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Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Application for a Uranium Enrichment Facility License Under 10 CFR 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material."
Accession Number: ML090300658
Date Released: Monday, March 23, 2009
Package Contents
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- ML090300656 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Application for a Uranium Enrichment Facility License Under 10 CFR 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material." (20 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300590 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Table of Contents (TOC) through Section 3.3, Figure 3.3-2. (88 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300595 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Figure 3.3-3 through Figure 3.3-10. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300599 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Figure 3.3-11 through Figure 3.3-17. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300601 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.4 through Table 3.4-14. (68 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300604 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.4, Figure 3.4-1 through 3.4-14. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300606 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.5, through Section 3.6, Figure 3.6-20. (113 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300613 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix A - Consultation Documents. (19 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300614 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix B - Dispersion Modeling for Construction Site Preparation Activities. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300618 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C, Rock Boring Log - Figure C-1 through C-2, Sheet 13. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300622 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C, Figure C-2, Sheet 14 through Sheet 25. (12 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300679 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C, Figure C-2, Sheet 26 through Sheet 38. (13 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300627 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix E, Geotechnical Investigation Summary Report. (134 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300631 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figure 1 through 7. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300636 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figure 8 through 9. (2 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300571 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figure 10 through 27. (18 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300572 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Journal Article, "SEA99: A Revised Ground Motion Prediction Relation for Use in Extensional Tectonic Regimes". (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300694 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Journal Article, "Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, and 5%-Damped PSA at Spectral Periods..." (40 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300578 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Journal Article, "The Vertical-to-Horizontal Response Spectral Ratio & Tentative Procedures for Developing Simplified V/h and Vertical Design..." (33 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300580 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Impact of Deep Rock Column on Soil Response Spectra. (13 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300581 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Field Study Archaeology, A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Volume I; Report. (49 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300582 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Ecology Field Study Report Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Bonneville, Idaho, Revision 1. (19 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300583 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Ecology Field Study Report, Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Bonneville, Idaho, Fall 2008 Survey, Revision 1. (14 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300625 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Summary of Hydrogeologic Field Studies From April Through July 2008. (20 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300637 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Visual Resource Inventory Study, Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Bonneville, Idaho, Revision 1. (12 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300638 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Baseline Noise Field Study, Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Bonneville, Idaho, Revision 1. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300639 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Sage Grouse Survey Report, Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Bonneville, Idaho, Revision 1. (7 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090300700 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Safety Analysis Report (SAR) - MONK 8A Validation and Verification. (85 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540307 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 1, Table of Contents (TOC) through Table 1.3-1 Regulatory Compliance Status. (91 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540309 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 2, Table of Contents (TOC) through Table 2.4-2 Comparison of Environmental Impacts for the Proposed Action and the No-Action Alternative Scenarios. (87 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540310 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Table of Contents (TOC) through Figure 3.3-2, Rev. 0, "Age-Distance Plot of Lake Cenozoic Bimodal Volcanism in Snake River Plain-Yellowstone Province". (88 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540312 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Figure 3.3-3 through Figure 3.3-10. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540368 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Figure 3.3-11 through Figure 3.3-17. (8 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540317 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.4, through Table 3.4-14 Radiochemical Analyses for the EREF Site Groundwater. (68 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540320 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.4, Figure 3.4-1 through 3.4-14. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540322 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.5 through Figure 3.6-20. (113 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540324 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 3, Section 3.7 through Figure 3.12-1. (114 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540326 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 4, Table of Contents through Table 4.13-2 Summary of Estimated Costs for Disposal of DUF at DOE Deconversion Facilities. (211 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540327 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Chapter 5 Table of Contents through Chapter 10 Table 10-1 Principal Contributors to the ER. (166 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540328 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix A - Consultation Documents. (19 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540329 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix B - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Dispersion Modeling for Construction Site Preparation Activities. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540332 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C - Rock Boring Log - Figure C-1 through C-2, Sheet 13. (15 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540335 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C - Figure C-2, Sheet 14 through Sheet 25. (12 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540371 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix C - Figure C-2, Sheet 26 through Sheet 38. (13 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540341 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Rev. 0, Appendix D - Volcano Hazard Analysis through Figure D-3. (18 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540342 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Revision 0, Appendix E, Geotechnical Investigation Summary Report. (134 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540343 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment. (64 page(s), 10/28/2008)
- ML090540347 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figures 1 through 7. (8 page(s), 10/28/2008)
- ML090540351 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figures 8 through 9. (2 page(s), 10/28/2008)
- ML090540353 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Figures 10 through 27. (18 page(s), 10/28/2008)
- ML090540374 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, SEA99: A Revised Ground Motion Prediction Relation for Use in Extensional Tectonic Regimes. (15 page(s), 10/31/1999)
- ML090540373 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, and 5%-Damped PSA at Spectral Periods Between 0.01 s and... (40 page(s), 2/28/2008)
- ML090540362 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Environmental Report Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Vertical-to-Horizontal Response Spectral Ratio and Tentative Procedures for Developing Simplified V/H and Vertical Design Spectra. (33 page(s), 12/31/2004)
- ML090540303 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Appendix F, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Impact of Deep Rock Column on Soil Response Spectra. (13 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540304 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, a Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of the Proposed Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Volume I: Report. (49 page(s), 11/21/2008)
- ML090540316 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Ecology Field Study Report Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Revision 1. (19 page(s), 12/8/2008)
- ML090540340 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Ecology Field Study Report Proposed Site for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility, Fall 2008 Survey, Revision 1. (14 page(s), 12/8/2008)
- ML090540355 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Summary of Hydrogeologic Field Studies From April Through July 2008. (20 page(s), 9/25/2008)
- ML090540360 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Visual Resource Inventory Study, Revision 1. (12 page(s), 12/8/2008)
- ML090540363 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Baseline Noise Field Study, Revision 1. (8 page(s), 12/8/2008)
- ML090540364 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Environmental Report, Sage Grouse Survey Report, Revision 1. (7 page(s), 12/8/2008)
- ML090540875 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility Final Safety Analysis Report, Rev 0. (512 page(s), 12/30/2008)
- ML090540876 - Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility - Final Safety Analysis Report, MONK 8A Validation and Verification, Table of Contents through Appendix A. (85 page(s), 12/31/2008)