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Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Applications Workshop #3 Presentations
Accession Number: ML21326A182
Date Released: Monday, November 22, 2021
Package Contents
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- ML21326A183 - 1 Teri Lalain - AI Workshop 3 Introduction. (3 page(s), 11/9/2021)
- ML21326A184 - 2 Robert Tregoning - FFR Overview for AI Workshop. (15 page(s), 11/9/2021)
- ML21326A185 - 3 Christopher Ritter - DICE LDRD Digital Twin Overview. (18 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A186 - 4 John Feddema - Sandia_Presentation_for_NRC11092021. (8 page(s), 11/9/2021)
- ML21326A187 - 5 Stephen Kleban - NRC IS intro Final. (12 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A188 - 6 Rick Vilim - ANL - NRC 11-09-2021 Rev2 - No Video. (20 page(s), 11/9/2021)
- ML21326A189 - 7 Nathan Shoman - PM and ML WG2N Shoman. (13 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A190 - 8 Jerrold Vincent - Nuclearn Applicability of Large Language Models in Nuclear. (11 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A191 - 9 Satyan Bhongale - NRC_AI_Applications - 20211109. (6 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A192 - 10 Tim Alvey - Exelon 3rd NRC AI Workshop - Final. (15 page(s), 11/9/2021)
- ML21326A193 - 11 Luis Betancourt - 3rd-Data-Science-AI-Workshop-Slides. (4 page(s), 11/22/2021)
- ML21326A194 - NRC Data Science and AI Workshop 3 All_Presentations. (125 page(s), 11/9/2021)