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Web Package for FOIA/PA-2013-0004
Accession Number: ML13028A181
Date Released: Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Package Contents
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- ML12278A336 - FOIA/PA-2013-0004 - Any records regarding violations, enforcement, inspection, compliance, civil penalties on St. Louis Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in North St. Louis County and Westlake Landfill (2 page(s), 9/10/2012)
- ML13007A423 - Confirms changes discussed at 860403 meeting re recipient rept on West Lake landfill. Mod of Option B required to show need for removal of contaminated soil in farm field bordering northwest side of Area 2. (2 page(s), 4/17/1986)
- ML13007A490 - Advises of review of 900413 Ltr re areas of West Lake Landfill in which radwaste had previously been landfilled. Ltr correctly depicts waste mgt program position on issuance of solid waste disposal area operating permit for areas. (2 page(s), 5/31/1990)
- ML042600300 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Buildings 235 & 236 Interior," Revision 0. (74 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML13007A419 - Confirms 790329 telcon re reassignment of tasks. Imperative that surveillance of decontamination efforts at Latty Avenue site be continued. ANL recommended to be subcontract so that project will not be delayed. (5 page(s), 4/17/1979)
- ML082401021 - IR 04006563-08-001, on 07/29-30 & 08/19/08 for Mallinckrodt Chemical, Inc., St. Louis, MO, Form 591M Parts 1 & 3. (2 page(s), 8/19/2008)
- ML12209A203 - Errata for NRC Inspection Report No. 040-06563/11-03(DNMS)-Mallinckrodt, Inc. St. Louis, MO Dated June 29, 2012. (5 page(s), 7/26/2012)
- ML042570086 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Building 245 Exterior," Revision 0. (41 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML112640373 - Final Report - Independent Confirmatory Survey Results for Survey Units 1 and 3 Within the Plant 5 Footprint at the Mallinckrodt Inc. Site, St. Louis, Missouri. (37 page(s), 9/1/2011)
- ML071510193 - Letter from Mallinckrodt Re: Transfer of Solid Waste (Soils and Debris). (3 page(s), 5/24/2007)
- ML042600291 - Mallinckrodt, Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Building 200 Roof," Revision 0. (56 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML13007A498 - Forwards rept of 741117 insp of activities under License SUB-1022 & requests licensee response concerning plans for corrective actions. (2 page(s), 12/4/1970)
- ML13007A497 - Rept of Insp of activities under License SUB-1002 on 701117, Contrary to 1OCFR2.201 (b), air sample surveys inadequate to determine concentrations of airborne U ore matls to which persons exposed during drying & loading operations. (11 page(s), 11/17/1970)
- ML13008A248 - Concurs w/Region III conclusion that attempts to recover seven tons of natural U under 100 ft of refuse & earth would serve no useful purpose & believes that Cotter Corp should be cited against 10CFR20.301. Draft enforcement Ltr encl. (13 page(s), 6/26/1974)
- ML042600297 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Buildings 235 & 236 Exterior Walls," Revision 0. (68 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML042600286 - Mallinckrodt, Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report Building 101 Exterior," Revision 0. (97 page(s), 4/14/2004)
- ML13007A488 - Ack receipt of recent Ltr advising that provisions of 10CFR40 app appropriate guidance for disposal of radioactive matl found in Westlake landfill. Unresolved concerns listed. (2 page(s), 2/26/1990)
- ML051920026 - Mallinckrodt Property Inc. Sewer Study-Phase I, Rev. B, May 23, 2005. (49 page(s), 5/23/2005)
- ML13008A247 - Forwards Insp Rept 40-8035/74-01 on 740410 & 21-24. Licensee disposed of approx. 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate containing 7 tons of natural U in land fill near St. Louis, MO. Licensee in clear violation of 10CFR20.301. (8 page(s), 5/17/1974)
- ML093230547 - IR 04006563-09-001 on 11/04/09 for Mallinckrodt Chemicals, Inc., Form 591M Parts 1 & 3. (2 page(s), 11/4/2009)
- ML13007A421 - Confirms telcon re estimated vol. of contaminated soil to be removed from former Cotter Corp site. Vol. will be contingent on decontamination criteria proposed. (1 page(s), 4/10/1981)
- ML13007A422 - Ack receipt of 830902 Ltr informing NRC of steps taken to correct violations noted in NRC 830727 Ltr forwarding notice of violation. (4 page(s), 9/12/1983)
