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FOIA/PA-2004-0234 - Resp 4 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML052350368
Date Released: Monday, August 22, 2005
Package Contents
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- ML052350387 - FOIA/PA-2004-0234 - Resp 4 - Partial. (14 page(s), 8/12/2005)
- ML030150293 - Site Specific Communication Plan for Decommissioning of Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC. - Hematite Facility, Festus, MO. (9 page(s), 12/2/2002)
- ML042150027 - Westinghouse Electric Company Public Meeting on July 27, 2004, RE: Former Hematite Fuel Manufacturing Facility. (3 page(s), 7/29/2004)
- ML052350399 - Memo to L. B. Higginbotham-NRC from A. B. Davis-NRC, re: T12600/1. (2 page(s), 3/3/1980)
- ML052350401 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from James G. Keppler, re: IE Information Notice No 80-11. (8 page(s), 3/14/1980)
- ML052350403 - Memo to L. B. Higginbotham-NRC from A. B. Davis-NRC, re: Occupational ALARA Requirements for Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facilities AITS No. H08000196. (1 page(s), 3/19/1980)
- ML052350405 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from James G. Keppler, re: IE Circular No. 80-14. (4 page(s), 6/24/1980)
- ML052350406 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from James G. Keppler, re: IE Circular No. 80-20. (4 page(s), 8/21/1980)
- ML052350408 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from James G. Keppler, re: Reorganization of NRC offices. (2 page(s), 2/20/1981)
- ML052350409 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering Inc, from James G. Keppler, re: Policy of the Office of Inspection and Enforcement concerning the procedure for review of NRC inspection report for possible proprietary information is changed. (1 page(s), 5/4/1981)
- ML052350411 - Ltr to Phouc Le-Science Applications, Inc, from Jim Keebler-Dept. of Natural Resources, re: Response to request for information. (1 page(s), 7/22/1981)
- ML052350415 - Letter dtd 02/12/1982 forwarding NRC Information Notice 1980-032, Rev 1. (7 page(s), 2/12/1982)
- ML052350422 - Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material. (4 page(s), 7/31/1982)
- ML052350426 - Memo to Region III Materials Files from C. C. Peck-NRC, re: Suspension of Combustion Engineering Burial Site Permit by State of Nevada. (3 page(s), 12/16/1982)
- ML052350432 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from D. J. Dougherty-NRC, re: change of telephone numbers for Region III. (1 page(s), 7/22/1983)
- ML052350709 - Memorandum to Region III File from George France, Subj: Trip Report - NRC Staff familiarization visits to Allied Chemical Company (Docket No. 04003392), Combustion Engineering Corporation (Docket No. 07000036), and Kerr McGee Nuclear Corporation (Dock (2 page(s), 5/23/1984)
- ML052350710 - Ltr to licensees on attached list from James G. Keppler-NRC, Informing of new system for acknowledging receipt of licensee correspondence concerning items of noncompliance found during an inspection. (4 page(s), 8/3/1994)
- ML052350711 - Letter to H. Lichtenberger, Combustion Engineering, Inc., regarding inspection August 6-10, 1984. (14 page(s), 8/31/1984)
- ML052350712 - Letter from CE to NRC, confirming intent to make a combined response for reports covering 7/26-31/84 and 9/11-14/84. (1 page(s), 10/1/1984)
- ML052350713 - Ltr to licensees on attached list from James G. Keppler-NRC, Informing of new system for acknowledging receipt of licensee correspondence concerning items of noncompliance found during an inspection. (3 page(s), 12/21/1984)
