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G20020555-G20020592/LTR-02-0617-LTR-02-0659 - Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich Ltr. re: Request Documents Concerning Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.
Accession Number: ML023600114
Date Released: Thursday, October 31, 2002
Package Contents
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- ML022910299 - G20020555-G20020592/LTR-02-0617-LTR-02-0659 - Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich Ltr. re: Request Documents Concerning Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. (7 page(s), 10/23/2002)
- ML022460085 - Note to Commissioner Assistants, Subject: Status of Dialogue Between NRC & Licensees Re Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles. (5 page(s), 10/31/2001)
- ML020770580 - SECY-02-0046 - Proposed Bulletin: "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity" (19 page(s), 3/18/2002)
- ML023570220 - 03/25/02 - Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head (To: Commissioner Assistants; From: J W Craig). (6 page(s), 3/25/2002)
- ML023570253 - Talking points for TA Briefiing on 03/14/02. (1 page(s), 3/14/2002)
- ML023570259 - Draft NRC Bulletin 2002-xx: Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Inspection Program. (12 page(s), 10/23/2002)
- ML022700362 - Memorandum to Commission from W Travers, Subject: Status of FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Response to NRC Bulletin 2002-01. (1 page(s), 12/6/2001)
- ML023570266 - 03/21/02 - INES Rating of Davis-Besse Reactor Head Degradation Event (To: Commissioner Assistants; From: J W Craig). (6 page(s), 3/21/2002)
- ML023570268 - Commissioner Merrifield's official vote on CORR-02-0076 - letter to Congresswoman M. Kaptur, concerning recent discovery of a cavity in the reactor pressure vessel head at Davis-Besse. (3 page(s), 4/16/2002)
- ML023570274 - Commission Calendar - Appointment Schedule for Comm. Diaz's office for 04/17/02. (1 page(s), 7/18/2002)
- ML023570302 - Memo from A. Mendiola, NRR, to J. Shea, OEDO, Re: Visit by FEC, FESC, and FENOC officials with Commissioners. (10 page(s), 4/11/2002)
- ML023570304 - E-mail from D. Roberts to S. Rosenberg, Re: CRDMS. (1 page(s), 10/12/2001)
- ML023030506 - 11/05/01 E-mail from B. McCabe to J. Craig and S. Rosenberg, Re: October 31st Note regarding CRDM Cracking. (1 page(s), 11/5/2002)
- ML022460113 - E-mail from J. Zimmerman, NRR Re Commissioners' TA Briefing. (12 page(s), 11/13/2001)
- ML023570309 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO to A. Levin, OCM, et al., Issuance of Information Notice 2002-13, Fwd: E-mail from D. Pickett t Davis-Besse Communication Plan. (7 page(s), 4/4/2002)
- ML023570318 - E-mail from J. Colaccino, NRR, to H. Nieh, OEDO, et al., Re: Davis-Besse. (1 page(s), 4/29/2002)
- ML023570324 - E-mail from D. Pickett to A. Hiser et al., Re: Re: Latest Davis-Besse Communication Plan. (40 page(s), 3/27/2002)
- ML023570328 - E-mail from B. McCabe to H. Neih et al., Re: Fwd: Draft Bulletin. (1 page(s), 3/18/2002)
- ML023030510 - 11/27/01 E-mail from S. Rosenberg to B. McCabe et al., Subject: Your Question. (1 page(s), 11/27/2002)
- ML022880298 - E-mail from Thomas Hiltz re: Question concerning FENOC. (1 page(s), 11/27/2001)
- ML022700363 - Feedback from FENOC Meeting on CRDM & Shutdown. (1 page(s), 11/29/2001)
- ML023570229 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to A. Levin, OCM et al., Re: Fwd: Davis-Besse RVH Repair w/att 03/25/02 FENOC e-mail Re: DB RVH Pepair. (9 page(s), 3/26/2002)
- ML023570275 - E-mail from J. Sharkey to J. Beall et al., Re: Latest Davis-Besse Communication Plan. (2 page(s), 3/27/2002)
- ML023570301 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to A. Levin, OCM, et al., Re: Fwd: Latest Davis-Besse Communications Plan w/att 03/27/02 e-mail D. Pickett, NRR to A. Hiser, NRR, et al. (42 page(s), 3/27/2002)
- ML023570381 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to B. McCabe. OCM, et al., Re: Rwd: Latest Davis-Besse Communications Plan w/att 03/28/02 e-mail D. Pickett, NRR, to A. Hiser, NRR, et al. (42 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML023570333 - E-mail from B. Gabriel to Chairman Meserve's office staff, Fwd: PNO-II-02-006B, Davis-Besse. (4 page(s), 4/5/2002)
- ML023570336 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to A. Levin, OCM, et al., Re: Fwd: PN302006B; Davis-Besse-Reactor Vessel...)2nd update) w/att 04/05/02 e-mail from PN1 to ASIB et al. (4 page(s), 4/5/2002)
- ML023570342 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to Reactor TAs, Re: Rwd: Davis-Besse Petition w/att 04/24/02 e-mail from D. Lochbaum, UCS, to wdt @nrc.gov. (22 page(s), 4/24/2002)
- ML023570345 - E-mail from H. Nieh to A. Levin et al., Re: Davis-Besse. (1 page(s), 4/30/2002)
