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FOIA/PA-2002-0337 - Resp 1 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML023500222
Date Released: Monday, December 16, 2002
Package Contents
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- ML023470544 - FOIA/PA-2002-0337 - Resp 1 - Partial. (10 page(s), 12/6/2002)
- ML021510209 - Paper, H. Nickel, H. Nabielek, G. Pott and A. W. Mehner, Research Center Julich, Technical University, Germany, "Long Time Experience with the Development of HTR Fuel Elements in Germany". (17 page(s), 2/1/2001)
- ML011430390 - Memorandum to D Gillen from A Persinko, Subject: Summary of Meetings: Quadrilateral Regulatory Collaboration Meeting and Bilateral Meeting on Russia Plutonium Disposition Program (January 2, 2001- February 2, 2001) (22pages) (22 page(s), 2/28/2001)
- ML011030354 - Record of Meeting of the U.S.-Russian Special Joint Working Group on Regulatory Matters in Plutonium Management and Disposition (5 page(s), 3/13/2001)
- ML010890165 - G20010122 - Walter A. Simon Ltr. re Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) Review. (2 page(s), 3/22/2001)
- ML020880347 - Letter to Dr. Arkal Shenoy, "General Atomics Plans for GT-MHR Pre-Application Interactions. (4 page(s), 3/29/2002)
- ML011000326 - G20010122 - Ltr to Walter A. Simon re Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) (3 page(s), 4/16/2001)
- ML011280271 - Transmittal of meeting handout materials from 05/03/2001 meeting with Energy Northwest re regulatory issues. (47 page(s), 5/3/2001)
- ML011830355 - ACRS Advanced Reactors Subcommittee Workshop, June 4, 2001, pages 1-340 [pp.1-200]. (201 page(s), 6/4/2001)
- ML011840033 - ACRS Advanced Reactors Subcommittee Workshop, June 4, 2001, supporting documentation (cont'd) (228 page(s), 6/4/2001)
- ML013650455 - Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee Meeting, June 4, 2001 on Advanced Reactors in Rockville, MD. Pages 1-200. (200 page(s), 6/4/2001)
- ML013650478 - Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee Meeting, June 4, 2001 on Advanced Reactors in Rockville, MD. Pages 200-340. (141 page(s), 6/4/2001)
- ML011840070 - ACRS Advanced Reactors Subcommittee Workshop, June 4, 2001, pages 1-340 [pp.201-340] + supporting documentation. (199 page(s), 6/4/2001)
- ML011690070 - 06/15/2001 meeting handouts regarding inspections tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria (ITAAC) related to nuclear power plant construction. (113 page(s), 6/15/2001)
- ML011770379 - Nuclear graphite for high temperature reactors. (16 page(s), 6/25/2001)
- ML012050347 - Press Release-01-085: NRC Schedules Public Workshop on Possible New Reactor Applications. (4 page(s), 7/9/2001)
- ML012000347 - 07/25/2001 -07/26/2001 - New Reactor Licensing Workshop (Wednesday Evening Session). (26 page(s), 7/25/2001)
- ML012010333 - 7/25-7/26 - New Reactor Licensing Project Office Workshop Slides for External Workshop. (118 page(s), 7/25/2001)
- ML012070349 - 07/25/2001 - 07/26/2001-New Reactor Licensing Workshop Handouts (Wed. Evening Session)- There are two of these-this one has additional slides presented. (31 page(s), 7/26/2001)
- ML012270438 - G20010341/LTR-01-0400 - Marvin S. Fertel Ltr re Licensing Process for Future Plants (Part 52, ITAAC) (6 page(s), 8/10/2001)
- ML012740268 - Summary of the NRC Delegation Visit to Germany on Safety Aspects of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Design and Technology. (43 page(s), 9/25/2001)
- ML012700123 - 09/05/01 - Pre-Application Mtg. Summary on PBMR with Exelon to discuss content of license application and review process. (7 page(s), 9/26/2001)
- ML012910134 - Transcript of 486th ACRS Meeting, October 4, 2001, pages 1 - 130. (132 page(s), 10/4/2001)
- ML013650004 - Summary Report - 10/10-12/2001 Workshop on High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Safety and Research Issues. (54 page(s), 10/10/2001)