- ML052350715 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from John A. Hind-NRC, addressing the noncompliances in Inspection Report No. 70-36/84-02. (8 page(s), 12/26/1984)
- ML052350717 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc from C. J. Paperiello-NRC, forwarding Inspection Report No. 70-36/85001(DRSS), Appendix, and Notice of Violation. (15 page(s), 6/10/1985)
- ML052350719 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from Jack A. Hind-NRC, re: Response to Notice of Violation letter. (8 page(s), 1/16/1986)
- ML052350720 - Ltr to J. A Hind-NRC from H. E. Eskridge-Combustion Engineering, Inc, regarding Inspection Report 70-36/8002 Non-Compliances. (1 page(s), 1/24/1986)
- ML052350725 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc, from W. D. Shafer-NRC, re: Transmittal of Inspection Report No. 70-36/85003. (12 page(s), 2/3/1986)
- ML052350730 - Memo to James G. Partlow from Jack A. Hind, re: MC&A Inspection for Combustion Engineering - Hematite Plant Docket No. 70-36. (1 page(s), 2/21/1986)
- ML052350716 - Ltr to W. L. Axelson-NRC from H. E. Eskridge-Combustion Engineering, Inc, re: Status of Violations identified in Inspection Report 70-36/86001. (2 page(s), 9/4/1986)
- ML052350718 - Ltr to James A. Rode-Combustion Engineering, Inc, from Viraf Palsetia-Dept. of Natural Resources, re: investigation of the condition and operation of the wastewater facilities at Combustion Engineering Co. plant. (5 page(s), 10/28/1986)
- ML052350773 - Ltr to James G. Keppler-NRC from H. E. Eskridge-Combustion Engineering, Inc, re: report of the incinerator scrubber overheating event. (3 page(s), 1/8/1987)
- ML052350775 - Letter to H. Lichtenberger regarding organization changes in Region III. (8 page(s), 3/3/1987)
- ML052350776 - Memo to James G. Parltow-NRC from Jack A. Hind-NRC, re: MC&A Inspection for Combustion Engineering - Hematite Plant (Docket No. 70-36). (1 page(s), 3/17/1987)
- ML052350786 - Letter to G. France regarding request for release of data. (1 page(s), 5/9/1988)
- ML052350797 - Memo from Bruce S. Mallett-NMSS to Leland C. Rouse-NMSS re: Confirmatory Survey at Combustion Engineering (Hematite). (2 page(s), 10/26/1988)
- ML052350808 - Ltr from Bruce S. Mallett-NMSS to Combustion Engineering, Inc, re: Transmittal of approval of request to construct warehouse facilities. (3 page(s), 11/3/1988)
- ML052350819 - Ltr from J. A. Rode to Bruce S. Mallett-NMSS, re: List of requirements for Soil Removal and Disposal. (2 page(s), 11/18/1988)
- ML052350823 - Ltr from L. Robert Greger to Combustion Engineering, Inc. re: Routine Safety Inspection conducted on December 13-16, 1988. (5 page(s), 1/9/1989)
- ML052350865 - Memo to L. Rouse, NMSS regarding Request for Technical Assistance. (4 page(s), 1/11/1989)
- ML052350866 - Letter to J. Rhode, Combustion Engineering, Inc., from Dept. of Natural Resources, State of Missouri, regarding investigation of wastewater facilities. (3 page(s), 1/27/1989)
- ML052350867 - Letter to B. Mallet, USNRC regarding report on status of items which appeared to be in violation of NRC requirements, per Inspection Report 70-36/88003 (DRRS). (2 page(s), 3/3/1989)
- ML052350868 - Letter to Combustion Engineering, Inc. from NRC regarding Amendment #12, License SNM-33 & Safety Evaluation Report. (1 page(s), 5/10/1989)
- ML052350869 - Letter to USNRC from Blandin Paper Co., regarding radioactive material received from Combustion Engineering, Inc. (1 page(s), 5/11/1989)
