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Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report (RAPR) providing a summary of groundwater remediation activities conducted since the submission of the previous RAPR in May 2005 at the PSEG Nuclear, LLC Salem Generating Station (the Station).
Accession Number: ML052300412
Date Released: Friday, August 26, 2005
Package Contents
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- ML052300418 - Quarterly Remedial Action Progress Report (RAPR) providing a summary of groundwater remediation activities conducted since the submission of the previous RAPR in May 2005 at the PSEG Nuclear, LLC Salem Generating Station (the Station). (36 page(s), 8/31/2005)
- ML052300424 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station, Artificial Island, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Drawing 2, Station Layout. (1 page(s), 4/26/2004)
- ML052300428 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station, Artificial Island, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Drawing 3, Groundwater Tritium Results. (1 page(s), 7/25/2005)
- ML052300432 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station, Artificial Island, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Drawing 5, Water Table Elevation Contours Prior to System Start-up March 19, 2004. (1 page(s), 4/6/2004)
- ML052300435 - PSEG Nuclear, LLC, Salem Generating Station, Artificial Island, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Drawing 6, Water Table Elevation Contours During Operating of Permanent System, July 7, 2005. (1 page(s), 12/30/2004)