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South Texas, Revised Request to Implement a Risk-Informed Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves Beginning the Second 10-Year Interval (Relief Request RR-ENG-IST-2-01).
Accession Number: ML023220163
Date Released: Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Package Contents
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- ML023220093 - South Texas, Revised Request to Implement a Risk-Informed Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves Beginning the Second 10-Year Interval (Relief Request RR-ENG-IST-2-01). (4 page(s), 11/12/2002)
- ML023220125 - Part 1 of 2, South Texas, Revised Request to Implement a Risk-Informed Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves Beginning the Second 10-Year Interval (Relief Request RR-ENG-IST-2-01), Attachments 1 - 3. (132 page(s), 11/12/2002)
- ML023220160 - Part 2 of 2, South Texas, Revised Request to Implement a Risk-Informed Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves Beginning the Second 10-Year Interval (Relief Request RR-ENG-IST-2-01), Attachments 4 - 6. (169 page(s), 11/12/2002)