- ML052350870 - Letter to The Honorable Jeremiah (Jay) W. Nixon, Missouri Senate, from Dept. of Natural Resources, State of Missouri, regarding response to letter of August 17, 1989. (5 page(s), 8/23/1989)
- ML052350871 - Transcript of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting, Jefferson College, Hillsboro, Missouri. (70 page(s), 8/24/1989)
- ML052350886 - Ltr to George France-NRC from Phyllis R. Cotton - Oak Ridge Associated Universities, re: Contamination on Concrete Slab - Combustion Engineering, Hematite, MO. (2 page(s), 9/18/1989)
- ML052350891 - Ltr to The Honorable Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon from Charles E. Norelius - NRC, re: Meeting Transcript, August 17, 1989 letter from J. Nixon, Petition. (2 page(s), 10/2/1989)
- ML052350893 - Memo from Charles Norelius to Judge Charles Bechhoefer, Subj: Transcription of Public Meeting Regarding Combustion Engineering. (1 page(s), 10/2/1989)
- ML052350895 - Memo to A. Bert Davis-NRC from Roland Lickus-NRC, re: Trip Report - Hillsboro, Missouri. (3 page(s), 10/26/1989)
- ML052350896 - Ltr to George M. France - NRC from A. E. Scherer-NRC, re: Combustion Engineering Organization. (1 page(s), 11/22/1989)
- ML052350899 - Thank you letter to E. Walsh from B. Mallett, NRC. (1 page(s), 12/15/1989)
- ML052350901 - Letter to B. Davis from J. Rode re: a report of the incinerator scrubber overheating event occurred on 01/13/90. (3 page(s), 2/13/1990)
- ML052350904 - Letter to B. Mallet from H. Eskridge re: Effluent Monitoring Report - July - December 1989. (2 page(s), 2/14/1990)
- ML052350906 - Ltr from H. E. Eskridge, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power to Bruce S. Mallet, Region ll, NRC, RE: Event Report - UF6 Leak from Defective Cylinder Valve. (4 page(s), 5/18/1990)
- ML052350909 - Memo to G. Bidinger from D. Sreniawski re: ABB-Combustion Engineering/Hematite Facility request. (4 page(s), 5/31/1990)
- ML052350913 - Memo to Glen L. Sjoblom - NRC NMSS from Charles E. Norelius - NRC, re: Combustion Engineering, Inc Hematite Facility Assessment Summary and Inspection Report for April 1990. (2 page(s), 6/13/1990)
- ML052350914 - Ltr to Charles E. Norelius - NRC from H. E. Eskridge-ASEA Brown Boveri, re: Report on status of evaluation and corrective actions taken or planned concerning open items identified in Inspection Report 70-0036/90002. (3 page(s), 6/19/1990)
- ML052350917 - Ltr to Charles E. Norelius-NRC from J. F. Conant-ABB, re: Charles R. Waterman replaces Dr. P. L. McGill. (3 page(s), 7/19/1990)
- ML052350918 - Ltr to Charles E. Norelius - NRC from H. E. Eskridge-ASEA Brown Boveri, re: Report on status of evaluation and corrective actions taken or planned concerning open items identified in Inspection Report 70-0036/90002. (5 page(s), 8/6/1990)
- ML052350920 - Ltr to D. J. Sreniawski - NRC from H. E. Eskridge-ASEA Brown Boveri re: Proposed plan for containing limestone dust and sampling. (2 page(s), 8/22/1990)
- ML052350923 - Letter to B. Mallet, USNRC, regarding Effluent Monitoring Report - January Through June, 1990. (2 page(s), 8/29/1990)
- ML052350926 - Ltr to A. Bert Davis - NRC from James A. Rode-ASEA Brown Boveri, re: Report of Defective UF6 Cylinder Valve. (5 page(s), 9/5/1990)
- ML052350927 - Ltr to John A. Grobe - NRC from Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon, re: Combustion Engineering, Inc. Docket No 70-0036. (1 page(s), 11/8/1990)
