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FOIA/PA-2004-0243 - Resp 2 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML041940247
Date Released: Friday, July 16, 2004
Package Contents
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- ML041940255 - FOIA/PA-2004-0243 - Resp 2 - Partial. (3 page(s), 7/8/2004)
- ML003670541 - IR 05000324-99-008 & IR 05000325-99-008, On 10/24/1999 - 12/04/1999, for Brunswick Steam Electric Station. This Integrated Inspection Included Aspects of Licensee Operations, Engineering, Maintenance, and Plant Support. (23 page(s), 1/3/2000)
- ML993470107 - LER 99-009-00, "Unplanned Reactor Feed Pump Trip Results in Insertion of Manual Reactor Trip." With 991206 letter. (6 page(s), 12/6/1999)
- ML003701850 - BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-325 AND 50-324 LICENSE NOS. DPR-71 AND DPR-62 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 1-00-001 (12 page(s), 4/3/2000)
- ML003707933 - IR-2000-02, Brunswick (17 page(s), 4/25/2000)
- ML011220389 - IR 05000325-00-06, IR 05000324-00-06, on 12/31/00 - 03/31/01, Carolina Power and Light Company, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 & 2. Operability evaluations. (34 page(s), 4/26/2001)
- ML003704275 - IR-00-002, Susquehanna-Resident (18 page(s), 4/18/2000)
- ML041940261 - Event Number: 36750. (2 page(s), 3/3/2000)
- ML041940268 - Event Number: 36751. (2 page(s), 3/3/2000)
- ML041940272 - Event Notification 35445 for Dresden Unit 3. (1 page(s), 3/5/1999)
- ML041940280 - Event Notification 36671 for Quad Cities Unit 2. (1 page(s), 2/9/2000)
- ML041940270 - Reportability Determination Condition Report No. 319646 for Susquehanna, Unit 2. (8 page(s), 3/14/2001)
- ML041940274 - Event Notification 39945 for Columbia Unit 2. (1 page(s), 6/16/2003)