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V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3 - Combined License Application, Environmental Report Audit Information Needs: G-9 Part 2.
Accession Number: ML091740347
Date Released: Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Package Contents
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- ML091740346 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Combined License Application, Environmental Report Audit Information Needs: G-9 Part 2. (20 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740343 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Map, South Carolina Electric & Gas New Nuclear Deployment Two Mile Raduis, Fairfield County and Newberry County South Carolina. (1 page(s), 11/15/2006)
- ML091740344 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, General Highway Map Fairfield County South Carolina. (1 page(s), 12/31/1972)
- ML091740350 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.1-1, VCSNS Site and Proposed Plant Footprint. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740351 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.1-2, 50-Mile Vicinity. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740352 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.1-3, 6-Mile Vicinity. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740353 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.2-1, Land Use on the Proposed Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740354 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.2-2, Land Use in the Vicinity of the Proposed Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740349 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.2-3, Existing Transmission System for VCSNS Unit 1. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740355 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.2-4, Land Uses in Counties Affected by the Proposed New Transmission Lines. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740356 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.2-5, Land Use in the Region of the Proposed Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740357 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.3-20, Mapped Wetlands. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740368 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.4-1, Habitats and Areas That Will Be Disturbed During Construction of VCSNS Units 2 and 3. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740369 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.4-2, Areas Surveyed for Endangered and Threatened Species at VCSNS, 2002 - 2007. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740370 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.4-3, Small Mammal Trapping Transects on the VCSNS Site, October 2008. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740371 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-1, 10-Mile Surrounding Area. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740372 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-2, 50-Mile Surrounding Area. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740373 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-3, Road and Highway Transportation System. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740374 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-4, Public Airports and Rail System Within 50 Miles of the Proposed Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740375 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-5, Areas Surveyed for Cultural Resources at VCSNS. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740376 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-6, Black Races Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740377 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-7, American Indian or Alaskan Native Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740403 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-8, Asian Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740405 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-9, Aggregate Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740401 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-10, Hispanic Ethnicity Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740402 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.5-11, Low Income Block Groups. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740406 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 2.8-1, Anthropogenic Radiation Sources. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740407 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 4.3-1, Habitats and Areas That Will Be Disturbed During Construction of VCSNS Units 2 and 3. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740408 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 5.3-4, Modeled Areal Extent of Thermal Plume in Parr Reservoir. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740410 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 5.8-1, Closest Residences In Each of 16 Directions. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740411 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 6.2-1 Existing Radiological Environmental Sample Locations (Remote). (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740412 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 6.2-2, Existing Radiological Environmental Sample Locations (Local). (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740423 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 6.2-3, Proposed New Radiological Sampling Locations. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740424 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 6.3-1, Observation Wells. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740426 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-3, Savannah River Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740427 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-4, Minority Population Block Groups within 50 Miles of SRS. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740428 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-5, Low-Income Households Block Groups within 50 Miles of SRS. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740429 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-6, Cope Generating Station. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740430 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-7, Minority Block Groups within 50 Miles of Cope Generating Station. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740431 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-8, Low-Income Households Block Groups within 50 Miles of Cope Generating Station. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740432 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-9, Saluda Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740422 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-10, Minority Block Groups within 50 Miles of the Saluda Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)
- ML091740425 - V.C. Summer, Units 2 and 3, Figure 9.3-11, Low-Income Households Block Groups within 50 Miles of the Saluda Site. (1 page(s), 6/15/2009)