- ML052350929 - Memo to Region III File from Helen Pappas, re: Demand for Information Letters - 10 CFR 70.25. (6 page(s), 11/9/1990)
- ML052350932 - Ltr to Jack A. Grobe - NRC from J. A. Rode - ASEA Brown Boveri, re: report on status of the two items which appeared to be in violation of NRC requirements in NOV concerning Inspection Report No. 70-0036/90003. (2 page(s), 11/16/1990)
- ML052350933 - Ltr to Combustion Engineering, Inc. from John A. Grobe - NRC, re: Meeting notification regarding UF6 release. (2 page(s), 12/28/1990)
- ML052350935 - Letter to J. Grobe, USNRC, regarding Effluent Monitoring Report - July Through December, 1990. (2 page(s), 2/28/1991)
- ML052350936 - Combustion Engineering, Inc., RAI, w/hand written notes, Application Dated November 22, 1989. (7 page(s), 8/19/1991)
- ML052350937 - Memo to Charles E. Norelius - NRC from William L. Axelson - NRC, re: Trip Report - Combustion Engineering, Inc, Fuel Facility. (2 page(s), 9/27/1991)
- ML052350939 - Letter to James Rode from William Axelson. Tentative schedule for the data collection. (4 page(s), 10/15/1991)
- ML052350940 - Memo to Charles J. Haughney-NRC from William L. Axelson - NRC, re: Maintenance Inspection Findings at Combustion Engineering. (3 page(s), 11/6/1991)
- ML052350942 - Memo to Charles E. Norelius-NRC from Roy J. Caniano - NRC, re: Concerns regarding Combustion Engineering Expansion. (3 page(s), 12/18/1991)
- ML052350943 - Letter to J. Rode, Combustion Engineering, Inc., regarding public meeting at Arts Center Little Theatre at Jefferson College on 04/21/1992. (3 page(s), 4/10/1992)
- ML052350944 - Memorandum to Region III Files from Roy J. Caniano - NRC, re: April 21, 1992 Public Meeting Regarding Combustion Engineering, Hematite, MO, Docket No. 070-0036. (56 page(s), 5/19/1992)
- ML052360059 - Note to J. Hickey, M. Tokar, C. Robinson, & G. France from S. Soong Subject: Meeting with Combustion Engineering, Inc. (CE) scheduled for 07/28/92. (1 page(s), 7/20/1992)
- ML052360062 - Memo to R. Caniano regarding trip report July 28, 1992 (3 pages) Attach: 07/15/92 SECY-91-398A, Policy Issue (Information) Subj: License Terminations for Cimarron Corporation Facilities, Crescent, OK (5 pgs) Attach: 07/28/92 ABB Combustion Engineering. (9 page(s), 8/11/1992)
- ML052360065 - Letter to R. Siudek, Combustion Engineering, regarding confirmation of participation in survey. (5 page(s), 8/21/1992)
- ML052360069 - Memo to Region IIl Files regarding Trip Report, September 3, 1992, re implementation of new 10 CFR 20 at CE, followed by meeting with Concerned Citizen. (5 page(s), 9/15/1992)
- ML052360072 - Letter to J. Rode, Combustion Engineering, Inc., regarding inspection conducted by J. Gavula and G. France, III. (6 page(s), 10/5/1992)
- ML052360076 - Memo to R. Caniano regarding Trip Report from October 28, 1992, meeting with Combustion Engineering. (3 page(s), 11/10/1992)
- ML052360078 - Fax from ABB Combustion Engineering re ABB CENF Organization for Manufacturing and Quality Assurance. (1 page(s), 2/1/1993)
- ML052360082 - Ltr to B. Hoffman-ABB from Edward G. Greenman - NRC, re: Confirmation of Management Meeting to Discuss Activities related to BWR Fuel. (3 page(s), 2/23/1993)
- ML052360084 - Ltr to Roy J. Caniano - NRC from Harold E. Eskridge - ABB, re: Effluent Monitoring Report - July through December, 1992. (10 page(s), 3/11/1993)
- ML052360087 - Memorandum to John A. Grobe - NRC from George M. France - NRC, re: Schedule of Inspection Activities CE Hematite. (4 page(s), 4/30/1993)
