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Diablo Canyon ISFSI LRA Contested Hearing
Accession Number: ML24165A141
Date Released: Friday, June 14, 2024
Package Contents
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- ML23292A075 - Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-23-04) (0 page(s), 10/19/2023)
- ML23079A214 - Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (0 page(s), 3/20/2023)
- ML23212A966 - Joint Unopposed Motion to Modify Timing of Mandatory Disclosures and Hearing File Obligations (0 page(s), 7/31/2023)
- ML23227A142 - Licensing Board Notification Regarding Pacific Gas and Electric Company Letter DIL-23-005 (0 page(s), 8/15/2023)
- ML23158A261 - Memorandum (Notifying Participants of an Off-The-Record Communication) (0 page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23157A275 - Memorandum (Submission of 10CFR2.315(a) Limited Appearance Statement) (0 page(s), 6/6/2023)
- ML23258A211 - MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Dismissing Contention and Terminating Proceeding) (LBP-23-08) (0 page(s), 9/15/2023)
- ML23200A053 - Memorandum and Order (Granting The Hearing Request of San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace) (LBP-23-07) (0 page(s), 7/19/2023)
- ML23213A089 - Memorandum and Order (Granting the Joint Unopposed Motion to Modify Timing) (0 page(s), 8/1/2023)
- ML23088A151 - Memorandum and Order (Initial Prehearing Order) (0 page(s), 3/29/2023)
- ML23094A134 - Notice of Appearance for Diane Curran (0 page(s), 4/3/2023)
- ML23087A281 - Notices of Appearance for Adam S. Gendelman and Catherine E. Kanatas, Counsel for NRC Staff (0 page(s), 3/28/2023)
- ML23089A339 - Notices of Appearance of Ryan K. Lighty, Paul M. Bessette, and Timothy P. Matthews on behalf of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (0 page(s), 3/30/2023)
- ML23248A222 - NRC Staff Answer to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Disposition of Contention A as Moot (0 page(s), 9/5/2023)
- ML23097A063 - NRC Staff Answer to San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene (0 page(s), 4/7/2023)
- ML23233A181 - Order (Granting Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time) (3 page(s), 8/21/2023)
- ML23097A129 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company Answer Opposing San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene (0 page(s), 4/7/2023)
- ML23236A495 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Disposition of Contention A as Moot (0 page(s), 8/24/2023)
- ML23227A015 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company Notice of Appeal and Brief in Support of Appeal of LBP-23-7 (0 page(s), 8/14/2023)
- ML23073A382 - Re-filed San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace's Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene in License Renewal Proceeding for Diablo Canyon Spent Fuel Storage Installation (0 page(s), 3/14/2023)
- ML23075A339 - Referral Memorandum from the Secretary to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (0 page(s), 3/16/2023)
- ML23186A163 - Revised 13 June 2023 Hearing Transcript (0 page(s), 6/13/2023)
- ML23074A204 - San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace's Hearing Request and Petition to Intervene in License Renewal Proceeding for Diablo Canyon Spent Fuel Storage Installation. (0 page(s), 3/13/2023)
- ML23174A102 - Transcript of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Teleconference, June 13, 2023, Pages 1-70 (0 page(s), 6/23/2023)
- ML23103A394 - San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace's Reply to PG&E's and NRC Staff's Response to Request for Hearing and Petition for Leave to Intervene. (0 page(s), 4/13/2023)
- ML23104A110 - Scheduling Order (Scheduling Oral Argument on Standing and Contention Admissibility) (0 page(s), 4/14/2023)
- ML23150A177 - SCHEDULING ORDER (Rescheduling Oral Argument on Standing and Contention Admissibility) (0 page(s), 5/30/2023)
- ML23157A239 - Limited Appearance Statement from Nina Babiarz in the matter of the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Renewal Application ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/5/2023)
- ML23228A005 - San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Brief on Appeal of LBP-23-07 (0 page(s), 8/16/2023)
- ML23254A387 - San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace's Notice of Withdrawal of Contention A (0 page(s), 9/11/2023)