Part 21 Report - 1995-040

ACCESSION #: 9501270231

                                             Fairbanks Morse
Coltec Industries                            Engine Division
                                             701 Lawton Avenue
                                             Beloit, Wisconsin 53511-5492
                                             Telephone: 608/364-4411
                                             Telecopier: 608/364-0382

20 April 1994

Document Control Desk
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555

Subject:  Seismic Qualification for the Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank:
          Transfer Pump Control Switch, and Foot Valve.
          10CFR21 Notification: 94-001.

To whom it may concern:

On 2 March 1994, Coltec Industries received information from South
Carolina Electric and Gas Company that a seismic analysis report per
procurement specification SP-546-044461-000, Section K, did not
specifically address the transfer control pump and the foot valve.
Coltec's analysis addressed the diesel fuel oil day tank as an integrated

Coltec's engineering department has conducted a Part 21 evaluation in
accordance with our Standard Practice 714.00, and has determined that the
current situation regarding Part No.: 11907587, Magnatrol Type A-103-F-
MPG-7DM-S1M3DC; switch, and Part No.:335A, Morrison Bros.  double poppet
foot valve does not constitute a substantial safety hazard as defined in
10CFR21.  The described deviation is an isolated event; no defect, as
defined in 10CFR21.3(d) exists.

The result of Coltec's preliminary evaluation indicates that for the
porcelain displacer of the switch, a simple documented shake test with
the item installed in a fluid filled tube is recommended.  this, along
with other information germane to this issue should be sufficient to
address the seismic concerns.

The foot valve should be formally evaluated, and the results documented.


Scott A. Fratianne
Quality Assurance Manager,
Supplier and Systems Quality

                                   A division of Coltec Industries Inc


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021