- ML052360090 - Memorandum to William L. Axelson - NRC from John A. Grobe - NRC, re: Comment: Supplement to NRC Bulletin NRCB 91-01, Reporting Loss of Criticality Safety Controls. (8 page(s), 6/17/1993)
- ML052360092 - Letter to Combustion Engineering, Inc. from D. Schuette, Dept. of Natural Resources re: Modified state operating permit. (5 page(s), 7/9/1993)
- ML052360094 - Ltr to George M. McCann - NRC from Harold E. Eskridge - ABB, re: Effluent Monitoring Report - January Through June, 1993. (3 page(s), 8/20/1993)
- ML052360051 - Memorandum to J. Leiberman from C. Norelius Subj Review of licensee employee concerns programs, according to TI 2500/028 issued 07/29193. (13 page(s), 9/13/1993)
- ML052360063 - Letter to J. Hermanson, Assistant RA for Federal-State Operations, OSHA regarding information on ABB Combustion. (2 page(s), 11/9/1993)
- ML052360064 - Memo to R. DeFayette, EICS, USNRC regarding Allegation Followup Combustion Engineering License No. SNM-33, Docket No. 070-00036 A.M.S. No. RIII-93-A-0137. (4 page(s), 12/17/1993)
- ML052360066 - Memo to W. Brown, NMSS, from G. Shear, Rill, re Review of Proposed Part 70 for Fuel Cycle Plant Safety. (14 page(s), 12/20/1993)
- ML052360067 - Letter to R. Lickus, USNRC, regarding response to referral of hazards at ABB Combustion Engineering. (2 page(s), 12/20/1993)
- ML052360070 - Letter to Combustion Engineering from US NRC, Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting. (2 page(s), 1/11/1994)
- ML052360071 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIIl, from R. W. Sharkey, ABB CE, re Response to Notice of Violations dated 11/08/03 and 12/08/93. (7 page(s), 2/17/1994)
- ML052360073 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIIl, from R. W. Sharkey, ABB CE, re Effluent Monitoring Report - July Through December, 1994. (1 page(s), 2/21/1994)
- ML052360075 - Letter to Combustion Engineering from US NRC, Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting. (2 page(s), 3/3/1994)
- ML052360077 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIII, from R. W. Sharkey, ABB CE, re Revision to Effluent Monitoring Report - July Through December, 1993. (1 page(s), 3/31/1994)
- ML052360079 - Letter to H. Eskridge, ABB Combustion Engineering, from G. M France, RIII, re Treatment of Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Dermal Burns. (1 page(s), 7/6/1994)
- ML052360081 - Letter from ABB to Gary Shear, Effluent Monitoring Report - January through June, 1994. (3 page(s), 8/26/1994)
- ML052360083 - Letter to Mr. Gary Stout, response letter. (2 page(s), 9/2/1994)
- ML052360085 - Letter to Gary Shear, Subj: Response to Notice of Violation. (2 page(s), 11/23/1994)
- ML052360088 - Letter to Mr. Robert Sharkey, Subj: Notice of Violation Dated October 27, 1994. (1 page(s), 12/22/1994)
- ML052360089 - Ltr.from Robert W. Sharkey, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Fuel, to Gary L. Shear, Region III, NRC, RE: Effluent Monitoring Report - July through December 1994. (1 page(s), 1/12/1995)
- ML052360128 - Telephone conversion received by Jim Kniceley from Jerry Roth. (1 page(s), 3/22/1995)
- ML052360130 - Ltr.0 from Gary L. Shear, Region III, NRC to Robert W. Sharkey, Combustion Engineering, RE: Return of Contaminated Sludge Samples. (1 page(s), 6/1/1995)
- ML052360145 - MDNR Letter from R. Eck to ABB regarding not notifying the state of a sewage sludge bypass at the site. (3 page(s), 8/28/1995)
- ML052360148 - Memorandum from William G. Snell, Senior Radiation Specialist, NRC to Gary L. Shear, Chief, Fuel Facilities Section, NRC, RE: Review of Final Survey Plan for ABB Combustion Engineering. (2 page(s), 9/28/1995)
