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Replacement Pages for Insertion in the Cogema Mining, Inc. License Renewal Application (dated May 2008) and responses to RAI
Accession Number: ML092110700
Date Released: Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Package Contents
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- ML092110694 - Response to RAI Dated February 19, 2009 re, License Renewal Application. (13 page(s), 7/17/2009)
- ML092110688 - Standard Operating Procedures Accompanying Cogema Mining, Inc. Submittal to the NRC on July 17, 2009. (14 page(s), 7/17/2009)
- ML092110689 - Letter re Replacement Pages for Insertion in Cogema Mining, Inc. License Renewal Application Submittal to NRC (dated May, 2008 for License SUA-1341). (5 page(s), 7/17/2009)
- ML092110690 - Correspondence Regarding Wildlife Monitoring Accompanying Cogema Mining, Inc. Submittal to the NRC on July 17, 2009. (10 page(s), 1/14/2000)
- ML092110691 - Correspondence Regarding Pond Liner Leaks Accompanying Cogema Mining, Inc. Submittal to the NRC on July 17, 2009. (14 page(s), 2/25/2004)
- ML092110692 - Replacement Pages for Cogema Mining, Inc., License Renewal Application for July 17, 2009. (48 page(s), 7/17/2009)
- ML092110747 - Map, Figure B.1.A, "Locations of Christensen Ranch ISR Project, CBM Wells, NPDES Discharge Points, and Reservoirs," Page B.8a. (1 page(s), 6/30/2009)
- ML092110749 - Map, Figure B.1.B, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section Index Map". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)
- ML092110750 - Drawing, Figure B.1.C, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section A-A' (Looking South) *Note: Horizontal Scale 2x Vertical". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)
- ML092110751 - Drawing, Figure B.1.D, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section A'-A" (Look South) *Note: Horizontal Scale 2x Vertical". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)
- ML092110752 - Drawing, Figure B.1.E, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section B-B' Looking North *Note: Horizontal Scale 2x Vertical". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)
- ML092110753 - Drawing, Figure B.1.F, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section C-C' (Looking North) *Note: Horizontal Scale 2x Vertical". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)
- ML092110746 - Drawing, Figure B.1.G, "Unit 7 Geologic Cross-Section D-D' (Looking South) *Note: Horizontal Scale 2x Vertical". (1 page(s), 4/20/2009)