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FOIA/PA-2003-0184 - Resp 1 - Partial.
Accession Number: ML040830079
Date Released: Friday, February 27, 2004
Package Contents
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- ML040830075 - FOIA/PA-2003-0184 - Resp 1 - Partial. (8 page(s), 2/19/2004)
- ML013240541 - G20010524/LTR-01-0613 - Rep. Edward J. Markey Ltr re: Security of Spent Fuel and Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors Against a Terrorist Attack (12 page(s), 11/19/2001)
- ML013530413 - G20010524/LTR-01-0613; G20010528/LTR-01-0620; G20010541/LTR-01-0633 - Edward J. Markey Ltr. Re: Multiple secruity issues (2 page(s), 3/4/2002)
- ML021430359 - 05/23/02 Final Testimony Presented by Dr. Richard A. Meserve Before Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources Concerning Regulation of Potential Repository at Yucca Mountain. (10 page(s), 5/23/2002)
- ML040830085 - Undated Article, "Clarification Regarding Impact of Canister Building Design Changes On Air Crash Hazard." (4 page(s), 2/19/2004)
- ML040830087 - Undated Handwritten Notes Regarding General Comments on 10/06/01 Report. (1 page(s), 2/19/2004)
- ML040830089 - 01/08/02 E-mail from J Guttmann to D Dorman et al Regarding Meeting with Boeing - Contract for 767 Structural Model. (1 page(s), 1/8/2002)
- ML040830090 - 01/17/02 Transcript of Press Conference of NRC Chairman Richard Meserve before the National Press Club, Washington, DC. (11 page(s), 1/17/2002)
- ML040830092 - 01/22/02 E-mail from R Shewmaker Regarding Information for Review and Comment. (5 page(s), 1/22/2002)
- ML040830094 - 01/23/02 E-mail from A. Giantelli to R. Shewmaker Regarding Information for Review and Comment. (1 page(s), 1/23/2002)
- ML040830095 - 01/23/02 E-mail from R. Shewmaker Regarding Meeting Today (Wed, 1/23/02). (3 page(s), 1/23/2002)
- ML040830098 - 01/28/02 E-mail from S. Baggett to R. Shewmaker Regarding Draft for Spent Fuel Storage Vulnerability. (1 page(s), 1/28/2002)
- ML040830100 - 01/28/02 E-mail from C. Bajwa to R. Shewmaker Regarding Draft for Spent Fuel Storage Vulnerability. (1 page(s), 1/28/2002)
- ML040830104 - 01/29/02 E-mail from J. Guttmann to R. Shewmaker Regarding Example Table for Vulnerability Rating. (2 page(s), 1/29/2002)
- ML040830106 - 01/31/02 E-mail from C. Bajwa to B. White, R. Shewmaker and R. Parkhill Regarding Analysis Models for Vulnerability Study. (1 page(s), 1/31/2002)
- ML040830113 - E-mail from Christopher Bajwa to Robert Shewmaker re: Wednesday's Presentation. (1 page(s), 2/5/2002)
- ML040830115 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Jack Guttmann re: Wednesday's Presentation. (1 page(s), 2/5/2002)
- ML040830117 - E-mail from Henry Lee to Carl Withee, Robert Shewmaker, Steven Baggett, re: Guttmann Meeting with Spent Fuel Storage Group. (1 page(s), 2/7/2002)
- ML040830120 - E-mail from Henry Lee to Daniel Huang, David Tang, Kazimieras Campe, Li Yang, Mahendra Shah, Robert Shewmaker re: Structural Group Vulnerability Assessment Meeting. (4 page(s), 2/11/2002)
- ML040830123 - E-mail from Rebecca Karas to Daniel Huang, et al re: Meeting with NAC on Airplane Crash into UMS Cask, with Attachment. (2 page(s), 2/21/2002)
- ML040830124 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Barbara Jo White, Jack Guttman, Robert Shewmaker, Fon Parkhill re: Contract with Boeing. (2 page(s), 4/17/2002)
- ML040830125 - E-mail from Earl Easton to William Brach re: Outline. (1 page(s), 6/20/2002)
