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PSEG Early Site Permit Application, Response to Request for Additional Information, No. Env-02, ESP EIS 2.2 - Land Use.
Accession Number: ML122860214
Date Released: Monday, December 24, 2012
Package Contents
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- ML12286A186 - PSEG Early Site Permit Application, Response to Request for Additional Information, No. Env-02, ESP EIS 2.2 - Land Use. (72 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A197 - TR-441, Rev. 4, "Traffic Impact Analysis at the PSEG Site Preliminary Findings Report", Cover through Appendix B, Traffic Data Collected in Field, Page B-204. (307 page(s), 8/28/2009)
- ML12286A198 - GIS Analysis of Potential Off-Site Transmission Macro-Corridors, Revision 1, Cover through Figure 3-4, Streams and NWI Wetlands within Potential Off-Site Transmission Macro-Corridors, Sheet 4, Rev. A. (40 page(s), 1/26/2010)
- ML12286A199 - TR-441, Rev. 4, "Traffic Impact Analysis at the PSEG Site Preliminary Findings Report", Appendix B, Traffic Data Collected in Field, Page B-205 through Appendix K, LOS Analysis Worksheets, Page K-121. (307 page(s), 8/28/2009)
- ML12286A200 - GIS Analysis of Potential Off-Site Transmission Macro-Corridors, Revision 1, Figure 3-4, Streams and NWI Wetlands within Potential Off-Site Transmission Macro-Corridors, Sheet 5, Rev. A through Figure 3-6, Sheet 8, Rev. A. (20 page(s), 1/26/2010)
- ML12286A202 - GIS Analysis of Potential Off-Site Transmission Macro-Corridors, Revision 1, Figure 3-7, Sheet 1, Rev. A through Figure 3-8, Sheet 8, Rev. A. (16 page(s), 1/26/2010)
- ML12286A212 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-1-1, NJDEP 2007 Land Use/Land Cover Within the PSEG Site. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A213 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-2-1, Existing Heavy Industry - Transportation - Utility Node Boundary. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A215 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-2-2, Proposed Heavy Industry - Transportation - Utility Node Boundary. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A216 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-4-1, Alternative Site 4-1 Deed Restricted Parcels. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A217 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-4-2, Alternative Site 7-3 Deed Restricted Parcels. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A218 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-4-3, Alternative Site 7-4 Deed Restricted Parcels. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A219 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-5-1, Alternative Site 7-1 Farmland Preservation Land. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A207 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-5-2, Alternative Site 7-2 Farmland Preservation Land. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A208 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-5-3, Alternative Site 7-3 Farmland Preservation Land. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A209 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-5-4, Alternative Site 4-1 Farmland Preservation Land. (1 page(s), 10/1/2012)
- ML12286A210 - Figure ESP EIS 2.2-7-1, PSEG Site ESP. (1 page(s), 9/27/2012)
- ML12349A159 - SL-010093, Rev. 0, "Nuclear Development Project Soil Management Study," Cover through Appendix B Cover. (165 page(s), 3/12/2010)