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MELCO's Responses to MELTAC Topical Report Revision 0 RAI #1 (TAC No. MF4228)(Regarding, Items No.1 through No.3 for JEXU-1041-1023, "Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification" and Item No.2 for JEXU-1041-1025, "Summary of MELTAC Platform.....
Accession Number: ML16291A159
Date Released: Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Package Contents
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- ML16291A160 - MELCO's Responses to MELTAC Topical Report Revision 0 RAI #1 (TAC No. MF4228)(Regarding, Items No.1 through No.3 for JEXU-1041-1023, "Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification" and Item No.2 for JEXU-1041-1025, "Summary of MELTAC Platform..... (2 page(s), 10/17/2016)
- ML16291A161 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - Affidavit. (2 page(s), 1/17/2016)
- ML16291A163 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - 1 for JEXU-1041-1023, "Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification", Rev. 2. (2 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A165 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - 2 for JEXU-1041-1023, "Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification," Rev. 2. (1 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A167 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - 3 for JEXU-1041-1023, "Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification," Rev. 2. (1 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A169 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - 2 for JEXU-1041-1025, "Summary of MELTAC Platform QA". (1 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A171 - JEXU-1041-1026-NP, Rev. 3, "Mitsubishi Electric Corp - Summary of MELTAC Platform Equipment Qualification." (105 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A173 - JEXU-1041-1026-NP, Rev. 3, "Mitsubishi Electric Corp - Summary of MELTAC Platform V&V." (99 page(s), 10/15/2016)
- ML16291A175 - JEXU-1041-1124-NP "Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - Summary of MELTAC Platform CGD Activity." (39 page(s), 10/15/2016)