- ML040830127 - E-mail from Jack Guttmann re: Fwd: Outline. (1 page(s), 6/21/2002)
- ML040890038 - E-mail from Bernard White to Christopher Bajwa, et al re: Tentative Agenda is Attached. (1 page(s), 7/31/2002)
- ML040890039 - E-mail from Bernard White to Charles Interrante et al re: Fwd: Tentative Agenda is Attached. (1 page(s), 8/1/2002)
- ML040890041 - E-mail from Bernard White to Jeremy Sprung re: Tentative Agenda is Attached. (3 page(s), 8/1/2002)
- ML040890043 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bernard White et al, re: Fwd: Alternative Two-day Agenda. (1 page(s), 8/5/2002)
- ML040890047 - E-mail from Jeremy Sprung to Jeffrey Smith et al, re: NRC Vulnerability Study August 14 & 15 Review Meeting Agenda. (3 page(s), 8/5/2002)
- ML040890050 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bernard White et al, re: NRC Vulnerability Study August 14 & 15 Review Meeting Agenda. (1 page(s), 8/7/2002)
- ML040890053 - E-mail from Jeffrey Smith to Mahendra Shah re: Aircraft Analyses Assumptions. (1 page(s), 8/21/2002)
- ML040890055 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bernard White et al re: O&As on NEI Release. (1 page(s), 8/29/2002)
- ML040890059 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Ann Ramey-Smith et al, re: Information Exchange - Sandia Work - Vulnerbility Assessment. (1 page(s), 8/29/2002)
- ML040890065 - E-mail from Daniel Huang re: Outline of 093002 Report. (1 page(s), 8/29/2002)
- ML040890089 - E-mail from Jeffrey Smith to Bernard White re: Outline of 093002 Report. (1 page(s), 8/29/2002)
- ML040890091 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bernard White et al re: Outline of September 30th Report from SNL. (1 page(s), 9/3/2002)
- ML040890093 - E-mail from Ron Parkhill to Bernard White et al re: Outline of Sept 30th Report from SNL. (1 page(s), 9/3/2002)
- ML040890095 - E-mail from Daniel Huang to Bernard White re: Fwd Outline of 093002 Report. (1 page(s), 9/12/2002)
- ML040890097 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Bernard White re: Fwd: Outline of 093002 Report. (1 page(s), 9/12/2002)
- ML040890101 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Bernard White re: Could we Move Meeting up from 3pm to 2pm? (1 page(s), 9/19/2002)
- ML040890103 - E-mail to Robert Shewmaker to B. Whitaker, D. Huang, M. Shah, & R. Parkhill re: Purdue Pentagon Team on Boeing. (1 page(s), 9/26/2002)
- ML040890105 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Proposed Outline for White Paper. (1 page(s), 10/2/2002)
- ML040890108 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bret Tegeler & Roger Kenneally re: Call with Boeing. (1 page(s), 10/16/2002)
- ML040890111 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Doug Ammerman re: Reference for Impact Test Data. (1 page(s), 10/17/2002)
- ML040890118 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Mahendra Shah re: Comments on Sandia Report - Chapter 2. (1 page(s), 10/24/2002)
- ML040890120 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Ann Ramey-Smith re: Sandia Draft Report on ISFSI - Jetliner Impact Analyses. (1 page(s), 10/25/2002)
- ML040890122 - E-mail from Ron Parkhill to Mahendra Shah re: Could you Please Send a Copy of Boeing Subcontract? (1 page(s), 11/7/2002)
- ML040890124 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Bernard White re: White Plane Paper. (1 page(s), 11/14/2002)
- ML040890125 - E-mail to Robert Shewmaker to Bernard White re: Mark up of White Paper Draft #2. (1 page(s), 11/19/2002)
