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Forwards util testimony re spent fuel pool mod.Refs in TA Pickens testimony will be offered into evidence as exhibits.
Accession Number: ML17174A502
Date Released: Monday, July 31, 2017
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- ML17174A500 - Forwards util testimony re spent fuel pool mod.Refs in TA Pickens testimony will be offered into evidence as exhibits. (1 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A503 - Testimony on Contention 1 re radwaste treatment sys for spent fuel pools & Contention 4 re radiation monitoring of spent fuel pool.Waste disposal & monitoring sys adequate for increased storage.Alarm sys satisfactory. (16 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A505 - Fuel Procedure DFP 800-20, "Operation of Whiting Redundant Crane Sys," Revision 2. (10 page(s), 5/31/1976)
- ML17174A506 - Emergency Plan Implementation Procedure EPIP 200-12, "Area High Radiation." (3 page(s), 7/31/1980)
- ML17174A507 - Emergency Plan Implementation Procedure EPIP 200-13, "High Airborne Activity." (2 page(s), 7/31/1980)
- ML17174A508 - Testimony on Contention 7 re corrosion & related reactions of stainless steel boral storage rack tubes.Replies to State of IL second amended contentions re ASLB 800909 memorandum & order.Prof qualifications encl. (26 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A509 - "Neutron Absorber Sampling Plan - in Pool." Ref 6. (4 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A510 - Testimony on Contention 8 re criteria to prohibit use of spent fuel storage racks.Proposed surveillance program assures safe operation of racks.Prof qualifications encl. (7 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A511 - Testimony on Contention 2 re QA for spent fuel storage racks,Contention 3 re prevention & protection against damage in transportation & Contention 6 re impact of increased fuel storage capacity.FSAR Sections 4 & 14 & FES Section 7 encl. (66 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A512 - Testimony on Contention 3 re prevention & protection against transportation damage & Contention 5 re workers' health & safety in spent fuel pool area.Discusses receipt of new high density spent fuel racks. (13 page(s), 11/4/1980)
- ML17174A513 - Radiation Procedure DRP 37-1-B-1, "Control of Personnel External Exposures to Radiation." Util response to Question 1,Round 1 encl. (7 page(s), 3/31/1974)
- ML17174A514 - Deviation rept D-12-3-79-52:on 791025,fuel pool overflowed into vent ducts carrying contaminated water to all floors on Elevation 613-ft.Caused by inadvertent opening of condensate fill valve.Valve immediately closed. (5 page(s), 10/29/1979)
- ML17174A518 - Testimony on Contention 2 re QA assurance for spent fuel storage racks & Contention 3 re prevention & protection against transportation damage. (14 page(s), 11/4/1980)