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FOIA/PA-2016-0148 - Resp 1 - Interim.
Accession Number: ML15363A174
Date Released: Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Package Contents
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- ML15363A182 - FOIA/PA-2016-0148 - Resp 1 - Interim. List of Documents Already Publicly Available in ADAMS Enclosed. (1 page(s), 12/28/2015)
- ML090770151 - Indian Point, Unit 2 - Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 for Use of Operator Manual Actions. (45 page(s), 3/6/2009)
- ML100539643 - Indian Point Units 1-2-3, ME3257-ME3258-ME3259, Letter to Licensee - Transmittal of Exemption - FR Granting Exemption to Extend Implementation Date for 10 CFR Part 73 Final Rule for Physical Security Plans. (8 page(s), 3/26/2010)
- ML100539650 - Indian Point Units 1-2-3, ME3257-ME3258-ME3259, Exemption - FR Re: Request for Exemption to Extend Implementation Date for 10 CFR Part 73 Final Rule for Physical Security Plans. (6 page(s), 3/26/2011)
- ML112140509 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 - Exemption From the Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 (TAC No. ME0798). (98 page(s), 2/1/2012)
- ML112140530 - Exemption--Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 - Exemption From the Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 (TAC No. ME0798). (94 page(s), 2/1/2012)
- ML050660112 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3, License Amendments, Eliminating Requirements for Hydrogen Recombiners and Hydrogen Monitors (TAC Nos. MC5032 and MC5033). (16 page(s), 4/14/2005)
- ML051470108 - Indian Point, License Amendments, Issuance Of Amendment RE: Setpoint Verification Of Trip Actuating Devices, MC6956 And MC6958. (16 page(s), 6/7/2006)
- ML052720262 - Indian Point, Unit 2, Current Facility Operating License DPR-26, Technical Specifications, Revised 06/09/2021. (104 page(s), 7/11/2007)
- ML053000051 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 - Issuance Of Amendment RE: Approving The Use Of A New Gantry Crane In The Fuel Storage Building (TAC No. MC5036). (15 page(s), 11/21/2005)
- ML060120013 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Re: Inoperability of Snubbers (Tac Nos. MC7310 and MC7311). (29 page(s), 2/13/2006)
- ML060660297 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2, License Amendment, Amendment Revises Pressurizer Level Limit In Mode 3 (TAC No. MC7061). (13 page(s), 3/22/2006)
- ML061710291 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2, License Amendment, Issuance of Amendment RE: Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) Analysis Methodology (TAC MC8427). (14 page(s), 7/24/2006)
- ML062080088 - Indian Point, Unit No.2 - Issuance of Emergency Amendment Re: Containment Sump Level Indication (TAC MD2655). (13 page(s), 7/28/2006)
- ML063050208 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 - Issuance Of Amendments RE: Technical Specification Changes - Adoption Of TSTF-258, TSTF-308, And Related Administrative Control Changes Based On NUREG-1431 (TAC Nos. MC9475 And MC9476). (18 page(s), 12/13/2006)
- ML071920025 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 - Revised Pages of Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64. (4 page(s), 7/11/2007)
- ML080080319 - Indian Point, Unit 2 - Issuance of Amendment Re: Changes to Technical Specifications to Replace Trisodium Phosphate Buffer With Sodium Tetraborate (TAC No. MD7182). (14 page(s), 2/7/2008)
- ML082240194 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments re: Passive Failure Analysis (TAC Nos. MD8290 and MD8291). (25 page(s), 12/4/2008)
- ML082700099 - Indian Point, Unit No. 2, License Amendment, Revision To ECCS Valve Surveillance Requirements. (12 page(s), 10/29/2008)
- ML082890584 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 - Issuance of Exigent Amendment Re: Surveillance Interval for Diesel Generator Endurance Test (TAC No. MD9845). (12 page(s), 10/20/2008)
