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FOIA/PA-2004-0107 - Resp 1 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML041040179
Date Released: Thursday, April 8, 2004
Package Contents
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- ML041040195 - FOIA/PA-2004-0107 - Resp 1 - Partial. (7 page(s), 3/31/2004)
- ML010600099 - Letter forwarding exemption from Appendix R top 10 CFR 50 concerning installation of fire dampers & Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact (14 page(s), 4/30/1986)
- ML003672744 - Supplement to Annual Summary of Plant Changes, Tests, and Experiments as Required by 10 CFR 50,59 (296 page(s), 12/29/1999)
- ML010790125 - James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant - Exemption From the Requirements of Section III.G.2.c of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50 (Tac No. Mb0395) (14 page(s), 5/29/2001)
- ML021510281 - IR 05000333-02-02, on 04/08/2002-04/12/2002 & 04/22/2002-04/26/2002, Entergy Nuclear Northeast, James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Fire Protection. (27 page(s), 5/31/2002)
- ML032130007 - IR 05000333-03-005, on 03/30/03 - 06/28/03, Entergy Nuclear Northeast, James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Maintenance Rule and Problem Identification and Resolution. (33 page(s), 7/31/2003)
- ML041040202 - Allegation Disposition Record, regarding Allegation No. RI-97-A-0126 and RI-97-A-0033. (4 page(s), 10/23/1997)
- ML041040208 - Assessment of the Licensee response to concerns raised to the NRC regarding activities at FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. (15 page(s), 3/31/2004)
- ML041040209 - E-mail from J. Rogge, regarding actions associated with allegation - Forwarded. (4 page(s), 10/22/1997)
- ML041040215 - Ltr from J. Knubel of New York Power Authority to D. Vito of USNRC re Response to Concerns Raised to the NRC Re Activities at the Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant. (39 page(s), 9/16/1997)
- ML041040219 - Ltr from C. Hehl of USNRC to J. Knubel of New York Power Authority re information received by NRC concerning activities at Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant. (4 page(s), 8/14/1997)
- ML041050648 - Allegations Disposition Record, regarding Allegation No. RI-97-A-0033 and RI-97-A-0126. (4 page(s), 7/30/1997)
- ML041050651 - E-mail from R. Barkley, regarding update of Fitzpatrick allegation 97-33/126. (1 page(s), 7/25/1997)
- ML041050664 - FitzPatrick Status of Allegations. (6 page(s), 8/28/1997)
- ML041050667 - Allegation 97-A-0033 & Supplements, Summary of Technical Issues Raised by Alleger & Proposed Inspection Assignments. (4 page(s), 6/20/1997)
- ML041050669 - Allegation Disposition Record, regarding Allegation No. RI-97-A-0033. (4 page(s), 10/1/1996)
- ML041050672 - Allegation Receipt Record, regarding Allegation No. Rl-97-A-0126. (2 page(s), 5/21/1997)
- ML041050675 - Allegation 97-A-0033 & Supplements 05/19/1997 Summary of Technical Issues Raised by Alleger. (4 page(s), 5/19/1997)
- ML041050678 - LER 91-010-01 for James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant re Emergency Diesel Generators Potentially Inoperable Due to Fire Protection Deficiencies. (11 page(s), 6/13/1994)
- ML041050681 - LER 91-021-00 for James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant re: Residual Heat Removal, Emergency Diesel Generators, and Fire Pumps Potentially Made Inoperable Due to Inadequate Modification Installation Activities. (11 page(s), 11/27/1991)
- ML041050686 - E-mail from E. Kelly, regarding Update of Fitzpatrick Allegation 97-33/126 - Reply. (1 page(s), 7/25/1997)
- ML041050691 - Allegation RI-97-A-0126, Response to Technical Concerns. (8 page(s), 10/30/1997)
- ML041050695 - Handwritten Note concerning points 14, 13, 18, 15, 16, 17, 5. (2 page(s), 3/31/2004)
- ML041050702 - E-mail from J. Rogge, regarding actions associated with allegation - Forwarded. (4 page(s), 10/22/1997)
- ML041050711 - Handwritten notes faxed to J. Rogge from FitzPatrick Resident Office. (8 page(s), 3/31/2004)
- ML041050715 - Memo from A. Blamey of USNRC to D. Vito of USNRC, regarding Allegation 97-A-0126, 0033. (6 page(s), 10/17/1997)
- ML041050720 - Memo from D. Burch to File: RI-97-A-0126, regarding FitzPatrick. (1 page(s), 3/31/2004)
- ML041050726 - Ltr from C. Hehl of USNRC to J. Knubel of New York Power Authority, regarding activities at the FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant. (6 page(s), 8/14/1997)
- ML041050728 - Allegation Disposition Record, regarding Allegation No. RI-97-A-0126 and RI-97-A-0033. (4 page(s), 7/30/1997)
- ML041050750 - Allegation Disposition Record, regarding RI-97-A-0033. (4 page(s), 5/23/1997)
- ML041050756 - Allegation Receipt Report, regarding RI-97-A-0033 (supplement 2). (2 page(s), 5/15/1997)
- ML041050762 - Drawings and Photos of S&A Bldg, LKG West, East Side of JAF Plant, JAF Plant from the South, JAF Admin/Support Building. (5 page(s), 3/31/2004)