- ML071710022 - Karen Burke Ltr re: Request to Transfer Waste to Waste Control Specialists Texas Facility or to US Ecology Idaho Facility. (3 page(s), 6/27/2007)
- ML13008A246 - Insp Rept 40-8035/74-01 on 740410 & 21-24, Disposal of licensed matl from 730731-1012 not authorized. Major areas inspected :followup on enforcement action re inadequate air sample surveys to determine concentrations of airborne U. (8 page(s), 5/16/1974)
- ML12146A229 - Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Re: Report for Analytical Results for Five Soil, and Two Sediment Samples from the Mallinckrodt Plant, St. Louis Missouri. (4 page(s), 5/21/2012)
- ML042570091 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Building 250 Exterior," Revision 0." (77 page(s), 4/14/2004)
- ML13007A416 - Ack receipt of 710629 Ltr & informs that questions re burial of matl at Hazelwood, MO Site or any other property controlled by Cotter Corp be directed to Div of Matls Licensing. (11 page(s), 7/22/1971)
- ML111430673 - IR 04006563-011-001, 04/28/2011, Mallinckrodt Chemical Inc., St. Louis, MO NRC Form 591M Part 1 and 3. (2 page(s), 4/28/2011)
- ML042600293 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Buildings 222 & 223 Roof," Revision 0. (40 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML042930331 - Mallinckrodt, Inc.'s Final Status Survey Report (FSSR) for Survey Unit 235 Roof. (98 page(s), 8/7/2003)
- ML071770199 - Review of "Mallinckrodt Disposal of Unimportant Quantities of Source Material" and Previous Analysis of Disposal of Unimportant Quantities of Source Material at Waste Control Specialist Andrews Facility and US Ecology in Grandview, Idaho. (4 page(s), 6/26/2007)
- ML13007A417 - Confirms 790316 request for radiological survey of Bldgs 2-5 of former Cotter Corp property in Hazelwood, MO. Property previously released for unrestricted use, Requests addl samples from Bldg 1. (1 page(s), 4/16/1979)
- ML13007A487 - Advises that vendor responsible for presence of matl in landfill & consequent environ & radiation health problems. Radioactive matls concentration of Ra-226 & other decays will increase by decay of Th-230 present. (2 page(s), 10/25/1989)
- ML13007A496 - Insp Findings & Licensee Ack of insp on 640610 of Licenses 24-05804-02, SNM-276, SUB-176 & STB-401. No noncompliance noted. Licensee telephone notification of insp dtd 640609 encl. (2 page(s), 6/10/1964)
- ML110680213 - IR 04006563-10-001, on 1/31 - 2/23/2011 Mallinckrodt Chemical Inc., St. Louis, MO, Form 591 M Part 1 and 3. (2 page(s), 3/2/2011)
- ML13007A420 - Advises that contractor, ANL, indicated Parcel (BLDG 1) satisfactorily decontaminated. All bldgs, except as noted, released for unrestricted use. Map depicting external gamma radiation onsite encl. (2 page(s), 8/22/1979)
- ML13007A489 - FOIA request for documents re radioactive matl presently located at West Lake Landfill, Bridgeton, MO, previously licensed to Cotter Corp. (5 page(s), 10/3/1990)
- ML031350673 - Final Status Survey Report for Survey Unit 2501. (4 page(s), 5/15/2003)
- ML042570079 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Building 240 Interior," Revision 0. (52 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML13007A499 - Responds to NRC 701204 Ltr re noncompliance of certain aspects of drying & processing operations w/AEC regulations. Monitoring initiated to comply w/1 OCFR20.201 (b). Rept will be submitted by 710115. List of St. Louis Airport residues encl. (5 page(s), 1/7/1971)
- ML071410273 - 06/12/2007 Notice of Meeting With Mallinckrodt, Inc to Discuss Source Removal in Plant 6W of the Mallinckrodt Facility Located in St. Louis, Missouri. (4 page(s), 5/21/2007)
- ML042570096 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report 9101," Revision 0. (43 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML13008A208 - Confirms 800107 telcon re Westlake Landfill. Copy of 781231 Ltr to E Harvison encl. Early response to questions raised appreciated. Resolution submitted by City of Bridgeton also encl. (5 page(s), 1/15/1980)
- ML111721708 - IR 04006563-11-002, on 06/01-02/2011, Mallinckrodt Chemical, Inc. St. Louis, MO, Form 591M Parts 1 & 3. (2 page(s), 6/2/2011)
- ML13007A486 - Discusses rev to draft rept, "Engineering Evaluation of Option for Disposition of Radioactively Contaminated Residues Presently in West Lake Landfill, St. Louis, MO." Rev expected by 60616. Budget for work encl. (3 page(s), 5/5/1986)
