Application Review Schedule for the Combined License Application for Levy County, Units 1 and 2

The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Progress Energy Florida, now Duke Energy Florida, LLC, submitted to obtain combined licenses (COLs) for two Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000 (AP1000) pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) designated as Levy County, Units 1 and 2.

Key Milestones Completion Date
Actual - A
Target - T
Application Tendered 07/30/08 - A
Acceptance Review
Acceptance Review Start
08/04/08 - A
Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete
10/06/08 - A
Review Schedule Established/Schedule Letter Issued to Applicant
02/18/09 - A
Safety Review
Phase A - Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) and Supplemental RAIs
(Formerly Phase 1)
03/29/10 - A
Phase B - Advanced Final safety evaluation report (SER) without Open Items
(Formerly Phase 2)
09/15/11 - A
Phase C - ACRS Review of Advanced Final SER
(Formerly Phase 3)
01/24/12 - A
Phase D - Final SER
(Formerly Phase 4)
05/31/16 - A
Environmental Review
Phase 1 - Environmental impact statement (EIS) scoping summary report issued
05/28/09 - A
Phase 2 - Draft EIS issued to EPA
08/06/10 - A
Phase 3 - Responses to public comments on draft EIS completed*
04/27/12 - A
Phase 4 - Final EIS issued to EPA
04/27/12 - A
Commission holds mandatory hearing
07/28/16 - A
Commission decision on issuance of COL
10/20/16 - A

* NRC staff responses to public comments on the Draft EIS are included in Appendix E of the Final EIS

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities page.