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NUREG-0800, Chapter 7, Instrumentation and Controls.
Accession Number: ML15246A369
Date Released: Thursday, September 17, 2015
Package Contents
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- ML14302A404 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-12 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A303 - NUREG-0800 - Appendix 7.1-C - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (23 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A946 - BTP 7-14 Draft Final. (70 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A467 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-14 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (85 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A592 - BTP 7-2 Draft Final (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A982 - BTP 7-18 Draft Final. (7 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A149 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.0 - Revision 7 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (20 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A397 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-10 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (15 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A199 - Appendix 7.0-A Draft Final - Review Process For Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems. (28 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A079 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-3 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (5 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A411 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.4 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (14 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A403 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.2 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A681 - BTP 7-5 Draft Final. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A408 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.3 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (15 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A109 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-5 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (5 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A416 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.6 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A672 - BTP 7-4 Draft Final. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A638 - BTP 7-3 Draft Final. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A799 - BTP 7-12 Draft Final. (11 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A488 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-18 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (8 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A226 - NUREG-0800 - Appendix 7.1-B Draft Final. (14 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A959 - BTP 7-17 Draft Final. (9 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A088 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-4 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15209A455 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-6 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A297 - NUREG-0800 - Appendix 7.0-A - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline (32 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A769 - BTP 7-11 Draft Final. (11 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A996 - BTP 7-19 Draft Final. (23 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A385 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-1, Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Revision. (5 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A459 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-2 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (5 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A413 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.5 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (18 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A300 - NUREG-0800 - Appendix 7.1-B - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline (29 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B223 - FRN Ch 7 SRP Update Draft (11 page(s), 9/3/2015)
- ML15159A337 - Appendix 7.1-C Draft Final. (19 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A143 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-8 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A207 - Appendix 7.1-A Draft Final - Acceptance Criteria And Guidelines for Instrumentation And Control Systems Important to Safety. (42 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A540 - BTP 7-1 Draft Final. (5 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A477 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-17 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (11 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A401 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-11 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (21 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A495 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-19 - Revision 7 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (25 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15209A571 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-9 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B011 - BTP 7-21 Draft Final. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15209A459 - BTP 7-9 - Draft Final. (5 page(s), 9/3/2015)
- ML15159A726 - BTP 7-10 Draft Final. (14 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A112 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-21 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A491 - Appendix 7.1-D Draft Final - Guidance For Evaluation of the Application Of IEEE STD 7-4.3.2. (23 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A309 - NUREG-0800 - Appendix 7.1-D - Revision 2 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (26 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A410 - NUREG-0800 - BTP 7-13 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (9 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A153 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.1 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (14 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A809 - BTP 7-13 Draft Final. (9 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15209A319 - BTP 7-6 Draft Final. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159A699 - BTP 7-8 Draft Final. (4 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B042 - SRP 7.0 Final - Instrumentation And Controls Overview of Review Process. (20 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B171 - SRP 7.8 Draft Final - Diverse Instrumentation and Control Systems. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B086 - SRP 7.2 Draft Final - Reactor Trip System. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B099 - SRP 7.3 Draft Final - Engineered Safety Features Systems. (14 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B161 - SRP 7.7 Draft Final - Control Systems. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A428 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.7 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A435 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.9 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (18 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B068 - SRP 7.1 Draft Final - Instrumentation And Controls Introduction. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A432 - NUREG-0800 - Section 7.8 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (15 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B203 - Table 7-1_Final - Regulatory Requirements, Acceptance Criteria, And Guidelines For Instrumentation And Control Systems Important To Safety. (13 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15232A674 - Transmittal Memo - Federal Register Notice - Draft Standard Review Plan Revisions to Instrumentation and Controls (NUREG-0800, Sections in Chapter 7). (2 page(s), 9/3/2015)
- ML15159B156 - SRP 7.6 Draft Final - Interlock Systems Important to Safety. (11 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B177 - SRP 7.9 Draft Final - Data Communication Systems. (15 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14303A447 - NUREG-0800 - Table 7-1 - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (18 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML14302A299 - NUREG-0800, Appendix 7.1-A - Revision 6 - Current to Draft Final Redline. (50 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B138 - SRP 7.5 Draft Final - Information Systems Important to Safety. (16 page(s), 8/31/2015)
- ML15159B122 - SRP 7.4 Draft Final - Safe Shutdown Systems. (12 page(s), 8/31/2015)