- ML012900154 - NUREG/CP-0174 - Transactions of the Twenty - Ninth Nuclear Safety Research Conference (formerly, The Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting). (77 page(s), 10/31/2001)
- ML013100436 - Project Number Assignment for Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor Pre-application Review. (2 page(s), 11/6/2001)
- ML013380415 - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Joint Meeting of the Materials and Metallurgy, Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena and Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittees, Pages 1-156. (158 page(s), 11/15/2001)
- ML013250477 - 12/03/2001 Meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy and General Atomics Company and Other Interested Stakeholders Regarding Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor and Preapplication Activities (Project 716). (4 page(s), 11/21/2001)
- ML020450026 - Gt-MHR Plant Design Overview, 12/3/01 Meeting. (8 page(s), 12/3/2001)
- ML020450023 - Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor Safety Approach, 12/03/01 Meeting. (10 page(s), 12/3/2001)
- ML020450021 - Pre-Application Licensing Plan for the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor, 12/03/01 Meeting. (3 page(s), 12/3/2001)
- ML020450018 - Opening Remarks & Introduction, 12/03/01 Meeting. (2 page(s), 12/3/2001)
- ML020370026 - Letter requesting that the National Fire Protection Assoc., Standards Council direct the Technical Committee on Fire Protection for Nuclear Facilities and to initiate New Reactor Designs not within scope of existing NFPA standards. (2 page(s), 2/5/2002)
- ML020460396 - Transcript of 489th ACRS Meeting, February 7, 2002 in Rockville, Maryland. Pages 1-181. (181 page(s), 2/7/2002)
- ML020460401 - Transcript of 489th ACRS Meeting, February 7, 2002 in Rockville, Maryland. Pages 182-368. (212 page(s), 2/7/2002)
- ML020430562 - Meeting with General Atomics Company, Department of Energy, and Other Interested Stakeholders Regarding the Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor. (5 page(s), 2/12/2002)
- ML021000209 - General Atomics Plans for GT-MHR Pre-application Interactions. (16 page(s), 2/18/2002)
- ML021070343 - General Atomics Comments on SECY-01-0207, Legal and Financial Issues Regarding Exelon's Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. (4 page(s), 4/8/2002)
- ML021120082 - Transcript of 491st ACRS Meeting on April 11, 2002 in Rockville, Maryland, Pages 1-407. Supporting Documentation. (112 page(s), 4/11/2002)
- ML021640208 - HTR-TN - HTR 2002 Final Program. (7 page(s), 4/11/2002)
- ML021120010 - Transcript of 491st ACRS Meeting on April 11, 2002 in Rockville, Maryland. Pages 1-407 [pages 1-205]. (207 page(s), 4/11/2002)
- ML021340146 - Plans for Gas Turbine-Modular helium reactor preapplication interactions (Project No. 716). (8 page(s), 5/13/2002)
- ML021650240 - GT-MHR Fuel Plan - Advance Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Meeting. (23 page(s), 5/21/2002)
- ML021650231 - NRC Research Needs: High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuel. (17 page(s), 5/21/2002)
- ML021650227 - Agenda - Advanced Gas Reactor Program Meeting INEEL, Idaho Falls, ID. (2 page(s), 5/22/2002)
- ML021890021 - Chart - Comparison of Gas Reactor Designs and Westinghouse PWR. (1 page(s), 6/4/2002)
- ML011430500 - Status of initial activities of the Technical Working Groups Generation IV. (32 page(s), 5/21/2001)
- ML012270333 - 08/14/01 - 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT) Presentation (To: Commissioner Assistants; From: J W Craig) (18 page(s), 8/14/2001)
- ML020080338 - Enclosure 2: SECY-01-0188 - Future Licensing and Inspection Readiness Assessment, dated October 12, 2001 (14 page(s), 10/12/2001)
