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FOIA/PA-2005-0261 - Resp 1 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML053130180
Date Released: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Package Contents
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- ML053130181 - FOIA/PA-2005-0261 - Resp 1 - Partial. (5 page(s), 11/2/2005)
- ML021280284 - 04/30/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Oversight Panel (4 page(s), 5/2/2002)
- ML021360411 - 05/02/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel (4 page(s), 5/16/2002)
- ML021430183 - 05/06/2002 internal meeting minutes of Davis Besse IMC 0350 Panel. (4 page(s), 5/21/2002)
- ML021440315 - 05/14/2002, Minutes of internal meeting of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (4 page(s), 5/22/2002)
- ML021490349 - 05/21/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel regarding implementation of IMC 0350 process for Davis-Besse. (6 page(s), 5/28/2002)
- ML021490254 - 05/16/2002, Minutes of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel re implementation of IMC 0350 process for Davis-Besse. (5 page(s), 5/28/2002)
- ML021490262 - 05/09/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel regarding implementation of IMC 0350 process for Davis-Besse. (4 page(s), 5/28/2002)
- ML021550168 - 05/23/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Oversight Panel. (7 page(s), 5/31/2002)
- ML021790128 - 06/12/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (8 page(s), 6/27/2002)
- ML021780647 - 06/18/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (8 page(s), 6/26/2002)
- ML021820668 - 06/20/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (8 page(s), 6/28/2002)
- ML021980440 - 06/25/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Oversight Panel. (9 page(s), 7/12/2002)
- ML022050392 - 06/07/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (5 page(s), 7/18/2002)
- ML030760305 - 06/27/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Oversight Panel. (10 page(s), 7/12/2002)
- ML022050495 - 07/02/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (9 page(s), 7/18/2002)
- ML022050526 - 07/09/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (10 page(s), 7/10/2002)
- ML022050540 - 07/11/2002, Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (9 page(s), 7/18/2002)
- ML022070178 - 07/16/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (9 page(s), 7/25/2002)
- ML022070336 - 07/18/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (11 page(s), 7/25/2002)
- ML022070235 - 07/23/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (10 page(s), 7/25/2002)
- ML022250228 - 07/25/02 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (9 page(s), 8/8/2002)
- ML022250294 - 07/30/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (11 page(s), 8/8/2002)
- ML022400286 - 08/06/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (11 page(s), 8/26/2002)
- ML022330667 - 08/08/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse IMC 0350 Panel. (12 page(s), 8/21/2002)
- ML022400306 - 08/13/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (13 page(s), 8/26/2002)
- ML022400328 - 08/20/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (13 page(s), 8/26/2002)
- ML022460275 - 08/22/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse IMC 0350 Panel. (13 page(s), 9/3/2002)
- ML022610290 - 08/29/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (14 page(s), 9/13/2002)
- ML040711241 - 08/27/2002 Revised Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel (Additional Attachments Incorporated) (20 page(s), 3/11/2004)
- ML022670751 - 09/03/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel. (15 page(s), 9/19/2002)
- ML022970121 - 09/17/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Oversight Panel. (16 page(s), 10/18/2002)
- ML022970132 - 09/19/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Oversight Panel. (16 page(s), 10/18/2002)
- ML022970162 - 09/24/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (32 page(s), 10/18/2002)
- ML022970171 - 10/01/2002 Minutes of Inernal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (13 page(s), 10/18/2002)
- ML023030548 - 10/08/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (13 page(s), 10/29/2002)
- ML023030559 - 10/15/2002 Minutes of the Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (12 page(s), 10/29/2002)
- ML023030579 - 10/29/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (11 page(s), 10/30/2002)
- ML023520501 - 11/07/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (13 page(s), 12/16/2002)
- ML023520512 - 11/19/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (13 page(s), 12/16/2002)
- ML023520524 - 12/03/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (11 page(s), 12/16/2002)
- ML030410035 - 12/10/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (12 page(s), 1/24/2003)
