Application Review Schedule for Crownpoint

The following table summarizes the key milestones in the schedule that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established for its review of the application that Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI) submitted to obtain a license for its Crownpoint Uranium Project.

Key Milestones Completion Date
Actual - A
Target - T
License Renewal Application Tendered 08/22/02 - A
Acceptance Review
Federal Register Notice and Opportunity for Hearing
12/16/02 - A
Safety Review *
License Renewal Application updated after conclusion of litigation
03/21/13 – A
Licensee submits notice of intent to revise License Renewal Application
02/05/14 - A
HRI letter to updated the progress to Revise the Renewal Application
09/16/14 - A

NRC Notification to hold License Renewal Application in Abeyance until further notice

11/13/14 - A
Licensee submits revised License Renewal Application
See note below
Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Licensee
See note below
Safety Evaluation Report (SER) completed
See note below
Environmental Review
RAIs Issued to Licensee
See note below
Draft EA published for Public Comment
See note below
Final EA published
See note below
License Renewal
Licensing Action Completed - License Issued
See note below

* Actual Time Depends on Licensee

NOTE: On February 5, 2014 and September 16, 2014, HRI requested additional time to complete its discussions with the Navajo Nation Council prior to submitting a revised license renewal application. On November 13, 2014, the NRC staff placed its review of the license renewal application in abeyance until further notice. By letter dated November 27, 2015, Uranium Resources, Inc., (URI) on behalf of its wholly owned subsidiary HRI, and Laramide Resources Ltd. (Laramide), submitted to the NRC an application requesting approval for an indirect change of control of the Crownpoint Uranium Project from URI to Laramide. The transfer was approved by the NRC on March 11, 2016. The transaction closed on January 5, 2017. License SUA-1580, Amendment #4 was issued to Laramide on February 7, 2017.

Information on Federal Register notices for receipt of the application and opportunity to request a hearing or petition to intervene can be found on the Hearing Opportunities page.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 30, 2017