 Domestic

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Telephone: 630-226-4900
Fax: 630-226-4646



October 28, 1998

American Electric Power
Indiana Michigan Power Company
1 Cook Place
Bridgman, Michigan 49106-0458

Attention: Manager of Quality Assurance
Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 Notification

Dear Sir or Madam:

CRANE Nuclear Inc. has made a discovery of a condition or circumstance involving a basic component that could contribute to the exceeding of a safety limit at your plant.

We have determined that Aloyco supplied 10" Figure N2376 Swing Check Valve against the following purchase order:

Table of purchase orders omitted.

The weight shown on the Assembly Drawing D-48389, for these valves may be inaccurate. The actual weight of a recently manufactured replacement valve weighs 490 lb., which is significantly different from the value shown on the original Aloyco valve drawing. The weight of the valve from the original Aloyo drawing may have been used in the calculation of piping stresses or for other purposes. The discrepant weight is isolated to the 10" size of this figure number.

Crane Company acquired Aloyco in 1984. This is the first time a valve of this size and figure number has been manufactured by Crane Nuclear, Inc.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact me by telephone at (630) 226-4940 or via E-mail at


CRANE Nuclear, Inc.

Rosalie Hillis
Manager of Quality Assurance

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Attn: Mgr. of QA
BRIDGMAN, WI 49106-0458
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PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-98-B-0229 Domestic

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021