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Final response to FOIA request for documents re specified dockets.Documents in App A already available in PDR.Forwards App B documents.App B documents also available in PDR. Documents for listed dockets could not be located.
Accession Number: ML20235B454
Date Released: Saturday, September 5, 2020
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- ML20235B453 - Final response to FOIA request for documents re specified dockets.Documents in App A already available in PDR.Forwards App B documents.App B documents also available in PDR. Documents for listed dockets could not be located. (5 page(s), 9/22/1987)
- ML20235C834 - Advises of current status of project & summarizes actions planned for accomplishment during suspension period, irrespective of outcome of ASLAP proceedings.Plan directed toward reactivation of project during Fourth Quarter 1976. (3 page(s), 5/23/1975)
- ML20235D156 - Comments on environ rept for plant.Intends to pursue comments w/util.Comments may be incorporated in NRC DES. (2 page(s), 11/12/1975)
- ML20235B533 - Advises that due to listed circumstances,plant will be deferred until future date. (1 page(s), 11/13/1969)
- ML20235C752 - Summary of 741230 meeting w/util to discuss schedule for resolving open items & to discuss revised schedule for issuance of plant SER.Attendee list encl.W/o encl. (3 page(s), 1/28/1975)
- ML20235C764 - Advises that util has no current plans to submit new applications between now & beginning of FY78,per NRC 750307 request re application submittals. (2 page(s), 3/12/1975)
- ML20235D728 - Discusses schedule for radiological safety review of application for CPs for plant.Summary of more important radiological safety review milestones encl for info & review. (5 page(s), 8/4/1977)
- ML20235B608 - Submits summary of present status of Newbold Island review, per request.Initial public hearings held on 720612-15.DES scheduled for issuance on 721220. (5 page(s), 12/8/1972)
- ML20235D678 - Discusses util 770609 request that 770705 site suitability hearings remain in effect regardless of deferment of plant. ASLB requested to postpone site suitability hearings & solicit views of all parties on listed items. (2 page(s), 6/21/1977)
- ML20235B812 - Application for Amend 13 to application for CP,per AEC 731005 ltr.Units renamed as Hope Creek Generating Station, Units 1 & 2. (3 page(s), 11/1/1973)
- ML20235D467 - Corrected notification of 770310 meeting w/util in Bethesda, MD,changing meeting time. (1 page(s), 3/8/1977)
- ML20235C029 - Forwards Rev 5 to environ repts,per request to JT Boettger. Matl submitted w/Amend 13 re environ & supplemental environ repts. (49 page(s), 11/15/1973)
- ML20235C415 - Expresses concern re energy crisis proclaimed by Ofc of President & unreasonable length of time needed to construct & license nuclear power plants. (4 page(s), 5/24/1974)
- ML20235C914 - Responds to 750528 ltr requesting schedule for providing detailed info on Mark III containment sys for plant.Plans to submit info during first half of 1978.Engineering largely suspended due to deferment of commercial operation dates. (2 page(s), 6/6/1975)
- ML20235C518 - Ack receipt of AEC 740913 ltr re revised safety review schedule for plant.Believes schedule realistic.Stresses importance that licensing processes associated w/application proceed as expeditiously as possible. (2 page(s), 9/27/1974)
- ML20235C466 - Advises of change in established schedule for environ review of application for CPs for proposed plant.Issuance of FES now targeted for 741122.Environ hearings estimated to commence on 750121. (2 page(s), 9/25/1974)
- ML20235D449 - Notice of 770310 meeting w/util in Bethesda,MD to discuss NRC environ review of plant application. (1 page(s), 3/8/1977)
- ML20235D709 - Advises of OELD concurrence on proposed ltr to util re environ review schedule for plant,subj to listed observations. (1 page(s), 2/3/1978)
- ML20235B509 - Forwards util 691113 ltr advising that plans for facility deferred until future date,for info.Proposed plant would have been located at Seabrook,NH. (1 page(s), 12/15/1969)
- ML20235B723 - Discusses review of application & uncertainty re ability to obtain allocation of Delaware River water.Requests that util furnish evidence of firm commitment,not contingent on Tocks Island project re allocation of required water for plant. (1 page(s), 11/30/1972)
- ML20235D604 - Forwards news release issued today by util announcing indefinite deferral of Unit 1,reflecting further revs to load forcasts.Site will be retained for eventual const of nuclear power plant.Related correspondence. (2 page(s), 6/9/1977)
- ML20235C252 - Responds to 731102 ltr to LM Muntzing re explanation of AEC basis for relocation of proposed Newbold Island facilities to Artificial Island,Salem County,NJ. (3 page(s), 1/2/1974)
- ML20235D681 - Summary of 780822 meeting w/util in Bethesda,MD to discuss outstanding issues in NRC review of reactivated application for CP for facility. (6 page(s), 8/31/1978)
- ML20235D541 - Response to ASLB 770510 prehearing conference inquiry re what effect 2-yr deferral of Unit 1 might have on alternate site review.Deferral should have no effect on how ASLB conducting review.Certificate of Svc encl. (4 page(s), 5/20/1977)
- ML20235D235 - Discusses proposed CP stage health & safety review schedule for util application for CP docketed on 751107.Proposed schedule includes 761004 as date for issuing SER w/final SSER scheduled for 770110. (3 page(s), 11/24/1975)
- ML20235C285 - Requests explanation re AEC conclusion that location for two proposed nuclear power plants should be moved from Newbold Island south of Trenton,NJ to Artificial Island in Salem County,NJ. (1 page(s), 11/2/1973)
- ML20235D302 - Discusses establishment of schedule for review of application for CP for facility.Estimates partial initial decision on NEPA & site suitability matters to be issued on 770423.Comments on encl summary of milestones requested. (4 page(s), 12/10/1975)
- ML20235B695 - Discusses review of application & uncertainty re ability to obtain allocation of Delaware River water.Requests that util furnish evidence of firm commitment,not contingent on Tocks Island project re required amount of water for plant. (2 page(s), 11/30/1972)
- ML20235D117 - Forwards addl questions requiring formal responses.Amended responses required to remainder of incompletely answered questions listed in Encl 1.Responses also needed to questions listed in Encl 2.Responses requested by 751208. (6 page(s), 11/21/1975)
- ML20235C965 - Notification of 750819 meeting w/util in Bethesda,MD to discuss util concerns re completion of plant review. (2 page(s), 8/12/1975)
- ML20235D695 - Informs of revised schedule for remaining milestones in environ review of application for CPs for plant.Revised schedule encl. (4 page(s), 2/9/1978)
- ML20235C216 - Discusses establishment of schedule for AEC review of application for const permits for proposed plant.Issuance of SER targeted for 740805 & draft environ statement for 740314.Review schedule & summary of milestones encl. (4 page(s), 12/14/1973)
- ML20235B635 - Understands that AEC processing CP applications & preparing environ analyses for plants.Advises that AEC should not take any action on either plant until question of availability w/o Tocks Island project resolved. (2 page(s), 11/3/1972)
- ML20235D347 - Forwards Rev 1 to environ rept,consisting of revised Chapter 1.Rev reflects changes in scheduled commercial operating dates & updates projected loads w/most recent load forecast. W/o Rev 1. (4 page(s), 6/11/1976)
- ML20235C322 - Forwards detailed schedule for radiological safety & environ portions of review of application for CPs for proposed plant,for review & approval. (2 page(s), 1/2/1974)
- ML20235B672 - Responds to 721103 ltr to Chairman Schlesinger re plants. Applicants advised that AEC will not be in position to establish final position from environ or safety standpoint until water availability question further clarified. (1 page(s), 11/30/1972)