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Revision 1 to the Decommissioning Plan for Newfield Facility ( License No. SMB-0743, Control No. 132074).
Accession Number: ML053190212
Date Released: Thursday, December 8, 2005
Package Contents
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- ML053190215 - Transmittal of Revision 1 to the Decommissioning Plan for Newfield Facility (License No. SMB-0743, Control No. 132074). (3 page(s), 10/24/2005)
- ML053190220 - Rev. 1 to 94005/G-28247, "Decommissioning Plan for Newfield Facility." Volume I - Text, Tables and Figures. (279 page(s), 10/21/2005)
- ML053340210 - Rev. 1 to 94005/G-28247, "Decommissioning Plan for Newfield Facility." Volume II - Appendices 19.1 through 19.8. (588 page(s), 10/21/2005)
- ML053190225 - Map, " Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-1715 - Geologic Map of the Newark 1 degree x 2 degrees Quadrangle, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & New York." Sheet 1 of 2. (1 page(s), 12/31/1987)
- ML053190227 - Map, " Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-1715 - Geologic Map of the Newark 1 degree x 2 degrees Quadrangle, New Jersey, Pennsyvania & New York." Sheet 2 of 2. (1 page(s), 10/31/2005)
- ML053330384 - Rev. 1 to 94005/G-28247, "Decommissioning Plan for Newfield Facility." Volume III - Appendix 19.9 Environmental Report. (225 page(s), 10/21/2005)
- ML053330386 - Rev. 1 to 94005/G-28247, "Decommissiong Plan For The Newfield Facility." Figures 3-1 to 4-7. (30 page(s), 4/30/2005)
- ML053330389 - Rev. 1 to 94005/G-28247, "Decommissioning Plan for the Newfield Facility." Figures 4-8 through 4-19 & Appendix A through Appendix K. (261 page(s), 4/30/2005)