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Forwards addl info in response to draft SER Open Item 354, including Mechanical Engineering Branch questions in 830819 & 25 ltrs.
Accession Number: ML18018A805
Date Released: Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Package Contents
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- ML18018A803 - Forwards addl info in response to draft SER Open Item 354, including Mechanical Engineering Branch questions in 830819 & 25 ltrs. (10 page(s), 9/19/1983)
- ML18018A808 - QC Procedure 120, "Hydrostatic Testing (Critical Svc)." (5 page(s), 7/1/1980)
- ML18018A809 - Rev 3 to QA Instruction QAI-212, "Training & Qualification of QA Personnel." (15 page(s), 6/18/1980)
- ML18018A810 - "Seismic Qualification Envelope:Limitorque Valve Actuators." (34 page(s), 1/11/1980)
- ML18018A811 - Rev 1 to "Rept of Test on Seismic Vibration Testing of One Limitorque SMB-000/HOBC Actuator for Limitorque Corp." (25 page(s), 3/13/1979)
- ML18018A812 - Rev 1 to "Rept of Test on Seismic Vibration Testing One Limitorque SMB-000/HOBC Actuator W/Seismic Adaptor for Limitorque Corp." (17 page(s), 3/13/1979)
- ML18018A813 - "Seismic Test SMB-000/HOBC." (8 page(s), 9/19/1983)
- ML18018A814 - Rev 1 to "Rept of Test on Seismic Vibration Testing of Limitorque SMB-1/H3BC Actuators for Limitorque Corp." (63 page(s), 6/11/1979)
- ML18018A815 - "Rept of Fragility Test on SMB-1-25/H4BC W/Std Cast Adapter for Limitorque Corp." (66 page(s), 12/17/1975)
- ML20085J680 - Rev 0 to Engineering Spec JSN-T35, "Seat Testing & Disc Hydrostatic Testing - 5 Minute Duration." (11 page(s), 1/24/1978)
- ML18018A817 - Rev 0 to Procedure 4-106, "Cold Bending of Carbon Steel & Ferritic Alloy." (5 page(s), 5/4/1973)
- ML18018A818 - Rev 0 to Procedure 4-107, "Cold Bending of Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping." (4 page(s), 5/4/1973)
- ML18018A819 - Rev 0 to Procedure 4-108, "Hot Bending of Carbon Steel & Ferritic Alloys." (7 page(s), 5/4/1973)
- ML18018A820 - Rev 0 to Procedure 4-109, "Hot Bending of Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping." (15 page(s), 5/4/1973)
- ML18018A821 - Procedure MNE-65, "Pipe Line Sizing Guide." (9 page(s), 6/20/1970)
- ML18018A822 - Rev 8 to Site Spec 030, "Field Fabrication & Erection of Power Pipe." (34 page(s), 3/29/1983)
- ML18018A823 - Engineering Procedure 3.2, "Design Change Control." (71 page(s), 8/19/1983)