- ML083370142 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit Nos. 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments re: Control Room Envelope Habitability (TAC Nos. MD7523 and MD7524). (35 page(s), 12/22/2008)
- ML090840073 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2-Issuance Of Amendment RE: Emergency Diesel Generator Surveillance Test (TAC No. MD9214). (15 page(s), 4/22/2009)
- ML091030404 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 2 - Issuance Of Amendment RE: Allowance Completion Time For Offsite Electrical Power Source (TAC MD9348). (14 page(s), 5/27/2009)
- ML091680321 - Arkansas Nuclear 1 & 2, FitzPatrick, Grand Gulf, Indian Point 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, River Bend, Waterford, Issuance of Amendments, Adoption of TSTF-511, "Eliminate Working Hour Restrictions from TS 5.2.2 to Support Compliance with 10 CFR Part 26". (67 page(s), 8/4/2009)
- ML091940058 - Indian Point, Unit 2, License Amendment, Revision to ECCS Valve Surveillance Requirements. (19 page(s), 10/29/2009)
- ML092150447 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2, License Amendment, The Amendment Revises the TSs by Updating the Reactor Vessel Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves and the Low-Temperature Over-Pressure Protection Curves. (21 page(s), 8/17/2009)
- ML100270051 - Indian Point, Unit 2, Issuance of Amendment Regarding Battery Capacity Surveillance Requirement. (13 page(s), 2/24/2010)
- ML102240488 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 - Issuance Of Amendment RE: Ventilation Filter Testing Program (TAC ME2742). (13 page(s), 9/13/2010)
- ML11152A027 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request - Cyber Security Plant (TAC Nos. ME4212, ME4213, and ME42214). (45 page(s), 8/2/2011)
- ML120900189 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Re: Revisions to Inservice Test Program Technical Specifications (TAC ME7230 and ME7231). (19 page(s), 5/2/2012)
- ML121230011 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 - Amendment Re: Spent Fuel Transfer. (187 page(s), 7/13/2012)
- ML12258A268 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Re: License Amendment Request - Cyber Security Plan (TAC NOS. ME8885, ME8886, and ME8887). (19 page(s), 11/28/2012)
- ML12285A093 - Indian Point Nuclear Generation, Unit 2, ME7367 - Issuance of Amendment to FOL Re: Changes to TS 3.3.3, Table 3.3.3-1 in the Requirements for Containment Sump Level (PAM) Instrumentation (ME7367-AMD). (12 page(s), 11/28/2012)
- ML12338A223 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 - Issuance of Amendment Re: Containment Purge System and Pressure Relief Line Isolation Instrumentation Technical Specifications (TAC No. ME7857). (11 page(s), 1/29/2013)
- ML12347A140 - ANO 1 & 2, Big Rock, FitzPatrick, GGNS, Indian Point 1, 2 & 3, Palisades, Pilgrim, RBS, Vermont Yankee, and Waterford - Issuance of Amendments, Revise QA Program Manual and Staff Qualification Technical Specifications. (93 page(s), 12/28/2012)
- ML13326A047 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2, Issuance of Amendment Re: Connection of Non-Seismic Boric Acid Recovery System to the Refueling Water Storage Tank (TAC No. MF1440). (21 page(s), 12/20/2013)
- ML14045A248 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2, Issuance of Amendment Re: Pressure-Temperature Limit Curves and Low Temperature Over Pressure Requirements (TAC No. MF0634). (29 page(s), 3/5/2014)
- ML14122A303 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments re: Technical Specification Task Force Traveler (TSTF) 432, "Change in Technical Specifications End States (WCAP-16294)" (TAC MF1898 and MF1899). (77 page(s), 7/7/2014)
- ML14126A809 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 - Issuance of Amendment Regarding Revisions to the Containment Analysis Licensing Basis (TAC No. MF0590). (10 page(s), 7/16/2014)
- ML14198A161 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit No. 2 - Issuance Of Amendment RE: H* Alternate Repair Criteria For Steam Generator Tube Inspection and Repair (Tac No. MF3369). (36 page(s), 9/5/2014)