- ML052360154 - Letter to Mr. Gary Shear, Subj: Update of Combustion Engineering, Inc. Listing of Authorized Individuals. (2 page(s), 10/11/1995)
- ML052360155 - Enforcement Board Briefing of ABB Combustion Engineering at Hematite Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Facility re onsite inspection dated 10/16-20/95 and Laboratory analysis through 11/09/95. (4 page(s), 11/16/1995)
- ML052360158 - Letter to Mr. Bruce Kaiser, Subj: Routine Safety Inspection - ABB Combustion Engineering, Hematite, Mo (NRC Inspection Report No. 070-00036/96001(DNMS)). (18 page(s), 2/16/1996)
- ML052360161 - Letter from John Jacobson to Gary Shear. Telephone conversation of March 11 and 12,1996. (1 page(s), 3/12/1996)
- ML052360165 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Kaiser, ABB CE, from H. J. Miller, RIII, Subj: NRC Licensee Performance Review - ABB Combustion Engineering Hematite, Missouri with unknown author handwritten notations. (4 page(s), 4/22/1996)
- ML052360169 - E-mail from Robert Sharkey, ABB-CE, Subj: Organization Announcement. (1 page(s), 4/23/1996)
- ML052360173 - NRC Management Meeting Agenda, Combustion Engineering. (1 page(s), 8/14/2005)
- ML052360177 - Letter from ABB to NRC, Subj: Reply to Notice of Violation re Inspection Report No. 70-36/96-202. (6 page(s), 9/13/1996)
- ML052360181 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIII, from R. W. Sharkey, ABB Subj: Evaporation Complex Safety Assessment. (1 page(s), 9/30/1996)
- ML052360187 - Slides for presentation to NRC Region III on October 16, 1996 by Combustion Engineering Inc. (5 page(s), 10/16/1996)
- ML052360191 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Kaiser, Subj: Routine and Augmented Inspection Team Followup Safety Inspections of ABB Combustion Engineering, Hematite, NRC IR 070000036-96-004(DNMS). (18 page(s), 10/31/1996)
- ML052360192 - Response Evaluation (NOV's) Sheet, Inspection date: 09/23-27/96. (1 page(s), 11/25/1996)
- ML052360196 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIII, from R. W. Sharkey, Abb, Subj: 12/16/96 Meeting Schedule. (1 page(s), 12/9/1996)
- ML052360202 - Letter to Bruce Kaiser, ABB-CE, from C. D. Pederson, Rill, Subj: Response to Inspection Report No. 07000036-96-004. (1 page(s), 12/23/1996)
- ML052360206 - 03/20/1997, Licensee Meeting Notice with NRC.re Central Time. (2 page(s), 2/21/1997)
- ML052360209 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Kaiser, ABB-CE, from C. D. Pederson, RIII, Subj: Management Meeting on Thursday March 20, 1997. (1 page(s), 2/21/1997)
- ML052360211 - Letter to Gary Shear, RIII, from R. W. Sharkey, ABB, Subj: Effluent Monitoring Report - July Through December, 1996. (1 page(s), 2/26/1997)
- ML052360263 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Kaiser, ABB-CE, from R. J. Caniano, RIII, Subj: Routine Safety Inspection of ABB Combustion Engineering, Hematite, Mo (NRC Inspection Report No. 07000036-97-002(DNMS)). (18 page(s), 5/16/1997)
- ML052360267 - Letter to B. Kaiser, ABB-CE, from R. J. Caniano, NMSS, Subj: Response to 08/29/97 "Continued Safe Operation of Dry HF Scrubbers" letter. (1 page(s), 9/9/1997)
- ML052360273 - Letter to Dr. Bruce Kaiser, ABB-CE, from P. L. Hiland, RIII, Subj: Response to Inspection Report No. 070-00036-97-003(DNMS)). (17 page(s), 10/27/1997)
- ML052360281 - 04/14/1998 - Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting, ABB - Combustion Engineering, Hematite Facility. (3 page(s), 4/1/1998)