- ML030900850 - 12/19/2002 Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel. (9 page(s), 3/31/2003)
- ML041620077 - 09/12/2002 (Revised) Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Oversight Panel (Revised Comment). (14 page(s), 6/1/2004)
- ML023310723 - Response to Request for Technical Assistance - Risk Assessment of Davis-Besse Reactor Head Degradation (TIA 2002-01). (31 page(s), 12/6/2002)
- ML030560426 - IR 05000346-02-008, on 05/15-08/09/2002, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Augmented Insepection Team Follow-up Special Inspection, Preliminary Significance Assessment. (46 page(s), 2/25/2003)
- ML031490778 - IR05000346-03-016, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Final Signifiance Determination for Red Finding, Control Rod Drive Mechanism Penetration Cracking and Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation. (8 page(s), 5/29/2003)
- ML032930385 - Event Inquiry Regarding NRC's Oversight of Davis-Besse Boric Acid Leakage and Corrosion During the April 2000 Refueling Outage (Case No. 03-02S). (29 page(s), 10/17/2003)
- ML051090552 - Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty - $5,450,000; (NRC Office of Investigations Report No. 3-2002-006; NRC Special Inspection Report No. 05000346-02-008 (DRS)); Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. (22 page(s), 4/21/2005)
- ML051110336 - Press Release-05-070: $5,540,000 Fine for Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Head Violations. (2 page(s), 4/21/2005)
- ML031200318 - Response to NRC Preliminary Significance Assessment for Control Rod Drive Mechanism Cracking and Reactor Pressure Vessel Degradation Identified for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. (5 page(s), 4/24/2003)
- ML051430203 - 2005/05/11- Memorandum of the Secretary referring the hearing request of Andrew Siemaszko to the Chief Administrative Judge, ASLBP. (1 page(s), 5/11/2005)
- ML051430255 - 2005/05/13-Request for Hearing in Response to Order (IA-05-021) Banning Andrew J. Siemaszko from involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities (23 page(s), 5/13/2005)
- ML051380441 - 2005/05/17- Andrew Siemaszko - NRC Staff Answer to Request for a Hearing, Notice of Appearance for Sara E. Brock, and Notice of Appearance for Melissa L. Duffy. (4 page(s), 5/17/2005)
- ML051380456 - 2005/05/17-Andrew Siemaszko - NRC Staff Motion for Delay of Proceeding. (9 page(s), 5/17/2005)
- ML051390475 - 2005/05/18-Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (3 page(s), 5/18/2005)
- ML051390490 - 2005/05/19-LB Order (Granting Licensee's Hearing Request) (9 page(s), 5/19/2005)
- ML051530141 - 2005/05/31-Response of Andrew Siemaszko to NRC Staff Motion for Delay of Proceedings. (24 page(s), 5/31/2005)
- ML051090537 - Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities (NRC Special Inspection Report No. 05000346-02-008(DRS)). (13 page(s), 4/21/2005)
- ML051430169 - 2005/04/22-Request for Hearing in Response to Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities submitted by Billie Garde on the behalf of Andrew Siemaszko (2 page(s), 4/22/2005)
- ML022750524 - IR 05000346-02-008, on 05/15-08/09/2002, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Augmented Inspection Team Follow-up Special Inspection. (36 page(s), 10/2/2002)
- ML051100424 - EN-05-013, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company. (2 page(s), 4/20/2005)
- ML051440257 - 2005/05/23-Andrew Siemaszko - Application for a Temporary Stay to Preserve the Status Quo. (6 page(s), 5/23/2005)
- ML053130184 - E-Mail from Shoop to Hart, TA Brief on Davis Besse Enforcement Action. (1 page(s), 4/7/2005)
- ML053130185 - E-Mail from Shoop to Gamberoni, Attendees #1, Discussion of Enforcement Issue Related to Davis Besse. (1 page(s), 4/11/2005)
- ML053130186 - E-Mail from Jaegers to SRM, M050419A Enforcement Issue. (1 page(s), 4/19/2005)
- ML053130188 - E-Mail from Jaegers to DSRM, M050419A-Supp Enforcement Issue. (1 page(s), 4/19/2005)
- ML053130191 - Memo to Reyes from Vietti-Cook, SRM-M050419A - Discussion of Enforcement Issue. (1 page(s), 4/19/2005)
- ML053130194 - E-Mail from Dixon-Herrity to Wetzel, Potential Hearing on Davis Besse Enforcement. (1 page(s), 4/22/2005)
- ML053130195 - Memo from Congel to Lesar, Federal Register Publication (2 page(s), 4/25/2005)
- ML053130199 - E-Mail from Strasma to Brenner on the two Johns of the Plain-Dealer request re basis for the enforcement action against Andrew Siemaszko (Davis-Besse). (1 page(s), 5/6/2005)
- ML053130200 - E-Mail from Gagner to Brenner, Media Interest. (1 page(s), 5/26/2005)
- ML053130201 - Timeline for Enforcement Actions. (1 page(s), 4/21/2005)
- ML053130202 - FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Reviewing NRC Notice of Violation in Davis-Besse Corrosion Issue. (2 page(s), 11/2/2005)