- ML14265A329 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit No. 2 - Issuance of Amendment RE: Temporary Change to Technical Specification 3.8.6 Battery 22 Surveillance Requirement (EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES) (TAC No. MF4799). (20 page(s), 9/24/2014)
- ML14316A526 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 1, 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments RE: Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule (Tac Nos. MF3409 and MF3410). (25 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML15083A490 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit No. 2 - Issuance of Amendment RE: proposed License Amendment Regarding A Change to Technical Specification 3.1.4 "Reactivity Control Systems" (TAC No. MF5747). (17 page(s), 4/2/2015)
- ML050260200 - Indian Point Units 2, Reactor Vessel Lower Head Inspection Results Fall 2004 Refueling Outage (2R16). (8 page(s), 1/17/2005)
- ML050340248 - IR 05000247-04-012, 10/01/2004 - 12/31/2004, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2, Equipment Alignment, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control, Personnel Performance During Non-routine Plant Evolutions and Events, Refueling and... (69 page(s), 2/2/2005)
- ML051330319 - IR 05000247-05-002 on 01/01/2005 - 03/31/2005 for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Maintenance Risk Assessment and Emergent Work; Fire Protection; Non-Routine Events. (42 page(s), 5/12/2005)
- ML051680119 - IR 05000247-05-006; 02/14/05 - 02/18/05 (Onsite), 02/28/05 - 03/04/05 (Onsite), 03/07/05 - 04/27/05 (In-Office; Indian Point 2 Nuclear Power Plant; Safety System M Design And Performance Capability. (31 page(s), 6/17/2005)
- ML052100202 - IR 05000247-050-03; 04/01/2005 - 06/30/2005, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; TI 2515/163, Operational Readiness of Offsite Power; Event Followup. (41 page(s), 7/29/2005)
- ML052160329 - IR 05000247-05-008, on 06/13/2005 - 06/30/2005, Indian Point Nuclear Power Station Unit 2; Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems; Problem Identification and Resolution. (20 page(s), 8/3/2005)
- ML053000318 - IR 05000247-05-004; 07/01/2005 - 09/30/2005; Indian Point, 2; Operability Evaluations. (35 page(s), 10/26/2005)
- ML060200295 - IR 05000247-05-013 on 12/05/2005 - 12/08/2005 for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 (IP2); Supplemental Inspection for the White Finding Associated with Nitrogen Gas Accumulation in the Safety Injection System. (16 page(s), 1/20/2006)
- ML060390411 - IR 05000247-05-005; 10/01/2005 - 12/31/2005; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Maintenance Rule; Maintenance Risk Assessment and Emergent Work; Emergency Planning; Problem Identification and Resolution. (49 page(s), 2/7/2006)
- ML071300492 - IR 050000247-07-002, on 01/01/2007 - 03/31/2007; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Operability Evaluations, Permanent Plant Modifications, Problem Identification and Resolution. (52 page(s), 5/10/2007)
- ML072950599 - E-mail from M. McLaughlin of USNRC to M. Balboni of New York State, Regarding Indian Point Quarterly Inspection Reports. (55 page(s), 5/10/2007)
- ML072970515 - E-mail from M. McLaughlin of USNRC to Alp@nyserda.org and jps@nyserda.org, Regarding Issuance of the Indian Point Unit 2 Quarterly Inspection Report for 2nd Quarter 2007. (34 page(s), 8/3/2007)
- ML092920121 - IR 05000003-09-008, 05000247-09-008 and 05000286-09-008 on 08/18/2009 - 09/04/2009 for Indian Point, Units 1, 2 & 3;. (17 page(s), 10/19/2009)
- ML111320311 - IR 05000247/2011009; 04/18/2011 - 04/27/2011; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Temporary Instruction 2515/183 - Followup to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station Fuel Damage Event. (28 page(s), 5/13/2011)
- ML12061A159 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 Annual Assessment Letter (Report 05000247/2011001 and 05000286/2011001). (8 page(s), 3/5/2012)
- ML12163A352 - Indian Point 2012 Annual Assessment Meeting Attendee List. (1 page(s), 6/11/2012)
