Part 21 Report - 1995-110

ACCESSION #: 9504100276

BETTIS CORPORATION       18703 GH Circle
Actuators & Controls     P.O. Box 508
                         Waller, Texas 77484
                         Tel: 713/463-5100
                         Fax: 713/463-5103

April 6, 1995

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Inspection & Enforcement
Washington, DC 20555

Attention:  Document Control Desk
Subject:    10CFR21 Notification

This formal notification concerns the potential spring problem with
Bettis Actuator, model NHD732-SR80, furnished in 1991 - 1992.

This notification was generated by an isolated warranty repair request. 
During the evaluation process it was determined the failure was due to a

broken spring.  The actuators were shipped in 1990 and have been in
service for two (2) years, stroking every five (5) minutes continuously
for twenty-four (24) hours a day in a hydrogen fed service, in a high
cycle commercial application.

The following customers have been notified by Federal Express this date. 
The corrective action report associated with this notification is CAR

     Customer            Purchase Order      Bettis S.O.    Serial No.

     C & S Valve         TDN-01026           91-9000A            1
     C & S Valve         TDN-01030           91-9001A            1
     Enertech             57929-3            91-9008A           1-3
     Enertech             58712-4            92-9004A           1-2
     Neles Jamesbury       16140             91-9015A           4-21

The spring supplier was removed from the Bettis Approved Vendor List in
1992.  Inventory has been purged, to verify that all springs (P/N 013752)
from Coiling Technology have been removed.  Customers are requested to
contact Bettis for additional information or concerning the spring


Anthony T. Locascio
Manager of Quality Assurance & Safety

                               Fax Message


                              VANESSA LANE

BETTIS                                  Msg. #:
P.O. Box 508
Waller, TX 77484                        # Pages:            2
Phone: (713) 463-5100

Company:       US Nuclear Regulatory    Date:          April 6, 1995

Attention:     Document Control Desk    Reply to:      X    713/463-5103

Fax #:         (301) 415-2260                               713/463-5153

Ref / Subj:    10CFR21 Filing

Please see the attached 10CFR21 notification.  If there are any questions
please feel free to contact myself or Tony Locascio at (713) 463-5110.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021