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Comments by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Early Site Permit for the PSEG Site (NUREG-2168).
Accession Number: ML14345A610
Date Released: Friday, December 19, 2014
Package Contents
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- ML14345A525 - Comment (00009) by M. K. Van Rossum and C. M. Arnott on Behalf of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Early Site Permit for the PSEG Site (NUREG-2168). (28 page(s), 11/21/2014)
- ML14345A526 - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Report to Congress Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States 2004 to 2009. (112 page(s), 11/21/2014)
- ML14345A528 - Expanding Monitoring and Assessment of Representative Tidal Wetlands of the Delaware Estuary; Final Report, WD-83458901-0. (168 page(s), 6/30/2013)
- ML14345A530 - Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary & Basin. (255 page(s), 12/31/2012)
- ML14345A549 - Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program; Final Report. (33 page(s), 9/30/2011)
- ML14345A551 - Landsat Imagery Shows Decline of Coastal Marshes in Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. (8 page(s), 4/16/2002)
- ML14345A554 - Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. (160 page(s), 7/31/2007)
- ML14345A556 - SPECIAL ISSUE: Phragmites australis in North America and Europe - Ecosystem services of Phragmites in North America with emphasis on habitat functions. (29 page(s), 10/2/2014)
- ML14345A558 - Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America. (18 page(s), 10/2/2014)
- ML14345A561 - Cryptic Diversity in Metropolis: Confirmation of a New Leopard Frog Species (Anura: Ranidae) from New York City and Surrounding Atlantic Coast Regions. (15 page(s), 11/21/2014)
- ML14345A527 - Short-term Effects on Macroinvertebrates and Fishes of Herbiciding and Mowing Phragmites australis-dominated Tidal Marsh. (1 page(s), 11/21/2014)
- ML14345A531 - Warren et al. (2001) Rates, Patterns, and Impacts of Phragmites Australis Expansion and Effects of Experimental Phragmites Control on Vegetation, Macroinvertebrates, and Fish within Tidelands of the Lower Connecticut River. Estuaries, 24(1), 90-107. (18 page(s), 2/28/2001)
- ML14345A532 - Delaware Riverkeeper Network (2003) Evaluation of Special Conditions Contained in Salem Nuclear Generating Station NJPDES Permit to Restore Wetlands, Install Fish Ladders, and increase Biological Abundance within the Delaware Estuary. (237 page(s), 12/3/2007)
- ML14345A533 - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wetlands Compensatory Mitigation Factsheet, EPA-843-F-08-002. (2 page(s), 11/21/2014)
- ML14345A534 - Kettenring, K. M., & Adams, C. R. (2011) Lessons Learned from Invasive Plant Control Experiments: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (10 page(s), 2/7/2011)
- ML14345A535 - Hazelton, E. L., Mozdzer, T. J., Burdick, D. M., Kettenring, K. M., & Whigham, D. F. (2014). Phragmites Australis Management in the United States: 40 years of Methods and Outcomes. AoB Plants, 6, plu001. (19 page(s), 10/2/2014)
- ML14345A537 - Derr, J. F. (2008) Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) Response to Mowing and Herbicide Application Invasive Plant Science and Management. (5 page(s), 3/31/2008)
- ML14345A539 - Ongley, E. D. (Ed.) (1996) Control of Water Pollution from Ariculture (No. 55). Chapter 4 Pesticides as Water Pollutants. Food and Agriculture Organization Irrigation and Drainage. Natural Resources Management and Environment Department. (15 page(s), 11/3/2014)
- ML14345A541 - Perez, G. L., Torremorell, A., Mugni, H., Rodriguez, P., Vera, M. S., Nascimento, M. D.,... & Zagarese, H. (2007) Effects of the Herbicide Roundup on Freshwater Microbial Communities: a Mesocosm Study. (13 page(s), 5/31/2007)
- ML14345A544 - Relyea, R. (2005) The Impact of Insecticides and Herbicides on the Biodiversity and Productivity of Aquatic Communities. Ecological Applications 15(2): 618-627. (10 page(s), 7/31/2004)
- ML14345A546 - Paganelli., A., Gnazzo, V., Acosta, H., Lopez, S. L., & Carrasco, A. E. (2010) Glyphosate-based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling Chemical Research in Toxicology, 23(10), 1586-1595. (10 page(s), 5/31/2010)
- ML14345A564 - Relyea, R. (2005) The Lethal Impact of Roundup on Aquatic and Terrestrial Amphibians. Ecological Applications 15(4): 1118-1124. (7 page(s), 8/31/2005)
- ML14345A566 - Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells. (9 page(s), 6/16/2008)
- ML14345A568 - Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. (11 page(s), 6/8/2009)
- ML14345A569 - Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase. (5 page(s), 6/6/2005)
- ML14345A570 - Glyphosate Kills Rat Testis Cells. (2 page(s), 2/27/2012)
- ML14345A571 - Underwater hearing sensitivity of the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea): Assessing the potential effect of anthropogenic noise. (35 page(s), 9/30/2012)