- ML13077A275 - Indian Point Energy Center - NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report Nos. 05000247/2012501, 05000286/2012501, 05000247/2012502, and 05000286/2012502; NRC Security Annual Inspection Report Nos. 05000247/2012401 and 05000286/2012401. (3 page(s), 3/18/2013)
- ML13123A280 - IR 05000247/2013002, 05000286/2013002; 01/01/2013 - 03/31/2013; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3; Maintenance Effectiveness. (51 page(s), 5/3/2013)
- ML13263A020 - IR 05000247/2013010; 09/09/2013 - 09/12/2013; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; License Renewal Inspection. (18 page(s), 9/19/2013)
- ML13317A101 - IR 05000247/2013004, 05000286/2013004; 07/01/2013 - 09/30/2013; Indian Point Power Station, Units 2 and 3; Routine Integrated Inspection Report. (40 page(s), 11/8/2013)
- ML14024A460 - IR 0500024-13-404 & 05000286-13-404, for 12/12/2013, Indian Point. (20 page(s), 1/24/2014)
- ML14041A228 - Indian Point Energy Center: NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report Nos. 05000247/2013501, 05000286/2013501, 05000247/2013502, and 05000286/2013502; NRC Security Annual Inspection Report Nos. 05000247/2013401 and 05000286/2013401. (3 page(s), 2/12/2014)
- ML14029A395 - OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NRC000133-00-BD01 - "NINA Consolidated Financial Statements, Dec. 31, 2010 and 2009 (With Independent Auditors Report Thereon)," Enclosure 1 [Redacted]. (27 page(s), 12/31/2009)
- ML15023A288 - Indian Point Units 2 and 3 NRC Baseline Security Inspection Report 05000247-2014-403 and 05000286-20114-403 (PUB). (5 page(s), 1/21/2015)
- ML15061A401 - 2014 Annual Assessment Letter for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 (Report 05000247/2014001 and 05000286/2014001)(w/Inspection Plan). (5 page(s), 3/4/2015)
- ML15089A011 - IR 05000247/2014011 and 05000286/2014011; on 05/19/2014 to 02/18/2015; Indian Point Power Station, Units 2 and 3; Follow-Up on Traditional Enforcement Actions; Fire Protection; Operator Manual Actions. (46 page(s), 3/30/2015)
- ML15148A487 - IR 05000247/2015403 and 05000286/2015403; 04/13/2015 to 04/17/2015; Indian Point Energy Center, Units 2 and 3; Access Control, Equipment Performance, Testing, and Maintenance. (5 page(s), 5/28/2015)
- ML15222A186 - IR 05000247/2015002, 05000286/2015002; 04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015; Indian Point Nuclear Generating (Indian Point), Units 2 and 3; Surveillance Testing, Problem Identification and Resolution, Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion. (44 page(s), 8/7/2015)
- ML15278A301 - IR 05000247/2015007 and 05000286/2015007; 7/20/15 to 8/20/15; Indian Point, Units 2 and 3; Component Design Bases Inspection. (52 page(s), 10/5/2015)
- ML15316A083 - IR 05000247/2015003, 05000286/2015003; 07/01/2015 - 09/30/2015; Indian Point Nuclear Generating (Indian Point), Units 2 and 3; Flood Protection Measures, Operability Evaluations, and Identification and Resolution of Problems. (59 page(s), 11/5/2015)
- ML072410254 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3 - Exemption from the Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R (TAC MD2671). (18 page(s), 9/28/2007)
- ML090760993 - Indian Point, Unit 3 - Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 for Use of Operator Manual Actions. (53 page(s), 3/6/2009)
- ML112200442 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3 - Exemption From the Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 (TAC No. ME0799). (80 page(s), 2/1/2012)
- ML112200468 - Exemption-Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3 - Exemption From the Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Paragraph III.G.2 (TAC No. ME0799). (76 page(s), 2/1/2012)
- ML050190273 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3, License Amendment, Revises TS 3.7.11, Control Room Ventilation System (TAC MC4991). (14 page(s), 1/19/2005)
- ML050600380 - Indian Point, Unit 3, License Amendment, Authorized 4.85 Percent Stretch Power Uprate & Relocation of Cycle-Specific Parameters. (124 page(s), 3/24/2005)