- ML13007A418 - Confirms recent telcon re misunderstanding in Ltr, dtd 790202 to Congressman Young re movement of contaminated soil from site on Latty Avenue to site adjacent to St. Louis Intl Airport. (1 page(s), 3/8/1979)
- ML12181A332 - IR 04006563-11-03, on 12/15/2011 - 05/31/2012 (period included two onsite inspections) Mallinckrodt Chemical Inc., St. Louis, MO. (14 page(s), 6/29/2012)
- ML13008A249 - Forwards Insp Rept 40-8035/74-01 on 740410 & 24. Disposal of 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate containing approx.0.08% natural U not within 1 OCFR40 regulations. (6 page(s), 11/1/1974)
- ML070530262 - Inspection Report 040-06563-07-001, on 02/06-09/2007, for Mallinckrodt Chemical, Inc. (2 page(s), 2/6/2007)
- ML042570075 - Mallinckrodt Inc, "C-T Project - Phase I, Final Status Survey Report, Building 240 Exterior," Revision 0. (49 page(s), 1/5/2004)
- ML13007A393 - FOIA/PA-2013-0004 - Resp 1 - Final. (10 page(s), 12/11/2012)
- ML13008A251 - Notice of violation from insp on 830517. Violation noted: one package was shipped from facility on 830513 & arrived at Richland Washington burial site on 830517 w/open lid. (1 page(s), 7/27/1983)
- ML13008A242 - Responds to 760602 request for addl info & followup action re 1973 burial of 7 tons natural U in St. Louis County landfill. Full investigation will begin during wk of 760620 due to listed newspaper articles apparent discrepancy. (3 page(s), 4/17/1976)
- ML13008A347 - Insp Rept 40-6563/93-01 on 930208. No violations noted. Major areas inspected: organization, facility, environ sampling, training, waste disposal, posting & independent measurements. (6 page(s), 3/2/1993)
- ML13008A275 - Forwards summary rept on radioactive matl in West Lake Landfill (NUREG-1308, Rev 1) per request. w/o encl. (1 page(s), 10/4/1988)
- ML13008A277 - Safety insp on 910524 of License STB-401. Insp findings: no violations observed. (1 page(s), 5/24/1991)
- ML13008A252 - Responds to NRC 830727 Ltr re violations noted in IE insp rept. Corrective actions: procedures for packaging & shipping radioactive matl revised. Revised procedure encl. (4 page(s), 9/2/1983)
- ML13008A278 - Insp rept 40-6563/96-01 on 960213. No violations noted. Major areas inspected: Radiation Safety Program, including organization, facility, environ sampling, posting & independent measurements. (6 page(s), 3/14/1996)
- ML13008A245 - Insp Rept 40-6563/78-01 on 780509. No noncompliance noted. Major areas inspected: organization, summary of licensed program, internal audits or insps & training/retraining & instruction to workers. (16 page(s), 5/26/1978)
- ML13008A276 - Forwards summary rept (NUREG-1308, Rev 1) re radioactive matl in West Lake Landfill per 880921 request. w/o encl. (1 page(s), 10/4/1988)
- ML13008A606 - Insp rept 99990003/93-30 on 930915-16. No violations or deviations noted. Major areas inspected: Major. areas inspected: Contemporary Metals Corp & Continental Mining & Milling Company former AEC licenses. (19 page(s), 3/23/1994)
- ML13008A274 - Ack receipt of 850426 Ltr informing NRC of steps taken to correct noncompliance noted in insp of License STB-1097. (1 page(s), 5/8/1985)
- ML13008A279 - Safety & compliance insp on 981007-08 of license 24-17450-01. Insp findings: no violations identified. (1 page(s), 10/8/1998)
- ML13008A250 - Refers to special insp conducted by State of Washington on 830517 & 830707 telcon between M Roberts & D Gibbons re shipment of radwaste shipped on 830513 to Richland Washington. Activities appear to be in noncompliance. (2 page(s), 7/27/1983)
- ML13008A244 - IE Investigation Rept 40-8035/76-01 on 760622-24 & 0811. No noncompliance identified. Major areas investigated: allegations re disposition of 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate from former facility at Hazelwood, MO. (20 page(s), 1/5/1977)
- ML13008A271 - Insp Repts 30-00001/85-01, 30-10823/85-01, 30-10801/85-01, 30-18546/85-01, 30-12559/85-01, 30-05094/85-01 & 40-6563/85-01 on 850130-31, 2010 & 05. No noncompliance noted. Major areas inspected: organization, licensee audits & training. (18 page(s), 3/6/1985)
- ML13008A243 - Forwards Insp Rept 40-8035/74-01 conducted on 740410 & 24 & rept of insp conducted on 701117, for licensee review for proprietary info prior to placement in PDR. (1 page(s), 6/17/1976)
- ML13008A345 - Insp Rept 30-29675/94-01 on 940908-22, Violations noted. Major areas inspected: review of events that led up to incident that occurred on 40302, organization, mgt controls, staffing, qualifications, training & instruction to workers. (12 page(s), 10/13/1994)