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06-00221-08 575491 Chemtura Corporation (Termination).
Accession Number: ML111810511
Date Released: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Package Contents
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- ML111810516 - Chemtura Corporation, Termination request letter dtd 6/27/2011. (2 page(s), 6/27/2011)
- ML111810549 - Building Decommissioning & Final Radiological Status Report. (28 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810602 - Room 1201 Scoping Survey, Attachment A. (41 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810610 - Room 1207 Scoping Survey, Attachment G. (26 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810615 - Room 1215 Scoping Survey, Attachment K. (15 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810619 - Room 1217 Scoping Survey, Attachment M. (20 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810628 - Room 1220 Scoping Survey, Attachment P. (18 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810634 - Room 1223 Scoping Survey, Attachment S. (25 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810658 - Sinks and Drains Scoping Survey, Attachment W. (16 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810665 - Room T-393B Decommissioning Report, Attachment Y. (34 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810704 - Counting Statistics for Portable & Laboratory Instruments, Attachment Z. (18 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810787 - Roof and Vent Stack Wipes, Attachments DD. (37 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810838 - Survey Unit 2 Final Status Survey Rooms 1220 - 1224, Attachment HH. (42 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810875 - Survey Unit 4 Final Status Survey Rooms 1207, Attachment JJ. (34 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111810878 - Survey Unit 7 Final Status Survey Radioactive Waste Storage, Attachment MM. (23 page(s), 6/22/2011)
- ML111990015 - NRC, RI E-mail dtd 7/15/2011, Two Questions re: Termination of License. (1 page(s), 7/15/2011)
- ML112000168 - Chemtura Corporation, Deficiency Response Letter Received 7/19/2011. (6 page(s), 7/19/2011)
- ML112010018 - Chemtura Corporation, Telephone Record dtd 7/19/2011, Subj: Trust Fund Valuation Reports. (1 page(s), 7/19/2011)
- ML112490004 - Chemtura Corporation, License Termination, Control No. 575491. (2 page(s), 9/2/2011)
- ML112490005 - Chemtura Corporation, License Termination Amendment 37, Control No. 575491. (1 page(s), 9/2/2011)
- ML112490006 - Chemtura Corporation, Return of Financial Assurance Submittal Due to Termination of License, Control No. 575491. (2 page(s), 9/2/2011)