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FY03 - 050247 INDIAN POINT, UNIT 2 Initial Exam (Mar '03) Fac/Dev (UO1495)
Accession Number: ML023260235
Date Released: Thursday, November 28, 2002
Package Contents
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- ML023250188 - Senior Reactor and Reactor Operator Initial Examinations - Indian Point Station, Units 2 & 3, dtd 11/21/02 (5 page(s), 11/21/2002)
- ML031150057 - NRC Exam Results ltr dtd 4/24/03. (3 page(s), 4/24/2003)
- ML031190569 - Final QA/Related Forms. (20 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190614 - Draft - NRC Comments. (9 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190638 - Draft - Outlines for Indian Point. (47 page(s), 4/1/2002)
- ML031190666 - Draft - RO & SRO Written. (279 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190688 - Draft - Section A Operating. (68 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190713 - Draft - Section B Operating. (84 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190727 - Draft - Section C Operating. (84 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031190755 - Final - Outlines (Change Summaries - Optional). (38 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031200103 - Final - RO & SRO Written (247 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031200138 - Final - Section A Operating. (151 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031200207 - Final - Section B Operating (85 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031200391 - Licensee Post Exam Comments & NRC Resolution (if applicable; Note: for failures). (24 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031200432 - Final - Section C Operating. (72 page(s), 4/1/2003)
- ML031340620 - IR 05000247-03-301, 03/10-21/2003, Indian Point 2 Initial Operator Licensing Examination. Four of Six Applicants Passed the Examination (2 ROs, 1 SRO Instant, and 1 SRO Upgrade). (10 page(s), 5/14/2003)
- ML031420341 - NRC Certificate Ltr dtd 5/21/03. (2 page(s), 5/21/2003)