- ML040890042 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Structural Calculations. (1 page(s), 11/21/2002)
- ML040890048 - E-mail from Bernard White to Antonio Dias et al re: Rev 2 White Paper. (1 page(s), 11/25/2002)
- ML040890052 - E-mail from Christopher Bajwa to Bernard White et al re: Revision 3 of White Paper. (1 page(s), 11/25/2002)
- ML040890056 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Jack Guttmann re: SFPO Input to Rosano on Markey #G20020691. (2 page(s), 12/16/2002)
- ML040890058 - E-mail from Jack Guttmann to Mahendra Shah re: Change to Meeting Location. (2 page(s), 12/16/2002)
- ML040890060 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah from Adelaide Giantelli re: Telephone call with Sandia on Vulnerabillity - 3:00 pm today. (1 page(s), 12/18/2002)
- ML040890064 - E-mail from Mehendra Shah to Danel Huang re: Fwd: Aircraft Studies & Analysis. (2 page(s), 12/18/2002)
- ML040890067 - E-mail from Jeffrey Smith to Mahendra Shah re: FW: Pentagon Report. (3 page(s), 12/19/2002)
- ML040890068 - E-mail from M. Wayne Hodges to Bernard White et al re: Fwd: NEI News Release & EPRI Analysis. (1 page(s), 12/23/2002)
- ML040890070 - E-mail from Bernard White to Earl Easton et al re: Next Meeting of VAC Scheduled February 9. (1 page(s), 1/9/2003)
- ML040890073 - E-mail from Daniel Huang to Adelaide Giantelli re: FW: Phone Call Tomorrow. (1 page(s), 1/10/2003)
- ML040890075 - E-mail from Bernard White re: FW: Phone Call Tomorrow. (3 page(s), 1/10/2003)
- ML040890077 - E-mail from Mahendra Shah to Bernard White, Daniel Huang, Robert Shewmaker & Ron Parkhill re: CTH Movies. (2 page(s), 1/10/2003)
- ML040890079 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Phone Call with SNL to Discuss Impact Analysis. (1 page(s), 1/13/2003)
- ML040890081 - E-mail from Bernard White to Ann Ramey-Smith et al re: Slides & Talking Points for NEI Meeting. (1 page(s), 1/13/2003)
- ML040890082 - E-mail from Bernard White to E. W. Brach re: Fwd: RIVA Guidance Document. (1 page(s), 1/13/2003)
- ML040890126 - E-mail from Bernard White to Earl Easton re: Fwd: Draft Vulnerability Assessment Team Retreat Agenda. (1 page(s), 2/3/2003)
- ML040890128 - E-mail from Bernard White to Antonio Dias re: Bullet Summary to Bernie on SNL Trip. (1 page(s), 2/3/2003)
- ML040890129 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Copies of Information from out Discussion Wednesday Afternoon. (1 page(s), 2/3/2003)
- ML040890130 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Fwd: Guidance on Vulnerability Assessments. (1 page(s), 2/10/2003)
- ML040890131 - E-mail from Steven Baggett to Catherine Poland re: Upcoming Items for EDO and/or OCM from 2/10/03 through 3/21/03. (1 page(s), 2/12/2003)
- ML040890134 - E-mail from Bernard White to Daniel Huang, Mahendra Shah, Robert Shewmaker & Ron Parkhill re: Fwd Approach Document. (1 page(s), 2/20/2003)
- ML040890136 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Comments. (1 page(s), 2/21/2003)
- ML040890139 - E-mail from M. Wayne Hodges re: Fwd: FYI - Spent Fuel Pool Consequences Report. (1 page(s), 2/24/2003)
- ML040890142 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Fwd: FYI Spent Fuel Pool Consequences Report. (1 page(s), 2/24/2003)
- ML040890146 - E-mail from Bernard White re: Executive Summary. (1 page(s), 2/26/2003)
- ML040890151 - E-mail from Robert Shewmaker to Mahendra Shah re: Comments on Documents from SNL. (1 page(s), 2/27/2003)
- ML040890153 - Pictures of Boeing Planes. (1 page(s), 2/19/2004)