- ML023570347 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to Reactor TAs, Re: Fwd: Davis-Besse Head Update w/att 05/03/02 e-mail form D. Pickett, NRR, to A. Hiser, NRR, et al. (2 page(s), 5/6/2002)
- ML023570350 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to Reactor TAs, Re: Fwd: Davis-Besse AIT w/att 05/06/02 e-mail from P. Buckley, RIII, to B. Sheron, NRR, et al. (42 page(s), 5/6/2002)
- ML023570352 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to Reactor TAs, Re: Fwd: 05/20/02 meeting notice, meeting w/FirstEnergy w/att 05/20/02 e-mail J. Chimood, NRR, to A. Hiser, NRR, et al. (3 page(s), 5/8/2002)
- ML023570353 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to D. Simpkins, Reactor TAs, Re: Fwd: 06/04/02 meeting w/FirstEnergy. (1 page(s), 5/24/2002)
- ML023030508 - 11/26/01 E-mail from B. McCabe to S. Rosenberg, Re: Davis-Besse Order. (2 page(s), 11/26/2002)
- ML023570356 - E-mail from H. Nieh, Nieh, OEDO, to A. Levin, OCM, et al., Davis-Besse Links for your info. (1 page(s), 4/10/2002)
- ML023570358 - E-mail from Pn1 to EVENTS, FRONT, PN1, Re: PN302006B, Davis-Besse - Update - Significant Metal Loss Obseerved in Readtor Vessel Head. (3 page(s), 3/18/2002)
- ML023580033 - E-mail from PN1 to EVENTS, FRONT, PN1, Re: PN302006B, Davis-Besse - Reactor Vessel Head Degradation (2nd Update). (3 page(s), 4/5/2002)
- ML023580034 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to B. McCabe, OCM, et al., Subject: NEI response to NRC questions on RPVH degradation. (1 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML023580092 - E-mail from H. Nieh, OEDO, to B. McCabr, OCM, et al., Subject: Toeldo Blade article on Davis-Besse. (1 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML023580094 - E-mail from H. Hieh, OEDO, to B. McCabe, OCM, et al., Subject: Fwd: Davis-Besse Communications Plan. (1 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML023030492 - 10/05/01 E-mail from T. Hiltz to A. Levin et al., Re: First Energy Brief. (1 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML022880303 - Request for Briefing with Committee Staff by November 15, 2001 to discuss the safety implications raised by the cracked and leaking vessel head penetration nozzles, re: information contained in the bulletin and industry's response to bulletin. (2 page(s), 10/25/2001)
- ML020920808 - G20020183/LTR-02-0230 - Christine Patronik-Holder, et al. Ltr re Requests that FirstEnergy Corporation be Required to Provide a "Whole Plant" X-ray Examination Followed by a Full System Walk-Down of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant in Oak Harbor. (5 page(s), 3/21/2002)
- ML020920815 - G20020184/LTR-02-0228 - Rep. Marcy Kaptur Ltr re Requests expeditious review of the safety and operating concerns at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant (8 page(s), 3/28/2002)
- ML023580096 - E-mail from PN1 to EVENTS, FRONT, PN1, re: PN302006, Davis-Besse - Update - Significant Metal Loss Observed in Reactor Vessel Head. (2 page(s), 3/11/2002)
- ML022880301 - NRC Bulletin 2001-01, "Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles," with handwritten notes. (17 page(s), 10/15/2002)
- ML020980577 - G20020184/LTR-02-0228 - Rep. Marcy Kaptur Ltr re Request Expeditious Review of the Safety and Operating Concerns at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. (2 page(s), 4/24/2002)
- ML022400605 - Slides: Status of NRC Staff Review of FENOC's Bulletin 2001-01 Response for Davis-Besse, Brief to EDO. (5 page(s), 11/29/2001)
- ML023580102 - 11/30/2001 Status of NRC Staff Review of FENOC's Bulletin 2001-01 Response for Davis-Besse. (6 page(s), 11/30/2001)
- ML022400364 - Commission Technical Assistant Briefing dated 10/11/01. (4 page(s), 10/11/2001)
- ML022700373 - NRC Bulletin 2001-01, "Circumferential Cracking of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles." (17 page(s), 10/11/2001)
- ML023580106 - Telephone message to Comm. Diaz from L. Meyers, FENOC. (1 page(s), 5/13/2002)
- ML023030526 - October 5, 2001 - Dave Lochwood, Steve Moffit, Roy Lessey, Dave Giessen - 1996, 1998, 2000 Locking for leakage from CRD flanges. (2 page(s), 10/5/2001)
- ML023580110 - 03/14/2002 Commissioners TA Briefing on Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head Agenda. (9 page(s), 3/14/2002)
- ML023580119 - 03/14/2002 Commissioners TA Briefing on Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head Agenda. (15 page(s), 3/14/2002)
- ML022880305 - Commissioner's Technical Assistants Brief, October 3, 2001, Rockville, MD to discuss & focus on results of staff's Bulletin 2001-01, response reviews for high susceptibility plants & basis for next Regulatory Action to be taken. (14 page(s), 10/3/2002)
- ML023580127 - 04/17/2002 FENOC Meeting Handouts for Meetings with Individual Commissioners regarding Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Issues. (10 page(s), 4/7/2002)