- ML020790212 - M020319 - Commission Briefing Slides/Exhibits-Briefing on RES Programs, Performance and Plans. (17 page(s), 3/19/2002)
- ML020730737 - Draft Advanced Reactor Research Plan. (115 page(s), 3/26/2002)
- ML021090083 - Memo to Donald F. Hassell - Avoidance of Conflict of Interest Issue in PIRT Meetings Concerning TRISO Fuel Particles-ML021090083 (4 page(s), 4/18/2002)
- ML021360153 - Memo to Edward L. Williamson, Addressing Further Information on Examination of Conflict of Interest-ML021360153. (5 page(s), 5/15/2002)
- ML021650236 - Irradiation of German Pebbles in ATR. (11 page(s), 5/22/2002)
- ML021640126 - Trip Report for Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology Petten, Netherlands. (13 page(s), 6/12/2002)
- ML021640191 - HTGR Nuclear Analysis: Areas for Potential Cooperation Between NRC and The European Commission. (4 page(s), 6/12/2002)
- ML021640427 - Overview of IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project on Evaluation of HTGR Performance. (13 page(s), 6/12/2002)
- ML021650218 - INEEL Workshop on High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuel Development and Irradiation Testing. (5 page(s), 6/14/2002)
- ML021760135 - Draft Advanced Reactor Research Plan, Revision 1. (125 page(s), 6/24/2002)
- ML021820009 - Cooperative Research to Resolve Key Technical Issues on Advanced Reactors (23 page(s), 7/22/2002)
- ML023470551 - Future Reactor Licensing Research Plan. (4 page(s), 10/17/2001)
- ML023470555 - A Roadmap to Deploy New Nuclear Power Plants in U. S. by 2010, Vol. I, Summary Report. (57 page(s), 10/31/2001)
- ML023470561 - E-mail to Amy Cubbage re: Eric. (2 page(s), 11/30/2001)
- ML023470562 - E-mail to Leslie Fields re: General Atomics Meeting. (1 page(s), 1/23/2002)
- ML023470566 - E-mail to Leslie Fields re: General Atomics Presentation. (1 page(s), 1/24/2002)
- ML023470576 - Trip Report for February 18-20, 2002 for OECD/NEA Workshop on Advanced Nuclear Reactor Safety Issues & Research Needs. (6 page(s), 3/11/2002)
- ML023470583 - Building Safety Case for Advanced Reactor Designs. (4 page(s), 3/11/2002)
- ML023470590 - E-mail to Amy Cubbage re: PDF File Containing General Atomics Comments on SECY-01-0207. (1 page(s), 4/9/2002)
- ML023470593 - Notes from Advance Reactor Strategy/Planning Meeting on April 9 & 10, 2002. (2 page(s), 4/9/2002)
- ML023470550 - HGTR Nuclear Analysis: Areas for Potential Cooperation Between NRC & European Commission, Revised. (4 page(s), 4/18/2002)
- ML023470558 - High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Safety Research Plan. (31 page(s), 4/19/2002)
- ML023470595 - Part 1 to ENS HTR-TN 2002 Transactions Oral Presentations & Posters, 1st International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR), April 22-24, 2002, Petten, Netherlands. (199 page(s), 4/22/2002)
- ML023470610 - Part 2 to ENS HTR-TN 2000 Transactions Oral Presentations & Posters, 1st International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR), April 22-24, 2002, Petten, Netherlands. (144 page(s), 4/22/2002)
- ML023500154 - 05/21/2002, 4th GT-MHR Utility Advisory Board Meeting, Washington, D.C. (135 page(s), 5/21/2002)
- ML023500136 - The European HTR Programme. (38 page(s), 4/21/2002)
- ML023500101 - E-mail from Eugene Trager to Julius Persensky re: GT-MHR Review Status. (2 page(s), 6/14/2002)
- ML023500106 - E-mail from Raji Tripathi to Lawrence Parme reL Weekly Telcon. (1 page(s), 7/10/2002)
- ML023500108 - E-mail from Raji Tripathi to Eugene Trager, John Flack, Jose Ibarra & Leslie Fields re: Telcon with General Atomics re: GT-MHR. (1 page(s), 7/11/2002)
- ML023500111 - E-mail from Raji Tripathi to Eugene Tragler, John Flack, Jose Ibarra & Leslie Fields re: 07/18/2002 Telecon with General Atomics re: GT-MHR. (1 page(s), 7/18/2002)
- ML023500113 - New Power for Next Century; Harvest of Technologies. (13 page(s), 4/9/2002)