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FOIA/PA-2004-0001 - Resp 2 - Final.
Accession Number: ML040890653
Date Released: Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Package Contents
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- ML040890651 - FOIA/PA-2004-0001 - Resp 2 - Final. (4 page(s), 3/15/2004)
- ML040890655 - Memo from Robert Pierson, Director, FCSS, NMSS, to William Dean, OEDO, subject: Presentations to RF Gosatomnadzor, May 19-30, 2003. (11 page(s), 5/9/2003)
- ML040980520 - Memo from Robert Pierson to William Dean, Subject: Presentations to RF Gosatomnadzor, May 26-30, 2003, with attach viewgraphs. (254 page(s), 5/15/2003)
- ML040890656 - E-mail from Andrew Persinko, Subject: Quick Look Report: Moscow May 19-30. (1 page(s), 6/3/2003)
- ML040890657 - Memo from Andrew Persinko to Martin Virgilio, NMSS, subject: May 19-30, 2003, Meeting Summary: Russian Plutonium Disposition Program Meeting, with attached Foreign travel trip report with attachments. (9 page(s), 7/16/2003)
- ML040890659 - Memo from Frank Akstulewicz to Suzanne Black, NRR, subject: Foreign Trip Report for Workshop on Weapons-Grade Plutonium Fuel Qualification with the Russian Regulatory Agency Gosatomnadzor (GAN). (4 page(s), 8/26/2003)
- ML040890662 - Memo from Robert Pierson to Martin Virgilio, subject: July 21 - August 1, 2003, Trip Report on Russian Plutonium Disposition Program Workshops and Meetings. (11 page(s), 9/4/2003)