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0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection
Accession Number: ML12146A104
Date Released: Friday, June 29, 2012
Package Contents
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- ML12146A114 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 02 - Federal Regulations, Guides and Reports. (38 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A115 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 03 - Site Investigation. (53 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A122 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 04 - Loads, Load Factors and Load Combinations. (38 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A125 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 05 - Concrete Structures and Construction. (58 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A131 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 051 - Reinforced Concrete. (52 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A134 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 052 - Pre-Stressed Concrete. (26 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A135 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 053 - Reinforcing Bars, Reinforcing Details and Tolerances. (15 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A136 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 054 - Concrete Containments, Modular Construction and Mass Concrete. (25 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A139 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 055 - Durability, NDE and Masonry. (36 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A126 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 06 - Steel. (25 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A140 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 0631 - Members and Components. (47 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A141 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 0632 - Connections, Joints and Details. (59 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A143 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 0641 - AISC Specifications for Structural Joints. (27 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A147 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 0651 - Nondestructive Testing Methods. (18 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A148 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 0661 - Steel Construction. (23 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A130 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - 07 - General Construction Methods. (115 page(s), 5/25/2012)
- ML12146A152 - 0401 - E120 - Civil Codes and Inspection - Advanced Construction Methods for New Nuclear Power Plants. (13 page(s), 5/25/2012)