- ML14345A572 - The effects of anthropogenic sources of sound on fishes. (35 page(s), 12/31/2009)
- ML14345A573 - Effects of Sound on Fish. (82 page(s), 8/23/2005)
- ML14345A574 - Marine Mammal Populations and Ocean Noise: Determining When Noise Causes Biologically Significant Effects. (143 page(s), 12/31/2005)
- ML14345A575 - High intensity anthropogenic sound damages fish ears. (5 page(s), 1/31/2003)
- ML14345A576 - Noise emission during the first powerboat race in an Alpine lake and potential impact on fish communities. (9 page(s), 8/25/2004)
- ML14345A577 - Responses of Free-Living Coastal Pelagic Fish to Impulsive Sounds. (3 page(s), 5/2/2014)
- ML14345A578 - Assessing environmental impacts of offshore wind farms: lessons learned and recommendations for the future. (13 page(s), 12/31/2014)
- ML14345A579 - San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge, East Span Seismic Safety Project, Pile Installation Demonstration Project, Fisheries Impact Assessment. (68 page(s), 8/31/2001)
- ML14345A580 - Effects of Pile Driving on the Behavior of Cod and Sole. (1 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14345A581 - The Effects of Human-Generated Sound on Fish. (10 page(s), 12/31/2009)
- ML14345A582 - Development and Implementation of an Underwater Construction Noise Program. (7 page(s), 12/10/2014)
- ML14345A583 - Does Boat Traffic Cause Displacement of Fish in Estuaries? (6 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14345A584 - A Noisy Spring: the Impact of Globally Rising Underwater Sound Levels on Fish. (9 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14345A585 - Effects of Ambient and Boat Noise on Hearing and Communication in Three Fish Species Living in a Marine Protected Area (Miramare, Italy). (8 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14345A586 - Noise-Induced Stress Response and Hearing Loss in Goldfish (Carassius Auratus). (9 page(s), 10/20/2003)
- ML14345A587 - Entrainment of Shovelnose Sturgeon by Towboat Navigation in the Upper Mississippi River. (8 page(s), 1/1/2013)
- ML14345A588 - ENV Report 56, Evaluation of Towboat Propeller-Induced Mortality of Juvenile and Adult Fishes. (24 page(s), 6/30/2005)
- ML14345A589 - Yeager, K. M., Brinkmeyer, R., Rakocinski, C. F., Schindler, K. J., & Santaschi, P. H. (2010). Impacts of Dredging Activities on the Accumulation of Dioxins in Surface Sediments of the Houston Ship Channel, Texas. Journal of Coastal Research, 743-752. (10 page(s), 7/31/2010)
- ML14345A590 - Aquatic Toxicology - Contaminant Accumulation and Biomarker Responses in Caged Mussels, Mytilus Galloprovincialis, to Evaluate Bioavailability and Toxicological Effects of Remobilized Chemicals During Dredging and Disposal Operations in Harbour Areas (10 page(s), 12/31/2008)
- ML14345A591 - Sundberg, H., Hanson, M., Liewenborg, B. Zubuhr, Y. Broman, D., & Balk, L. (2007). Dredging Associated Effects: Maternally Transferred Pollutants and DNA Adducts in Feral Fish. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(8), 2972-2977. (6 page(s), 3/21/2007)
- ML14345A592 - NOAA. 2012. NOAA Lists Five Atlantic Sturgeon Populations Under Endangered Species Act. (1 page(s), 11/3/2014)
- ML14345A593 - Grunwald et al. 2007. Conservation of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus: Delineation of Stock Structure and Distinct Population Segments, Printed Springer Science+Business Media, B.V. 2007. (1 page(s), 11/3/2014)
- ML14345A595 - Wirgin, I., Grunwald, C., Stabile, J., & Waldman, J. (2007). Genetic Evidence for Relict Atlantic Sturgeon Stocks Along the Mid-Atlantic Coast of the USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 27(4), 1214-1229. (1 page(s), 11/3/2014)
- ML14345A596 - Jacobson et al. (2014) 100% Wind, Water, Sunlight (WWS) All-Sector Energy Plans for the 50 United States. July 17, 2014. (50 page(s), 7/17/2014)
- ML14345A597 - US EPA. (1989). Report to Congress: The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the US, US Environmental Protection Agency, December 1989, EPA-230-05-89-050. (457 page(s), 12/31/1989)
- ML14345A598 - Kreeger et al. (2010). Climate Change and the Delaware Estuary: Three Case Studies in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, PDE Report No. 10-01.1-117. (118 page(s), 6/30/2010)
- ML14345A600 - Carol Collier, Executive Director Delaware River Basin Commission, Global Climate Change Talk, Heinz Refuge, February 2010. (38 page(s), 2/28/2010)
- ML14345A605 - University of Penn Department of City and Regional Planning. (2008). Climate Change: Impacts and Responses in the Delaware River Basin. (233 page(s), 12/31/2008)
- ML14345A607 - RAYMOND Strauss et al. (2014). New Jersey and the Surging Sea: A Vulnerability Assessment with Projections for Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Risk. Climate Central Research Report. pp 1-43. (45 page(s), 4/30/2014)