- ML050680066 - Indian Point Unit 3 , License Amendment, Increased Flexibility in Mode Restraints (TAC No. MC3711). (25 page(s), 4/6/2005)
- ML050740089 - Indian Point, Units 2 & 3, License Amendment, Elimination of Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports. (17 page(s), 4/14/2005)
- ML050750431 - Indian Point Nuclear Unit 3, License Amendment, Re: Full Scope Adoption of Alternative Source Term (TAC MC3351). (52 page(s), 3/22/2005)
- ML052720273 - Indian Point, Unit 3, Current Facility Operating License DPR-64, Technical Specifications, Revised 06/09/2021. (93 page(s), 7/11/2007)
- ML060680026 - Indian Point, Unit 3 - Issuance of License Amendment Re: Emergency Core Cooling System Throttle Valve Surveillance Requirements. (12 page(s), 3/23/2006)
- ML063450312 - Indian Point, Units 2 and 3, Issuance of License Amendments 251 and 233 RE: Steam Generator Tube Integrity Technical Specifications Based on Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Document TSTF-449, "Steam Generator Tube Integrity." (16 page(s), 2/13/2007)
- ML071990307 - Indian Point, Units 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Re: Proposed Changes to Technical Specifications: Miscellaneous Editorial Changes, Including TSTF-485 (TAC Nos. MD3074 and MD3075). (18 page(s), 8/16/2007)
- ML072470162 - Indian Point, Unit 3, Issuance of Amendment 235 Re: Technical Specification Change Request For Pressure-Temperature and Low Temperature Protection System Limits. (13 page(s), 10/4/2007)
- ML081070255 - Indian Point, Units 2 and 3 - Amendment 3 to License Renewal Application (LRA). (121 page(s), 3/24/2008)
- ML081140142 - Indian Point, Unit 3, Issuance Of Amendment RE: Changes To Technical Specifications To Replace Sodium Hydroxide Buffer With Sodium Tetraborate. (11 page(s), 6/9/2008)
- ML081350179 - Indian Point, Units 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Re: Deletion of E Bar Definition and Revision to Reactor Coolant System Specific Activity Technical Specifications (TAC Nos. MD7564 and MD7565). (21 page(s), 6/17/2008)
- ML110100307 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3-Issuance of Amendment 242 Re: Emergency Diesel Generator Testing (TAC No. ME2869). (21 page(s), 1/25/2011)
- ML110120043 - Indian Point,Unit 3, License Amendment, ME4913, - Issuance of Amendment to FOL Re: Changes in TS SR, for RWST. (13 page(s), 9/19/2011)
- ML12319A092 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendment Re: Request to use the Backup Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System When the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System is out of Service (TAC No. ME8097). (13 page(s), 1/28/2013)
- ML13088A204 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendment Re: Operability of Atmospheric Dump Valves (TAC ME8750). (12 page(s), 4/15/2013)
- ML14169A583 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit No. 3 - Issuance of Amendment RE: Revised Containment Integrity Analysis (Tac No. MF0591) (21 page(s), 7/17/2014)
- ML15028A308 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendment RE: Extension of the Type A Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test Frequency From 10 to 15 Years (TAC No. MF3426). (28 page(s), 3/13/2015)
- ML15050A144 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit No. 3 - Issuance of Amendments RE: Proposed Change to Indian Point 3 Technical Specifications Regarding Reactor Vessel Pressure/Temperature Limit Curves (Tac No. MF3754). (13 page(s), 3/6/2015)
- ML15110A009 - Indian Point, Units 2 & 3 - Issuance of Amendment Re Implementation of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler 510, Revision 2, "Revision to Steam Generator Program Inspection Frequencies & Tube Sample Selection(TAC Nos. MF3752 & MF3753). (48 page(s), 5/26/2015)
- ML15226A159 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendment RE: Changes to Reactor Vessel Heatup and Cooldown Curves and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Requirements (TAC No. MF5746). (32 page(s), 9/3/2015)
- ML062900540 - IR 05000247-06-011, and IR 05000286-06-009, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3, TI 2515/168. (3 page(s), 10/17/2006)
