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Purdue Supplemental Info to License Amendment for Digital I&C
Accession Number: ML17220A077
Date Released: Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Package Contents
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- ML17172A635 - Purdue University - Supplemental Documentation - Submission of License Amendment Request, Enclosed Documents Include Cyber Security Plan and Cyber Security Procedure. (3 page(s), 6/21/2017)
- ML17172A638 - Purdue University Research Reactor - PUR1-FRS-001, Revision 4, "Reactor Protection / Control System Replacement Project, Functional Requirements Specification". (43 page(s), 9/30/2016)
- ML17172A643 - Drawing - DWK 250: Purdue Digital Wide-Range Channel - Block Diagram. (2 page(s), 7/5/2016)
- ML17172A644 - Drawing - DAK 250-g: Purdue Log N and Period Channel - Block Diagram. (1 page(s), 6/29/2016)
- ML17172A645 - Drawing - DAK 250-g: Purdue Linear Power Channel - Block Diagram. (1 page(s), 6/29/2016)
- ML17172A646 - Drawing - DGK 250: Purdue Safety Channel - Block Diagram. (1 page(s), 6/29/2016)