- ML052360283 - Response letter to ABB-CE acknowledging receipt of NOV Response for IR 07000036-98-003. (1 page(s), 9/17/1998)
- ML052360108 - Letter to Dr. B. Kaiser, ABB-CE, from P. L. Hiland, RIII, re NRC Inspection Report 07000036-98-004(DNMS) and Notice of Violation. (22 page(s), 10/21/1998)
- ML052360110 - Letter to B. Kaiser, ABB, Subj: Response to NRC Inspection Report 07000036-98-004 (DNMS). (6 page(s), 11/24/1998)
- ML052360111 - Letter to B. Kaiser, ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc., Regarding October 30 1998, Public Meeting Summary. (6 page(s), 12/7/1998)
- ML052360112 - Letter to B. Kaiser, ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc., Regarding Response to Combustion Engineering Inspection Report 07000036-98-004(DNMS). (1 page(s), 1/26/1999)
- ML052360113 - Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting between NRC and ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc., Festus, MO on 09/15/99. (2 page(s), 8/19/1999)
- ML052360114 - Letter to G. Page, ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power, Inc., re: NRC Inspection Report 07000036-99-004(DNMS). (12 page(s), 9/29/1999)
- ML052360115 - Materials License Amendment No. 43 to License SNM-0033. (4 page(s), 10/17/2002)
- ML052360117 - Letter to J. Nardi, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC - re: Hematite Amendment 43 (TAC NO. W90088). (7 page(s), 10/22/2002)
- ML052360118 - Site Specific Communication Plan for the Decommissioning of the Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC. Hematite Facility in Festus Missouri. (8 page(s), 12/2/2002)
- ML052360175 - Letter to A. J. Nardi, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC - transmitting Hematite, Amendment 43 "Corrected Copy". (4 page(s), 10/17/2003)
- ML052360179 - Materials License, NRC Form 374, Amendment No. 44 to License No. SNM-0033. (4 page(s), 1/28/2004)
- ML052360182 - Letter to H. A. Sepp, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC - Hematite, Amendment 44 (Mail Control Number 312881). (1 page(s), 1/28/2004)
- ML052360184 - Materials License, NRC Form 374, Amendment No. 44 to License No. SNM-0033. (4 page(s), 1/28/2004)
- ML052360188 - Telephone conversation record between George McCann, NRC, and Hank Sepp, Westinghouse Electric Company re: Review of 03/18/04 WEC Letter Requesting License Modification to Address Internal Approval of Operating Procedures. (5 page(s), 3/22/2004)
- ML052360190 - Memorandum to Kenneth O'Brien from George M. McCann, Subj: Westinghouse Electric Company Public Meeting on July 27, 2004, Regarding The Former Hematite Fuel Manufacturing Facility. (2 page(s), 7/29/2004)
- ML052360195 - Gant Chart. (4 page(s), 8/12/2005)
- ML052360197 - Management Meeting with ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc, EA No 96-259 Issues. (7 page(s), 8/12/2005)
- ML052360199 - ASLBP In the Matter of Combustion Engineering, Inc., Hematite Fuel Fabrication Facility, Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-33, Supplemental Information to request of Senator Nixon on Combustion Engineering, INC by Order received 08/22/89. (2 page(s), 8/12/2005)
- ML052360208 - Enclosure 1 to ML-95-003, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Hematite Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Facility, Integrated Safety Assessment Schedule. (2 page(s), 8/12/2005)
- ML052360210 - USNRC Routine Inspection Report No. 07000036-90-003 Summary of NRC Concerns. (4 page(s), 8/12/2005)