- ML063560335 - IR 05000247-06-006; 09/18/2006 - 10/06/2006; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2; Problem Identification and Resolution. (55 page(s), 12/21/2006)
- ML063620375 - IR 05000247-06-012 and 05000286-06-010; 11/13-17/06; Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3; Emergency Preparedness Exercise; Emergency Preparedness Performance Indicators. (12 page(s), 12/27/2006)
- ML070330019 - IR 05000247-06-401, IR 05000286-06-401, 11/13/2006 - 01/11/2007, Indian Point Energy Center, Special Inspection, Physical Protection. (5 page(s), 2/1/2007)
- ML072110179 - IR 05000247-07-405 and 05000286-07-405; on 07/09/2007; Indian Point Energy Center; Inspection of Additional Security Measures for Radioactive Material Quantities of Concern (RAMQC). (8 page(s), 7/30/2007)
- ML072120612 - Indian Point Unit 3, Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report for Spring 2007 Refueling Outage. (10 page(s), 7/19/2007)
- ML072960084 - IR 05000247-07-402 and 05000286-07-402; 09/10/2007-09/14/2007; Indian Point Energy Center; Access Control; Physical Protection. (6 page(s), 10/23/2007)
- ML082140149 - IR 05000247-08-006 and 05000286-08-006 on 01/28/20080 - 02/01,11-14/08, 03/31/ - 04/02/08, 6/02-06, 18/08 for Indian Point, Units 2 and 3. (43 page(s), 8/1/2008)
- ML110250538 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3 - Notification of Conduct of a Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection. (6 page(s), 1/25/2011)
- ML070310200 - Order Approving Decommissioning Plan and Authorizing Decommissioning of Facility. (34 page(s), 1/29/2007)
- ML081070550 - Indian Point, Unit 1 - Amendment 53 and SER Regarding Use of a Non-Single Failure Proof Crane For Spent Fuel Cask Handling Operations, Final Safety Analysis Report Sections 3.5.1, and 6.0. (26 page(s), 5/9/2008)
- ML083430424 - Indian Point, Unit 1, License Amendment, Technical Specifications Regarding Removal of Spent Fuel from Unit 1 and Drain Down of the Spent Fuel Pool. (32 page(s), 5/29/2009)
- ML060610497 - IR 05000003-06-008, On January 10, 11, and 30, 2006, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, Buchanan, New York. (9 page(s), 3/2/2006)
- ML070590712 - IR 05000003-07-008, On 01/30-31/2007, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, Buchanan, New York. (9 page(s), 2/20/2007)
- ML081340425 - IR 05000247-07-010 & 05000003-07-010 on 11/07/2007 - 05/07/2008 for Indian Point, Units 1 & 2. (56 page(s), 5/13/2008)
- ML081910781 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 1- SAFSTOR Inspection Report 05000003-08-011. (12 page(s), 7/9/2008)
- ML083190276 - IR 5000003-08-009 & 07200051-08-001 on 06/24/2008 - 10/01/2008 for Indian Point, Unit 1. (17 page(s), 11/14/2008)
- ML091470168 - IR 05000003-09-006 on 04/27/09 - 04/29/09 for Indian Point, Unit 1, Buchanan, NY. (12 page(s), 5/27/2009)
- ML102020027 - IR 05000003-10-09 on 06/22/10 - 06/24/10 for Indian Point, Unit 1, Buchanan, NY. (13 page(s), 7/21/2010)
- ML102020085 - IR 05000003-10-009, on 06/22/2010 - 06/24/2010, for Indian Point, Unit 1, Buchanan, NY, Transmittal Letter. (3 page(s), 7/21/2010)
- ML112690241 - IR 05000003-11-008, on 08/30/11 - 09/01/11, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Buchanan, New York Site. (10 page(s), 9/26/2011)
- ML112840312 - IR 05000003-11-008, on 09/01/11, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Buchanan, New York Site (Corrected Copy). (10 page(s), 10/11/2011)
- ML12205A417 - IR 05000003/12/010, on 06/04/12 - 07/06/12, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1. (11 page(s), 7/19/2012)
- ML13198A555 - IR 05000003-13-008, on 6/25-27/13, Indian Point. (10 page(s), 7/17/2013)
- ML14217A037 - IR 05000003-14-010 on June 23 - 25, 2014; July 14- 16, 2014; July 23, 2014 (Exit Meeting), Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1. (11 page(s), 8/4/2014)
- ML15182A283 - IR 05000003/2015009, on 06/01-04/15, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Indian Point Nuclear Generation Station, Unit 1. (11 page(s), 6/30/2015)